Dublin Core
Box 3, Folder 8, Document 32
Text Item Type Metadata
pa - — ~ _— —"* eee llr” re ae ea
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of vublic housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
. the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
— _—- J
Tenants United For Fairness |
_ S25 7 |
ghee = = 7 4 7
[ee a a . h WM. i Y 0 A a2) ha : Hh 4 Tf. FO
Brn Las aoe - AS 2 Koren wack < wt $F 6.
£82 i Sf eae
preeyn af! Zeus #2/
168 Grnedy Sh A *O2
ea oe al light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
enants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
ia" to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
rievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
ay Sincerely,
Y) ; Tenants United For Fairness
ke A 0 hah dite ide LES
6 nae pho Wo. ARY Vehn H 360
6 Dybaéstle Wels) | pee om i. hw TE 7
9 Dla lh. b og. A
er si Hast parr?
Ub i o, Ba. ,
Aa akin oo onl
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of oublic housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
endeavors. 4,
Tenants United For Fairness
Diol fs Lik Kl pedlns LiL
Nig. goak ty | Labels cee Supe
Chests, gAnmron ib 7007 Ola e Gul fie
oa "96, ear ne te eae
Wy. eae - Ioxs~ Denial LS #2 /F- 3 iseesp
CLA: LL, C\ Sis Lhwih ht be FZ1EST
Letitia sh ov GEL
JIB Z PO Ciba, Atte4
LEY Ka i ey 82D WAS.
1537 Drew daw #7 92
LAY Parzen DF Md, pe 2VE
Moa Weta, Trassedeche Dene he set FE
zt OLIN: Vit Mj FK
Mobos: 24 whet hee
ee LAD begins x
D653 Wi "Poste Mebbn he Mpnahad
630 0 bare de Le beh Le,
iu Pf ybe , Yoo
| enor Mera Ie. Bote?
bors poate Sei 0495
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
a i a: Ue LT we. BIES
bur ake, Wel nrgepeo A, Sid WAIL
Hie bb. 3 St MoS SUGED
DW Atlin bplleva I2ZF4 areyag VAS aysy
My fas 8 93 peck SP op? PF SH
J--# Me bp Zp \ et ire dd Ff 2 C22
Weg ed: Yus 9, Nudes 10
fas fal “heal “T19 pomone SIH 1.2 0
rae [317 “i oh pa lo, Z es AW
Cael iad Lahn Lies Beethro Dib. L
C Me Kall RM § [I oh MG 52 hig ~
WM rwe 308 Nesnle Lf ll Ll 2
NDtugeL Eg L005 Pero AVES E, 583 STOCK
% Meath folewser 53 heat Hs Ae? <3. aa
Drake A paki Dl he
53 Lo dh SW
OM tikee
Ae ae eff AHF Corrtis ete ey
A tlhe. sh Losbelafag Ti nat ‘og
lng AE i dana Blas Ab BITRE Ce SSW
pte pb #) — si: a Jha Lh LphlIY
aT, eae =
ek | fot Sse
pita > Te | : 2 ef me Laat ge
init. BH case 6) Cais aat buy. BAD
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
ations. ‘|
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at . \
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Sincerely, |
Tenants United For Fairness
' t. \\
1 Ee : \\ Ji Jp ~W. Ch A fy a S a i Xx x Lf ss ms ¥yel ) = r - | ie L = ot hs
(( Soon £ eyo £ O Z er St. /V a
LY} fe Ch, oa - AH: BAZ Wy HOLL ’
Z , :
Wwe ivan Kale oe Ne ges QO 19
Pine hy yn, Veda? Ett Neal obs
wk Z ee eee, s7¥ X 2. » LINN fae :
Th. $rcldic Hendew 46 7-Wedthaide hy fede HLS i
“biel Wildily U7 Vth 1), 7M
iiss Heabr KPa. ae dz. aie
Ms. Tall Hhfler LYS forths. sle Dr Lic.
(gles fc} either tyes Northsi ‘de De? PW
Dah fase [eh UWE Neh fla Daerah
: YI tetthscde Bry ee%
Klahern Swath eo I Noth ihc) !¢
born brton Te pha F470
At ble. Seas a lot evredly Lpus wes
DMA ol in Goapy gs
otk 1 4sy — 4a
fi jetpsshis adore} Lhd. stands Si fw: Ly]
“ian. L ica 47) ugh, L uet Ze
yy AY y, Banc 14-7 Y a At H
ZA Les 6
= on
7, ke
[tof ee
| 494 V rhe, FH LY.
