File #4039: ""



The Atlanta Urb an Co r ps Board of Trust e es shall be composed
o f the outstan di ng l e aders fro m t he student, educational, busine ss
and gov er nme nt c ommunity i n me tropolitan Atlanta, including the
followin g :
Stud ent Bo dy Pr esident s fro m Atlan t a area colle ges
pa r t icipating in t h e Atl an ta Urban Corps.
Coll ege Pr esid ent s fro m Atlan ta ar e a coll eges participating
i n t he At l anta Urb an Corp s .
The Di recto r s , or th ei r de si gn a t e d repr esentativ e s, of a ge nci e s
u ti lizing fiv e or more in t erns.
The Dire ctor s, or th ei r desi gnat e d r e presen t a t iv e s, of
a genc i e s spon s oring t wo or mo re int e r n s.
St a f f Di rector , St udent Di rec tor, Coll ege Re l at ion s
Board Chairrnan .
Memb e r s of the Exe cu t i ve Board , an d others deem ed
n e c es sary by a maj ori ty o f th e Bo ard o f Trus t e e s.
Th e t e r m of membe r s hi p o f an i ndi v i dua l on th e Board o f Tru st ee s
sha ll be on e ye ar be ginning Apri l 1 o f e a c h y e ar .
The Bo a r d o f Tru s t ee s s ha ll adv i se th e Executiv e Board of
The At l ant a Urban Corps on the ov e rall dev el opment o f th e co l l ege
in t e rn s hip pr ogr a~ . Membe r s of th e Boa rd o f Tru s t ee s a r e fr ee to
at t end a l l mee tiing o f th e Exe cutive Board and to make all
~= ~ti n en t ~e co mmen da t i on s to th e Ex e cu t i v e Boa rd as i t deems de s i rabl e .
Th e Board of Trus t ees shal l be t he u l tima t e po l ic y maki n g body of
th e At l ant a Ur ban Cor ps.
The Board o f Tru s t ees shal l el ect t hr ee non-o pe rational
pro fess iona l s to t he Exe cu t iv e Board . These t hr ee shall include :
on e represen t at i ve of partic ipat i ng coll ege fi nan cial ai d o f fice r s ,
one educato r and one a t - l arge .
Student Dire ctor
St ud en t el e ct ed by Coll ege Relations Bo a r d
Student el ec t ed by Coll ege Re l at ion.s Board
Studont el e ct e d by Coll og0 Re lations Board
Pro gram Dir ector
Prof e ssional repr e s en t ativ e of Stu dent Financial Ai d
Offic ers of pa rt ici pa ting coll ege s
Pr of essi ona l Educator
Prof e ssio nal At - Large
Th e Exe cu t iv e Board s hall be r e spon s i bl e f or ope r at io nal
policy th a t shall be c arr i ed ou t by the St a f f Di r e cto r .
Personne l i nvolv e d i n da y ~t o-da y r e sponsi biliti e s shall ultimat el y
r e port to t h e St a ff Di r e c tor . The Studen t Di r e cto r s hall work
c lo s e l y wi th tho Staff Dir e ctor i n carryin g ou t th e s e r e s pon s ibiliti es .
All membe rs of t ho Exe cutiv e Board will au to mat i cally b e
membe rs o f th e Board o f Trust ee s .
The Board has r e spon s ibility i n th~ fo llo wi ng areas :
1. Th e Board shall approv o a ll Iilt ornship dev el opme nts and shall
de termin e tho ar ea s of Iilt ornshi p . It shall approve a ll n ew
project ar e as for I n t e r nshi ps .
2. The Boar d s hall re evaluat e a ll Int e rnships and r omovo or
r e ns si cn Int e rn s a s it dooms n e c e ssary upon r e co mmenda t ion
by the Personn e l Co mmitt ee .
3. Th e Bo a rd shall mai n t ain fi nancial contro l ov er fun d s a ppro pri at e d to th e ATLANTA URBAN CORPS ~ Administration of sai d
fund s shall be t he r es po n si bility o f the St a ff Dire ctor.
4. Th e Board s hall a ct as a n app eal Gri evanc e Board for a ll
parti es in the ATLANTA URBAN CORPS , j_ n cl udi ng both s tud ent
in t e rn s and the depar t men ts or a genc i es t o which Int e rns ar e
as si gn e d .
5. Th e Boar d s ha ll de t e r mi n e a ll poli ci e s r e ga rdi ng public
r e latio n s and in f o rma t io n r el e a s es .
6. Th o Boar d s ha ll de te r mi ne a ll e duc ational polici e s o f th e
ATLANTA URBAN CORPS upon r e co mmon da tio i1 o f th o Educ at ion
Dire c tor .
7. Th e Board shall d e t e rmine th e poli cy con c e rni n g the pl ac eme n t
o f Urban Corps I nt e r n s i n a gen ci es .
8. The Board shall a s s ume a ll r e spon s i biliti es not he r ei n spe ci f i e d
that ar o d eeme d n e c 8ssa r y to assur e t h e s ucc ess o f th e ATLANTA
9. All of t he Exe c u tiv e Board poli ci e s an d dec i s io n s ar e sub j e c t
t o revi ew by the Bo a rd o f Tr ust ee s a th e Board of Tru st oo s
doom s n e c essary .
St2?f Director
Studen t Dir e ctor
Secretarial : (3 )
(1) Se cret ary
(l ) Assistant Se cre tary
(1) Cl e r k
I I.
Pay rol l: (1 )
(1) Fiscal Dir e ctor
Internshi p Development ( 4)
(1) I nternship Developraent Dire ctor
(3) City , Federal , Extra - city
IV .
