File #8800: ""



Mayor Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta, Ga.
Mr. Allen,
I am writing in protest to a statement that you made on T.V.
after the election runoff.
You stated that anyone who voted
for Lester Maddox was an idiot or very ignoranto
and I am not ashamed of it.
I voted for
I feel that I was very wise
in doing so and all who voted for hi
used good sense.
people of Geor gia had a choice and taey made it.
Who are you
I've always been told
to stand up and call people i gn orant?
I think you
that it take s an idiot to know one.
ade an idiot
out of yourself by proclaimi g this statement.
What kind of Georgian are you to get
way they voted?
ad at people for the
Have you forgotten that thi s is
Maddox will stand up fo r what h e b elieves i
loving people believe in.
and what the
He will not let ~us doWD
as you and all the others who have run for different offices.
akee all kind of pro,ises before they get 1
after they are e1ected they do not live up to the ·r
We do
not f el that Maddox will break his pro iees that ie why
a jority
voted r or hia o
I believe that Maddox will get a lot
El ct io
ore vote s 1
t he Ge er al
ow that yqu _sai d what you di d , and what t h e p apers
You also eaid that you were goi
el ct i o
day o
�Thie goes to ~how AtlaRta and all of Georgia what kind of
De ocrat you are.
What about the pledge?
do like Charles Welt ner.
be happy if you would.
Maybe you will
I suppose a lot of people would
I don't know what you are afraid
of, but it is about tie that Georgia got a Governor that
would back the people.
am thankful that I don't live in the city of Atlanta, but
am also thankful that I a
a Georgiano
You offered a $10,000.00 reward for information leading to
the arrest of the one guilty of shooting the Ne~ro, but how
much did you offer toward the arrest of the oneeguilty of
hurtin g your police en.
It looks to me like you show more
love for the rioter e than you do for your police forceo
you had used the
oney you offered for reward to g ive the
fir emen a rai s e Atlanta would be b etter of f .
would take Kin ~s advice
you've t ake
h is advic
and put the
Look s lik e you
baek to work , sinc e
before .
I think pe op l e lik e you who are agai et Madd ox should giv
a c han c e , then talk about hi• .
Who know e , he
i ght
ake on e of the be s t Gov er or e we have ev er ha d.
1 d
1 ht chan e about a lot of thi
e, he •i ht paee
a lat where your kid of people (Neiroee ) ea
•ov e 1
I believe the peopl
of Georgia are tired of people like
Sa ders, LoB.Jo, and the Coa u 1st .
They wa t eoae r al full
blood d Aaeri us who will repreeeat th
eo eo e who ie
fr edoa lovi
ot afraid to stand up ad fi ht for
v ryoa e
�rights, aad not try to pueh thinge that are u just down their
I am a ~emocrat and will continue to b e on e a e long ae we
have people like Maddox runming for officee, but ehould a
time cone whe
there i e no fit eugj ect runnin g for the·~
Democratic party the
eon rumni
I would vote Republica• if that per-
c could ateh up with Maddoxo
The American Soldier i e fiihti»~ i
Vi et Nam aiain~t Conn-
unieia ad yet there iB a lot of it here in Aaerica.
Com uniet are eettini back 1auc h1n , at ue b ecau ee of p e ople
like youo
Si cerely,
Soneo e from Maddox Cou try.