We eaten be Kel EE
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of vublic housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
endeavors. “p)
Sincerely, L By
a Tenants United For Fairness
Le te ain ll KE PEY
Dna tellin Shee | 1470 Dru lh £495)
| Harpe Halas LOZf Panny, FD V32
y lialrant WA feet prey liteh Koay 0 EIS]
ees Lords Bx cf CIS
! Liki kihhy Me G2
a ) c6h| J4/5~ cud fh tPIZ
| | 9897 Kory WO # Jo 3.
9 Hpi Lea BIT Ke DPF
Sato Le pal LC Qawd pl UE)
hdd gage 18 $i clawbetligdl tit
Hit bbeh 4b \V850 bygn
ohlatA ruth (3 SY jucthentalal Cw ee y 2
Lltey (ulbresth LBS 4) tolprepes #4EL
Elid’ udled 882 ha Wd, wd £9
oe re | a. ee
hhewe Ww) att | oa ase tL)
eh Tees ky AIO RS S56
, Mada Litas: VB 27 A ees iia Dix SE
Dhagle Cactgeta) Vai Ux 52d
hea, fe ae oye aie te Let P73.
Hd biel Attuned \JAIS raed dt # 28
EE Me te MM ary 1890 res FE, 0 PET
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
Wiifunbit) Mime 48 Wanhiy MDE, Cpt bee
Diadigo eh 359-JnanbuAdbdé oud 6E5
cn ki) ae ee 362. Ppalz Ba 602)
Ma B oto Beicbdr 1362 batt ice phen (OR
litleise At. eed
eee LS. et Coy
36¢ Palin ASL. Ab Zi
ay & =a
18 AdpAinitred dade aot ~ OW
ae (Abe: |
A eH a ( "A -
dinip i ApS Paks
whe se Ch iGuide [Ze ~ th dra dsen 22 SE AP ?-2LG0
(Delt sis) 0) Wee kv ane “54 b
eee ilete A
107 WvpBont aur SHY
Sst do are a5/S ane Mt SiG os
thn, B U he 21-7 ay Ss Ld UO abe IH 2.( fy, 2 ZL So
eters in ah i
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of vublic housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
endeavors. . L
oo J
Tenants United For Fairness
— Brie iIakeA posed a PaDuy
7 <r é)
Tw fuend, Yaks | bl Kine, Qot9 25
rs OL. polis ee Kiang st 1d,
An tiekemss. Joh LEE Ihbh [us £9, NW HED 354 74472
Cicktum= Chor '\ip KEppete)g
She. Lorne) Brogan [¢8? Kerry On E17
mrp Mr, Clb. Na plore, [276 [ary My, BEV 6
Mle Billlal tbat LZ lp how sla : heer
poate Ke Ke oot SUE A Latg hfs 32
Mee. WMA Ml fa arieg SLE. Lek, Le #5 5G
La Wat De Linen. 152 ley U st
Yneiprion Whe 556 beceg she 53D
My depuis, Ye theply.. 1S 4b Mi ‘Wt BSEAM.
Mas rt oot Khe LESG ies OE E S¥g Dal:
qth Cprbst Li Wwe , Lhp @ =! Mos, Dy arsos
Mbhs« TES Si £ Tate Lut Aiiibbd et GeH3 79
— | \ a
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
,endeavors. 1:
3 A f j
' jt fa ie SO .
er pokes gory Sincerely,
Tenants United For Fairness
Wind Lariat HDD IL) Wandin CL8. UR
ee ge al Sus 4 ascot A 1 Zz
M2 Geel re a eae wae Raab
L242 cosa lla ae Se Ot 74 2~
270A RTIW ST #2 63,
364 Kolly_ Sf. Ge.
et ae tte ee
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet vith our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
Dalit Balen. | cc Prn iat Hev wo
Jeumifen M tHockwweg Lov Capiro| Ave.
Zoe ds Zabel yug Mt Vernen Rel fe.
