Encountering Atlanta in the 1960s through Digitized Primary Sources
The Ivan Allen Digital Archive is a digital humanities project that collects the digitized mayoral records of Ivan Allen Jr., the 52nd mayor of Atlanta, from 1962 to 1970. The archive collects material from one of the most historic decades in Atlanta’s history. It functions as the primary digital repository for the history of Mayor Allen’s role in the passage of the Civil Rights Act, the history of race relations in 1960s Atlanta, construction of the Atlanta Stadium, massive changes in desegregation, infrastructure, housing, and transportation overseen by Allen’s administration, and much more. Originally digitized by a team of researchers and students with the support of the Digital Integrated Liberal Arts Center (DILAC) funded by the Mellon Foundation, this Omeka-based project continues to be developed as a pedagogical resource for use in the Writing and Communication Program at Georgia Tech.
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The Summerhill Riot or the Atlanta Rebellion?: Uprising and Inequity in the "City Too Busy To Hate"

The Summerhill Riot is more heavily represented in the Ivan Allen Digital Archive than any other single event from the...