Dublin Core
Box 3, Folder 14, Document 13
Text Item Type Metadata
June 8, 1970
Mr. Robert E, Scott, Chairman
Mr. Michael Banks, Representative
Central Youth Council
Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
This is to acknowledge your letter requesting representation for the
Central Youth Council on the Community Relations Commission. The
Board of Aldermen at its next meeting will consider an ordinance to
amend the City Charter to provide for the addition of two student
members on the Community Relations Commission,
We hope that the Aldermen will provide these positions to be filled
by young citizens of Atlanta. I will certainly consider your request
if and when Iam called upon to make these appointments.
Sam Massell
ec: Rev. Sam Williams
Mr. Robert E, Scott, Chairman
Mr. Michael Banks, Representative
Central Youth Council
Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
This is to acknowledge your letter requesting representation for the
Central Youth Council on the Community Relations Commission. The
Board of Aldermen at its next meeting will consider an ordinance to
amend the City Charter to provide for the addition of two student
members on the Community Relations Commission,
We hope that the Aldermen will provide these positions to be filled
by young citizens of Atlanta. I will certainly consider your request
if and when Iam called upon to make these appointments.
Sam Massell
ec: Rev. Sam Williams