Box 22, Folder 19, Document 4

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Box 22, Folder 19, Document 4

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Knowledgable Persons in Neighborhood Centers Field

Dr. Fred Duhi (Dre. Duhl's brother)
Masse General. Hospital
Boston, Masse

Marvin Labes

Mayor's Committee for Total Action
Against Poverty

Detroit, Michigan

Mr © Lal.l
Director, Poverty Program
New Orleans, Lao

Robert Choate
Public Affairs Foundation
Washington, D. Co

Mel Roman
Albert Einstein College
Bronx, New York

Hyland Lewis
foward University

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Howard Nemoroveki. { ue

San Francisco, California

Norman Lourie
Pa. Dept. of Public Welfare

Lee Rainwater
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri.

Herman Gallegos (Mexican)

National Committee on Civil Rights
Pie }

Barney O'Cayote

U. S. Dept. of Interior

Salt Lake City, Uteh

Preston Wilcox (Negro)

Columbia Univ. School of Social Work

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/ Stern Family Fund

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Sanford K rvitz
Brandeis niversity

Richard Strickhartz
Detroit, Michigan

David Hunter

Henrik Blum Pde
Contra-Costa County Health Dept. t
Martinez, California

Dimitri Iatrices (Greek
Boston College (Available in Uanuary) .

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. Antonia Chayes
ABCD | :
Boston, Mass. = ihe RAE
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Mortimer Brown yt ae

Chicago, Illinois

Richard Poston
N. C. Dept. of Welfare

Dr. George Esser, Director
North Carolina Fund

Francis McKinley (Indian)
Arizona State University

Rev. Arthur Brazier (Negro)
Pres. Woodlawn Orgz.
Chicago, Illinois

John Martin (Negro)
OEO San Francisco Regional Office


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