File #10396: ""



ITK.~S O? I !"'U'2~S-~} ~Cl.)/l!~l; ~C; · }0)~ R:\ISE!D ;.\'r }f.SP:.Rif\TGS
OF RIBIC ()?:f' su:::!C:-=-~ii·:?~~- c:-; E(_ECU-:r·rv~ RSOl~GJ:.~TIZ..6..:J~'I0:·-1
6, 1966
( Morning )
BAYARD RUSTII'J , Exe cutive Director , A. E.i,ili_p ·· Randolph Institute
Mr . Rustin e.ttrioui:,ed r ecent :nEJ.r2ifesta tions of r a cial conflict to e.
n at ional sh or cage of jobs , educational opportu.,.'1.i ties , 2.nd housin; 1 which
c reates the fee.r tha t j\iegro advances will prove detrimental to w:C.ites .
He urged the adoption 0£' the proposed 11 freedc:;i budget" so that sc2. rcities
i n the fields of e;u.ployr.ient , ·housing , 2nd educe.tion ce.n ce elimins.ted .
An econo~ic and sociolocica l ana lysis of r a cial prejudice and e.lienation
c ompels the concl usion tha t progress can be achieved only tbrou--3;h a
L'l2.ssive n2.tional commitment to t he :i.r.iprove;rrent of urban concli tions . The
IT:.atn p oints r a j_sed in the testimon y 2.c1d the questioning period were toe
following :
The Effect of tl, e Eousin3 Shortage on n~.ce Relat:i.ons
Mr . Rust:i.n stress e d t:1. e ir:1port,2.nce of ass uri ne; all inco,':le grou:9s effec"-:.i ,:e
a c ces s to tte housi n3 rr,a r~ e t . He pointed out that the existence o:f h oi.;.s i n~
scarcities l ea ds wni·t.cs to support re st rictive prac tic es 2nd f'orces r{e[,;ro-2 s
to l j_ve in substanda rd hous i n.3 .
The Fa ilure of t he 1,:::1 r~-cet ?-'.e cha:1.ism
Mr, Rus tin support e d the view of Profess or G3.lbr2 ith t ha t socia l and estbe~ic
values should have prior:i.ty over fin anc i a l c ons iderat ions in urba n develop:nent .
A . FrlILIP RAJTDOLPrt , President , A. Pnilip R-2.ndolph Institute
Mr. Randolph ana lyzed the probl em of winnins politica l support for the
11 fr eedor:i bud2;et " appro::'. ch to urban prob l en s .
He decl a r e d t 2. c caJ.i t ion
of libe ral el ements could b e fanne d with s,Lfficient stre: Ds;th to ·,ii.n appro,:a l
for t he expenditure of $185 billion of r edera l fu"lds
over a period of ten
yea rs. Th e r:12. in poi n";:,s r ai sed in the testiJ:iony and cluri:!:lg the ques tioning
period 1-:e re the followin g :
Tne ~ i'fect of Fe der2.l Hou.sin~ Polici es
Mr, Ra ncJo1:Jh asserted tte~ FeC::e1-e l prog r-2.2s have subsidized housinsi; fer
persons i n the r:i iod1 e and D.p~e r incc,,:e gr01...r;_:is to the neg;::1.. ect of t he :poor.
The fli ght fro:n the c entra l ci ty to suburbia ha s bee n nac.e p ossible l-i;yFedere.l e:·c-peudi tures , whJ.le a nuch s ~,a.ll e r c:..:ilOUci ::, has gone t o provide
t h e p oor wit:1 hi 6 }1-rise se;rese.ted bousin3: projects. ?-Ir, Rs.ndcl ph noted
tD.2..~ t!:is cc~cli.lsic~1 ~. ,~::.s se-'.: foi-t,':: i:--! tl!e :re;:01.,. ~ cf tI":2 1,.;}1ite }Ic-usr:: C::r:_~~2:r2:-.~c:
on Civil ~ights .
. . ..
The Heed for Planned Soc~al. Ir..·,;estr,1ent
Mr. Randolph advoc a ted the adopU.on of a program of planntne: social
investment in urban develop,ent rather tha n a counter subsidy for l ow-income ,- ·
housing .