Dublin Core
Box 3, Folder 14, Document 75
Text Item Type Metadata
Race Relations Commission
Organizes; Gets Challenge
. Atlanta’s new Community Re-
lations Commission, created to
help solve problems of racial
strife, was officially organized
Wednesday and urged to ‘“‘get
out there to the danger spots
as quickly as possible.”
The challenge came from T.
M. Alexander, a member of the
commission, set up recently by
the Atlanta aldermanic board.
Alexander’s comments came
after the 20-member commis-
sion had been sworn in and
was having its first business
Alexander and several other
members expressed the hope
that the commission could move
:swiftly to head off potential
trouble in areas similar to Boule-
|vard and Summerhill where ra-
‘cial incidents erupted in Sep-
Division of the (commission
\into small groups which could
‘move into these ee eXx-
‘plosive areas “and hear
. people” was suggested by ine
Vice Mayor Sam Massell Jr.
declared that with formation of
ity relations come about only as
‘result of crisis and emergency.”
Organization of the commission,
‘said \
ove ts Tea
attorney ; Kaler:
man, will operale italy on
cludes. some. $124 100 to
ele canupes: that racial
Conch idisn
tor’s job.
‘The Rev. Sam Williams, head
of the commission’s screening
committee, said some 17 appli-
cations for the job have already
been received.
Massell urged the commission
to hold ‘‘mass meetings” in At-
lanta neighborhoods in order to
“catalog grievances” of the citi-
He also suggested that the
commission pursue an applica-
tion for an Office of Economie
Opportunity grant in the amount ,
of $130,000 to establish a “fair
housing center’ as an adjunct
Mayor Ivan Allen’s campaign a
for more housing opportunities Massel Alexander
for the lower economic bracket.) Feild said they must decide)
John G. Feild, director of the| ‘whether you're going to do it
Community Relations Service of| yourselves or see that it gets
the U.S. Conference of Mayors, | done.
told the commission members| The Rev. Mr.. Williams was
that they would have to decide|named first vice chairman of
themselves what role they wish| the commission; Helen Bullard,
to play in the city’s racial rela-| second vice chairman, and ‘Mrs.
tions. Fred Patterson, secretary.
Organizes; Gets Challenge
. Atlanta’s new Community Re-
lations Commission, created to
help solve problems of racial
strife, was officially organized
Wednesday and urged to ‘“‘get
out there to the danger spots
as quickly as possible.”
The challenge came from T.
M. Alexander, a member of the
commission, set up recently by
the Atlanta aldermanic board.
Alexander’s comments came
after the 20-member commis-
sion had been sworn in and
was having its first business
Alexander and several other
members expressed the hope
that the commission could move
:swiftly to head off potential
trouble in areas similar to Boule-
|vard and Summerhill where ra-
‘cial incidents erupted in Sep-
Division of the (commission
\into small groups which could
‘move into these ee eXx-
‘plosive areas “and hear
. people” was suggested by ine
Vice Mayor Sam Massell Jr.
declared that with formation of
ity relations come about only as
‘result of crisis and emergency.”
Organization of the commission,
‘said \
ove ts Tea
attorney ; Kaler:
man, will operale italy on
cludes. some. $124 100 to
ele canupes: that racial
Conch idisn
tor’s job.
‘The Rev. Sam Williams, head
of the commission’s screening
committee, said some 17 appli-
cations for the job have already
been received.
Massell urged the commission
to hold ‘‘mass meetings” in At-
lanta neighborhoods in order to
“catalog grievances” of the citi-
He also suggested that the
commission pursue an applica-
tion for an Office of Economie
Opportunity grant in the amount ,
of $130,000 to establish a “fair
housing center’ as an adjunct
Mayor Ivan Allen’s campaign a
for more housing opportunities Massel Alexander
for the lower economic bracket.) Feild said they must decide)
John G. Feild, director of the| ‘whether you're going to do it
Community Relations Service of| yourselves or see that it gets
the U.S. Conference of Mayors, | done.
told the commission members| The Rev. Mr.. Williams was
that they would have to decide|named first vice chairman of
themselves what role they wish| the commission; Helen Bullard,
to play in the city’s racial rela-| second vice chairman, and ‘Mrs.
tions. Fred Patterson, secretary.