Box 3, Folder 7, Document 50

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Box 3, Folder 7, Document 50

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August 8, 1969

Mr. Les Persells
Executive Director
Atlanta Housing Authority

824 Hurt Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Les:

It has come to my attention that perhaps the Central Relocation Service is not |
emphasizing private housing resources as much as public housing resources
when assisting persons displaced within the city.

lam certain that this ie wrong and am sure that the agency keeps a complete _
_ up-to-date inventory of private housing resources to refer persons to when 43
they either do not qualify for public housing or could best be served by
relocation in private housing.

So that I can be in a position to answer these questions, I would very much
appreciate it if you could supply me with a memorandum setting forth the
activities of the Central Relocation Service as they relate to private hone
Specifically, the method you use in compiling information on the a

of private housing, possibly a copy of a recent inventory, and the provedara
you use to determine whether or not a displaceé should be referred to private



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