Box 3, Folder 14, Document 99

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Box 3, Folder 14, Document 99

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The Community Relations Commission has, been operating for

almost three years under the initial ordinance creating the Commis-
sion. The Commission has been able in many cases to implement suc-

cessfully its duties and functions "to foster mutual understanding,


tolerance, and respect among all economic, social, religious, and

ethnic groups in the City." The Board of Aldermen also charged

the Commission with the responsibility "to investigate, discourage

and seek to prevent discriminatory practices against any individ-

ual because of race, color, creed, PE LgRSR Kakionel, orieii or
ancestry." Here the Commission has found that the only tool it
has ie Bhat of persuasion. In light of the nature of the dis-
criminatory practices still existing in Atlanta, the Commission
has found this tool to be inadequate. To do the job the Commis-
@isn believes must be done in eliminating discriminatory practices,

local legislative action is needed in the following areas:


Program Plan 1970




Public Accommodations. Although the 1964 Civil

Rights Act has been an effective tool in elimi-

nating discrimination in most businesses serving

‘the public, the law is applicable only to firms

engaged in interstate commerce. Some Atlanta

businesses not in interstate commerce, such as


‘trailer parks, skating rinks, health spas and f -

barber shops,discriminate because of race.”
In the opinion of the Commission, it is unjust for
this small number of businesses to enjoy the pros-
perity of this great City while the vast majority
of businesses are abiding by the letter and spirit
of the Federal law. The Federal remedial process

is slow, cumbersome and expensive... A local public
accommodations ordinance with enforcement powers

through the municipal courts of Atlanta is needed.

Contract Compliance. In 1967 the Board of Alder-

men enacted Ordinance #31-41.1 making it necessary cr bs
for firms contracting with the City to have a non- cpt ‘
discriminatory hiring policy. Each supplier Ae
certifies he does not discriminate but nothing else
is done to enforce the ordinance. The ordinance
contains no investigatory or enforcement powers.

In 1969, the budget of the City of Atlanta was
$207,000,000. The full implementation of this

ordinance would be an important lever in ending

employment discrimination in Atlanta.
Page 3
Program Plan 1970

3. .Fair Employment. The 1964 Civil Rights Act

covers firms with 25 or more employees. This

leaves thousands of Atlanta citizens without .

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's A

backlog of cases in the Southeast is proof that

fair employment protection. Furthermore, the

more action is needed on a local level. Other - we
Southern cities such as Miami and Nashville %*

have found their local fair employment ordi-

nances to be highly useful in combating dis-
crimination. The Commission believes that

Atlanta needs an ordinance with enforcement

powers to cover firms with ten or more employees.

In order to enforce effectively ordinances on public accommo-
dations, contract compliance and fair employment the Commission
needs subpoena, cease and desist, and other powers which may be |
HaGendaey Bo implement these ordinances.

The Commission recommends that the number ‘of Commission
menbers be increased from 20 to 22, with the additional two
positions being designated for young persons age 22 or ee
The Commission asks that the terms for these two youth positions
be rotated yearly for increased youth involvement. The youth
Commissioners are to have full voting rights and powers. They ace YO
to serve on an equal basis with the other Commission members. M4

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Page 4 , Me _ ;
Program Plan 1970
Draft ; “


Immediately after its creation three years ago, CRC insti-
tuted a series of Town Hall meetings in disadvantaged areas. sim ag

meetings gave citizens an opportunity to express their grievances be

and City Hall a chance to take remedial action. CRC benefited eo ;
from this program because it gave the Commission a direct tnvoiven BM,
ment with the people in their neighborhoods. The oseree pene
fited because they had a direct line to City Hall. ae

Concurrently the office of Community Development Coordinator OF aes

"was created to deal with City services in disadvantaged areas. _ .
Although the CRC has had an effective working relatbonshia with we
Johnny Robinson's office, duplication of effort exists. CRC's

main goals are to improve human relations and to eliminate discrim-
lnakiengients Town Hall meetings deal primarily with improving City
services. \ The Commission recommends that the staff of the Community
Development Coordinator be expanded with more City coordinators being
placed in*disadvantaged areas on a year round basis and that the
Community Development Coordinator's office assume the responsibility

for the Town Hall meeting program.


The Ordinance creating the Community Relations Commission

states in. Sec. 3.8.5.:

"Pursuant to the named functions and duties of the
Community Relations Commission, it is empowered to
hold hearings and take the testimony of any person
under oath. The Commission, after the completion
. . Of any hearing, shall make a report in writing to

the Mayor setting forth the facts found by it and
its recommendations... At any hearing before the

. Commission a witness shall have the right to be
advised by counsel present during such hearings."

Page 5 - , 5
Program Plan 1970 7 '
Draft ‘a

The Commission has made very little use of this section of Ae \o

nation, CRC will institute public hearings in such areas as . pr

its charter. In an effort to get to the root cause of discrimi-

public accommodations, employment discrimination, school segre- \' :
gation, housing discrimination and other vital areas affecting of

improved human relations in Atlanta.