Student Recruitment : ( 10 )
(1) Coll ege Relations Board Chairraan
( 9 ) Campu s Coordin a tor
Finan cing : (2 )
Coll ege Work Study Pro gram
(1) Studc11t Fi nancial Aid Coordinator
Privat e
(1) Privat e Financial Aid Coor di nato r
Fi eld Evaluation : ( 6 ) (June - Augu s t)
(1) Fi e l d Eval uation Director
(5 ) Fi el d Staff
Public Re l atio ns : ( 2 )
(1) Publi c Relat ion s Di rector
(1) Publi c Rel ation s Staff
VIII. Educatio n : (3 )
(1) Education Director
Edu cation Staff
As i nitial rccruitmei1 t and i ntern deve l oprnont ar c acco mplish ed
these pe r sonne l may be shi ft ed to f i e l d s taff . Tll o Staff Director
shall appoint a ll personnel uhose appo i ntment ~i_s not spec ifi ed .
These appo i n t men t s are subject to approval of the Executive Board .
The Central Office of the Atlanta Urban Corps shall be
responsible for the normal day-to-day operation of the Atlanta
Urban Corps. Specifically, it is responsible for:
1. Implementing the Internship Program.
2. Processing of Intern requests as dire~ted
by the Executive Board.
3. Processing of Student applications.
Maintaining public relations.
5. Coordinating the educational aspects of the
Atlanta Urban Corps.
6. All other operational aspects of the Atlanta
Urban Corps subject to the review of the
Executive Board.
7. Development of intern positions in participating
8. Compiling and printing forms and brochures for
use in the Urban Corps.
The College Relations Board shall be composed of one student
representative from each of the Atlanta area participating colleges
of tho Atlanta Urban Corps4 Said repres entatives shall be nominated
by the preceding College Relations Board and approved by th:JStudent
Governments on tho respective campuses.
The Coll e ge Relations Board shall elect the Student Director,
the Coll e ge Relations Board Chairman, and approve th e Internship
Development Director appointed by th e Program Director. The
College Relntions Board shall have the power to remov e any of its
selections to the above positions by a unanimous vot e of the Board.
Abov e s elections shall s erv e as ex-officio members of the College
Relations Board. The College Relations Board shall nominate
three non-operational members of the Executive Board subject to
the approval of th e Board of Trust e es.
The Board sha ll advise th e Student Director, Coll e ge Relations
Director, th e Internship Developme nt Director, and th e Fi eld
Eva luatio n s Directo r in a ll matt e rs pe rtaining to th e r elationship
b e t ween participat ing coll ege s and its student s and th e Atl a nta
Urban Corps. Each r epre s entativ e to t h e Board shall be consider e d
th e Atlanta Urban Corps coordinator for his coll e ge and shall
ropr os cnt the Urban Corps on his own campus.
The Education Board of the Atlanta Urban Corps shall be
responsible for the educational aspects of the Atlanta Urban Corps.
1. The Board shall be responsible for making recommenda tions
to the Personnel Committee and to the Executive Board
concerning the educational aspects of the InternBhips.
2. The Board shall be responsible for involving the a cademic
community in the program in a meaningful manner.
3. The Education Board shall recommend all seminars or
additional educational courses to the Executive Board.
It shall also be responsible for exploration of course
cre dit possibilities be tween participating coll ege s and
s tudents a nd also utilization of existing course s for
use by interns.
The Educ a tion Bo a rd shall be chaired by the Education Director.
The size and me nbor s hip s hall be de te rmin ed by the Exe cutive Board.
The Student Director s ha ll appoint all s tuden t r e presenta tive s to
the Education Board subject to the approval of the Coll ege Relations
Staff Direc to r - Chairman
Student Di rector
I ntern coordinator from City Government
Education Director
Fi el d Evaluati on Director
In ternshi p Devel opment Di recto r
Coll ege Rel ations Chairman
I nternshi p Coordinator from Ext ra - city agenci es
The Pe rsonn el Committe e of the ATLANTA URBAN CORPS is
generally r esponsibl e for th e placement and eval uation of Inte rns .
I t rnakes r e commendatio i1s to t he Executive Board conc e rning all
aspects of personnel r elations . Spec i fically , the Committ ee is
responsi bl e for :
Making recommendations regarding i nternship positions
to th e Exe cu tive Board .
2 . Approving tho i nitial assi gnment o f a ll Interns .
3. Makin g re commendations to th e Executive Board on the
removal or reassignment of I n t erns .
4. Reassi gning those Int ~rns that requir e reassi gnment .
5. Conside r a ll pro bl ems conc er ning pe r s onnel r elations
bot~een the Int e rn s and their Supe rvi s ors .
6. The Pe rsonnel Committ oo shall act as th e appeal board
f or all ~r i ovanc os , base d on r ecommendations of the
Fi eld Evaluation Unit .
Tm purpose
of this Fi eld Evaluation Uni t is t wo-fold. to
provide an independent evaluation of th o performanc e of th e s t udent
and the quality of th o assi gnment, and to provide direct assistance
to students and s upe rviso rs in th o r e solution o f difficulti e s.
Writt en fi eld r eports will be compil ed an d ma de av ailabl e to the
institution or spon~oring agency. Fi el d staff membe rs will
routinely visit students a t th eir nork locm..on s , conducting structur e d intervi ews wi t h t hem and thei r supe rvisors .
A joint evalua tio n and r ocommondation r eport will be made
on tho entir e pro gram by t ho fi eld evaluation unit and the Education
Bo a rd n ear th e en d of tho work pe riod.