Poke Cased edd) [pass Mecoms De dE sora
Cuskis Swf LOL] baplal Git, 6 30305
Choe > (Bra 365 Coymolllas? Cat ae)
} Liked ZA rordd l S--11/ » ee i ee fe >
wee ef
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre- ;
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences |
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date en implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
Dap bate — £29- D3 59
| Ma metbtss hate CIz2501
Vthde Mrcsletlatee) Ml blll b= Fg
Atlsde Vrcco 953 HuaTr J} -
£m Mays bow sSFe
Kew 0 aseTab Anas SO be 4 b2b b6IIbHE
SLE. Sey
2A Cofei2e cea ai
Los Haalrsr Rel SW
Wn“) sae Ocae a7,
! L000 (oa led *
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
Us lA Zz L 7! yA ri ae tee he 3 Ste S oh
Feo Lolw ‘Noma Yd fie
no, Elnece) Mepp | 531 Uther LP swept [11
Nae toqjton Ee BL Movtin Sb VE ZEbs 3
Biorbone Bozeman bt
Swhn bve shen be8 Maltin StS8-<- ee Seg
ee Likes yas oi tee, Ste
Dahil Kbit, 5a Kili, SE
ee a
ta sae
age ef} cre eal tO, nl a el
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre- :
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
we SH Pet Gl ea oe SA
yest, pe aus OA toe Ste
4S VY , eg | i, Ca o258 7, LO
BFP ei as Ss ey PLLA / 7]
p= em Uae ee ee
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
paoa A Lee Meta, ) 0BUATAPEAAYH
LY; VD tage” FEL werk 2
ais 5 Fb .dehulicy OVE
ee | 680 © Oh pent acing dcx)
Sunes Q enn ee br Borcher MW:
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of vublic housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems. |
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
Wd ie ess} LZ SGA —— Dew. ts) #97,
Sot eatin == Se
fick Wachis.. L306 fo BR. Nw sx
nA 2 Oh Hepes. 32!”
Us ty Lie wr Ai Held agit
a ani erential
spill Ei satis
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of vublic housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
. the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
— _—- J
Tenants United For Fairness |
_ S25 7 |
ghee = = 7 4 7
[ee a a . h WM. i Y 0 A a2) ha : Hh 4 Tf. FO
Brn Las aoe - AS 2 Koren wack < wt $F 6.
£82 i Sf eae
preeyn af! Zeus #2/
168 Grnedy Sh A *O2
ea oe al light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
enants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
ia" to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
rievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
ay Sincerely,
Y) ; Tenants United For Fairness
ke A 0 hah dite ide LES
6 nae pho Wo. ARY Vehn H 360
6 Dybaéstle Wels) | pee om i. hw TE 7
9 Dla lh. b og. A
er si Hast parr?
Ub i o, Ba. ,
Aa akin oo onl
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of oublic housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
endeavors. 4,
Tenants United For Fairness
Diol fs Lik Kl pedlns LiL
Nig. goak ty | Labels cee Supe
Chests, gAnmron ib 7007 Ola e Gul fie
oa "96, ear ne te eae
Wy. eae - Ioxs~ Denial LS #2 /F- 3 iseesp
CLA: LL, C\ Sis Lhwih ht be FZ1EST
Letitia sh ov GEL
JIB Z PO Ciba, Atte4
LEY Ka i ey 82D WAS.
1537 Drew daw #7 92
LAY Parzen DF Md, pe 2VE
Moa Weta, Trassedeche Dene he set FE
zt OLIN: Vit Mj FK
Mobos: 24 whet hee
ee LAD begins x
D653 Wi "Poste Mebbn he Mpnahad
630 0 bare de Le beh Le,
iu Pf ybe , Yoo
| enor Mera Ie. Bote?