1. Starting in September CRC will undertake a systematic
study of minority employment and promotion in each City Hall

department, the Atlanta Housing Authority, and non-professional

positions in the Atlanta School System. Upon completion of this

study,| the Commission will make a public report of its findings
with recommendations. *

‘2. Jobs Creation-Atlanta, a joint project of the Equal Employ-
ment Opportunity Commission and CRC, has been refunded for another
year. Maurice Mitchell hea been employed to direct this project
during 1969-70. During the last 12 months CRC has worked with 25
companies on their hiring and recruiting practices of minority |
persons. The plan for the forthcoming year is to continue working
with these 25 firms and to add 15 new companies.

3. ‘The Commission will work for the elimination ef discrim-
ination in Atlanta labor anions, trade associations, and profes-

sional organizations.

geared to meet ese needs.
Page 6 ate Awe
Program Plan 1970 Lyon ZL - ‘ \ yw
Draft : 4 Ty . Gal
5. CRC will cofsider having another workshop on minority CK vo


economic development in mid-winter. %)

1. CRC will work with the new school board to improve the
quality of seleeeion for minorities and the disadvantaged and to
accelerate desegregation. |
2. The CRC plans to work with he, WelaReA School System and
the City Planning Department in determining how locations for new © v7
schools can assist in solving a aepErveanees problem. o
3. The Commission will make personal calls on each euitiess:

president in Atlanta to urge his institution to accelerate student

and faculty recruitment across racial lines.




e Commission will work with the Police Department and the

Urban LaboratoryJin developing training programs in police-community
relations for senior officers, patrolment and new recruits. Efforts
will be made to utilize outstanding sociologists, criminologists, -
psychologists, psychiatrists, law enforcement officers and consultants
in Atlanta and elsewhere.

2. The CRC will offer its services to the Police Department in
initiating more training in human relations for the police/community
services eFfivues.

3. CRC will monitor Municipal Courts and make recommendations

to judges on how human relations can be improved.
Page 7
Program Plan 1970



1. In the last nine years 22 Atlanta schools have gone from
all white to virtually all Negro. The City of Atlanta Planning’
Department estimates that in 1967 and 1968 490 City blocks changed
from white to non-white.

After identifing one or two target ares for transition
the Gonniesition will seek to marshall’ total community support.....
businesses, churches, the Atlanta School Board, human saTaRione
organizations, real estate brokers, and the stablize
these ‘areas. The Commission will seek to develop ways na means
to report and halt block-busting. 0 a \

2. The CRC plans to gend out teams of blac

and white) staff Vv
/ z

s and housing developments

members £0 v3 ious Apartment buildi
and ask fox’ housi g. iscriminat y practic will j
be identified Sea dealt with.

3. The Commission will contact The Advertising Council and
the Department of Housing and Urban pavelonnsnt to find out the
availability of public service TV spots, ads and car-cards. The
staff will then urge local media to use these public service ads
‘on open housing.

4. CRC will continue to participate actively as a member of
the Herropolitan Atlanta Housing Conference which seeks to further
open housing and the dispersal of low-income housing to all aaa
rants of the City and suburbs.

5. There is a tremendous need in Atlanta for a centralized

- agency which lists available housing at all income levels. CRC

plans to talk to representatives of the American Friends Service
Page 8 ! .;
Program Plan 1970 , -

Committee, Metropolitan Fair Housing Conference and the Mayor's
Housing Resources Committee to see if such a function can be


1. CRC will strive to further its public information role
by working closely with all news media and having members and staff
speak to church and civic groups. It is the wish of the staff
to involve more intensively Commission members in public speaking

| The staff will make personal calls on television stations
and service clubs offering a list of panelists and speakers who
reflect a wide range of experience and view points in the human
relations field. |

2. Special effort will be made to ChaeantPaKE on the human
relations education of white and blue collar workers in Atlanta.
The staff will prepare two or three stories for the 25 largest
company house organs in the City. Personal calls will be made by

the staff at high cooperate levels to urge the use of these mate-


1. The Commission will invite all Atlanta professional
organizations concerned with the human relations to a one day
meeting at City Hall in December so each organization can outline
its program plan for 1970.

. 2. Throughout the year the staff will concentrate on improving

communications with other human relations organizations.....working
Page 9

Program Plan 1970

Draft se

directly with them and through the Atlanta Chapter of the National

Association of Inter-Group Relations Officials (NAIRO).

1. In mid-1970 the CRC staff plans to repeat several sessions

- of the Workshop in Human Relations for new City Hall employees.

2. As a follow up to the Workshops in Human. Relations, CRC plans
an on-going program on human relations for City of Atlahta personnel.
Each department will be asked to designate a person through which the
Commission can work.


CRC 's foremost function is to identify and eliminate discrim-
ination in Atlanta. If this job is done, civil disorders will be
minimized. However a master plan needs to be developed outlining
what CRC should do in event of a racial crisis. For example:

1. The operation of Rumor Control.

2. The organization of “Interfaith Mobilization",
a group of Atlanta ministers trained to act as
observers and reporters at hospitals and police
stations. |

-3. The identification of a list of community leaders

who can be called on for specific assignments.

The Board of Aldermen charged the Commission with several

responsibilities including..-+.."To make studies, and to have
Page 10 .
Program Plan 197 2

studies made, in the field of innmen eeuseions, and to prepare
and disseminate reports of such studies." Due to lack of staff,
the Commission has not adequately discharged this responsibility.
The Commission requires a full time staff member to initiate

specific studies in the field of human relations in 1970. This

1 work closely with the Community Council, the


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