bors poate Sei 0495
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
a i a: Ue LT we. BIES
bur ake, Wel nrgepeo A, Sid WAIL
Hie bb. 3 St MoS SUGED
DW Atlin bplleva I2ZF4 areyag VAS aysy
My fas 8 93 peck SP op? PF SH
J--# Me bp Zp \ et ire dd Ff 2 C22
Weg ed: Yus 9, Nudes 10
fas fal “heal “T19 pomone SIH 1.2 0
rae [317 “i oh pa lo, Z es AW
Cael iad Lahn Lies Beethro Dib. L
C Me Kall RM § [I oh MG 52 hig ~
WM rwe 308 Nesnle Lf ll Ll 2
NDtugeL Eg L005 Pero AVES E, 583 STOCK
% Meath folewser 53 heat Hs Ae? <3. aa
Drake A paki Dl he
53 Lo dh SW
OM tikee
Ae ae eff AHF Corrtis ete ey
A tlhe. sh Losbelafag Ti nat ‘og
lng AE i dana Blas Ab BITRE Ce SSW
pte pb #) — si: a Jha Lh LphlIY
aT, eae =
ek | fot Sse
pita > Te | : 2 ef me Laat ge
init. BH case 6) Cais aat buy. BAD
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
ations. ‘|
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at . \
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Sincerely, |
Tenants United For Fairness
' t. \\
1 Ee : \\ Ji Jp ~W. Ch A fy a S a i Xx x Lf ss ms ¥yel ) = r - | ie L = ot hs
(( Soon £ eyo £ O Z er St. /V a
LY} fe Ch, oa - AH: BAZ Wy HOLL ’
Z , :
Wwe ivan Kale oe Ne ges QO 19
Pine hy yn, Veda? Ett Neal obs
wk Z ee eee, s7¥ X 2. » LINN fae :
Th. $rcldic Hendew 46 7-Wedthaide hy fede HLS i
“biel Wildily U7 Vth 1), 7M
iiss Heabr KPa. ae dz. aie
Ms. Tall Hhfler LYS forths. sle Dr Lic.
(gles fc} either tyes Northsi ‘de De? PW
Dah fase [eh UWE Neh fla Daerah
: YI tetthscde Bry ee%
Klahern Swath eo I Noth ihc) !¢
born brton Te pha F470
At ble. Seas a lot evredly Lpus wes
DMA ol in Goapy gs
otk 1 4sy — 4a
fi jetpsshis adore} Lhd. stands Si fw: Ly]
“ian. L ica 47) ugh, L uet Ze
yy AY y, Banc 14-7 Y a At H
ZA Les 6
= on
7, ke
[tof ee
| 494 V rhe, FH LY.
We eaten be Kel EE
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of vublic housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
endeavors. “p)
Sincerely, L By
a Tenants United For Fairness
Le te ain ll KE PEY
Dna tellin Shee | 1470 Dru lh £495)
| Harpe Halas LOZf Panny, FD V32
y lialrant WA feet prey liteh Koay 0 EIS]
ees Lords Bx cf CIS
! Liki kihhy Me G2
a ) c6h| J4/5~ cud fh tPIZ
| | 9897 Kory WO # Jo 3.
9 Hpi Lea BIT Ke DPF
Sato Le pal LC Qawd pl UE)
hdd gage 18 $i clawbetligdl tit
Hit bbeh 4b \V850 bygn
ohlatA ruth (3 SY jucthentalal Cw ee y 2
Lltey (ulbresth LBS 4) tolprepes #4EL
Elid’ udled 882 ha Wd, wd £9
oe re | a. ee
hhewe Ww) att | oa ase tL)
eh Tees ky AIO RS S56
, Mada Litas: VB 27 A ees iia Dix SE
Dhagle Cactgeta) Vai Ux 52d
hea, fe ae oye aie te Let P73.
Hd biel Attuned \JAIS raed dt # 28
EE Me te MM ary 1890 res FE, 0 PET
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
Wiifunbit) Mime 48 Wanhiy MDE, Cpt bee
Diadigo eh 359-JnanbuAdbdé oud 6E5
cn ki) ae ee 362. Ppalz Ba 602)
Ma B oto Beicbdr 1362 batt ice phen (OR
litleise At. eed
eee LS. et Coy
36¢ Palin ASL. Ab Zi
ay & =a
18 AdpAinitred dade aot ~ OW
ae (Abe: |
A eH a ( "A -
dinip i ApS Paks
whe se Ch iGuide [Ze ~ th dra dsen 22 SE AP ?-2LG0
(Delt sis) 0) Wee kv ane “54 b
eee ilete A
107 WvpBont aur SHY
Sst do are a5/S ane Mt SiG os
thn, B U he 21-7 ay Ss Ld UO abe IH 2.( fy, 2 ZL So
eters in ah i
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of vublic housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
endeavors. . L
oo J
Tenants United For Fairness
— Brie iIakeA posed a PaDuy
7 <r é)
Tw fuend, Yaks | bl Kine, Qot9 25
rs OL. polis ee Kiang st 1d,
An tiekemss. Joh LEE Ihbh [us £9, NW HED 354 74472
Cicktum= Chor '\ip KEppete)g
She. Lorne) Brogan [¢8? Kerry On E17
mrp Mr, Clb. Na plore, [276 [ary My, BEV 6
Mle Billlal tbat LZ lp how sla : heer
poate Ke Ke oot SUE A Latg hfs 32
Mee. WMA Ml fa arieg SLE. Lek, Le #5 5G
La Wat De Linen. 152 ley U st
Yneiprion Whe 556 beceg she 53D
My depuis, Ye theply.. 1S 4b Mi ‘Wt BSEAM.
Mas rt oot Khe LESG ies OE E S¥g Dal:
qth Cprbst Li Wwe , Lhp @ =! Mos, Dy arsos
Mbhs« TES Si £ Tate Lut Aiiibbd et GeH3 79
— | \ a
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
,endeavors. 1:
3 A f j
' jt fa ie SO .
er pokes gory Sincerely,
Tenants United For Fairness
Wind Lariat HDD IL) Wandin CL8. UR
ee ge al Sus 4 ascot A 1 Zz
M2 Geel re a eae wae Raab
L242 cosa lla ae Se Ot 74 2~
270A RTIW ST #2 63,
364 Kolly_ Sf. Ge.
et ae tte ee
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet vith our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
Dalit Balen. | cc Prn iat Hev wo
Jeumifen M tHockwweg Lov Capiro| Ave.
Zoe ds Zabel yug Mt Vernen Rel fe.
Poke Cased edd) [pass Mecoms De dE sora
Cuskis Swf LOL] baplal Git, 6 30305
Choe > (Bra 365 Coymolllas? Cat ae)
} Liked ZA rordd l S--11/ » ee i ee fe >
wee ef
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre- ;
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences |
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date en implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
Dap bate — £29- D3 59
| Ma metbtss hate CIz2501
Vthde Mrcsletlatee) Ml blll b= Fg
Atlsde Vrcco 953 HuaTr J} -
£m Mays bow sSFe
Kew 0 aseTab Anas SO be 4 b2b b6IIbHE
SLE. Sey
2A Cofei2e cea ai
Los Haalrsr Rel SW
Wn“) sae Ocae a7,
! L000 (oa led *
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
Us lA Zz L 7! yA ri ae tee he 3 Ste S oh
Feo Lolw ‘Noma Yd fie
no, Elnece) Mepp | 531 Uther LP swept [11
Nae toqjton Ee BL Movtin Sb VE ZEbs 3
Biorbone Bozeman bt
Swhn bve shen be8 Maltin StS8-<- ee Seg
ee Likes yas oi tee, Ste
Dahil Kbit, 5a Kili, SE
ee a
ta sae
age ef} cre eal tO, nl a el
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre- :
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
we SH Pet Gl ea oe SA
yest, pe aus OA toe Ste
4S VY , eg | i, Ca o258 7, LO
BFP ei as Ss ey PLLA / 7]
p= em Uae ee ee
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of public housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems.
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
paoa A Lee Meta, ) 0BUATAPEAAYH
LY; VD tage” FEL werk 2
ais 5 Fb .dehulicy OVE
ee | 680 © Oh pent acing dcx)
Sunes Q enn ee br Borcher MW:
In the light of the foregoing, we the undersigned
tenants of vublic housing and members of T. U. F. F. request
that you meet with our representatives to discuss our problems. |
We also request that you assist us by arranging for our repre-
sentatives to meet with representatives of the AHA so that our
grievances and our requests may be presented to them.
We sincerely believe that many of our differences
with the AHA can be resolved through frank and sincere negoti-
We seek the opportunity for such negotiations at
the earliest possible date and implore you to assist us in our
Tenants United For Fairness
Wd ie ess} LZ SGA —— Dew. ts) #97,
Sot eatin == Se
fick Wachis.. L306 fo BR. Nw sx
nA 2 Oh Hepes. 32!”
Us ty Lie wr Ai Held agit
a ani erential
spill Ei satis