Box 3, Folder 15, Document 9

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Box 3, Folder 15, Document 9

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Honorable Ivan Allen
Page - 2 -
February 28, 1969

volunteers, both individuals and groups. Since that time

the Steering Committee has been at work and we have now

come up with a specific proposal for the establishment of
such a volunteer agency. As it now stands, it appears that
the sponsors will be the Atlanta Junior League, the Community
Council of the Atlanta Area, Community Chest, the Atlanta
Chamber of Commerce, and E,0.A.,

We simply want to talk with you and Dan and get
your suggestions and reaction to the plan. We believe that
volunteers constitute the largest untapped resource for help
on our urban problems. Making this resource truly effective
is not an easy task, but it has been done in other cities and
there is no reason why we can't do it here. Also, we feel
that a permanent organization of this type will provide a
means for injecting newcomers to Atlanta into activities
involving their interests which will help us to maintain
a sense of community as Atlanta expands. I understand that
our appointment is for 2:00 o'clock, and we look forward to
seeing you.

Best personal regards.

= Eugene T. Branch

cc: Mr. Dan Sweat




To provide a central point where volunteer aetivtties could be co-
ordinated, developed and organized so that the vast reservoir of man and
woman -power who are looking for ways to make constructive, significant
contributions to the community can be utilized. This would be more

than the traditional volunteer bureau. It would not only work with exist-

ing programs but also develop new areas of service for individuals and
: “O

groups and be innovative in its approaches. For the mo er “it would

be organized, administered and operated by volun Sys functions

would vary according to the group or or eC. as wo ing Kor

Functions: N ®)

i. AGENCIES REGISTER MS vals d mae Wor gencies can |
register thd oe and group projects.

can register e Qs to an agency or program where his
capabiliti NY) erests can be used to best advantage.



os place where individuals or groups

t would conduct an initial screening of volunteers
to protect the agency from clearly unsuitable applicants, while
the agency retains its right to select its own volunteers,

4, EFFECTIVE - It would offer leadership on the effective use of
volunteers. Develop innovative programs and provide new areas of

“6.2 TRAINING - It would provide orientation and training to volunteers

of, both a general and specific nature so that volunteers would be
better prepared for and have a clearer understanding of their
assignments and how they fit into the health and welfare picture
of Atlanta,

6. COUNCIL OF CIVIC ORGANIZATION - It would provide a framework for
communication among civic organizations regarding their own areas of
community participation.

7. EDUCATE PUBLIC - It would conduct regular programs to educate the
public about projects and problems in the fields of health, welfare
and enrichment.

8 WORKSHOPS - It would develop as part of its educational program the
following workshops: .

a. Workshops with supervisors of volunteers.
b. Workshops with "administrative volunteers" (policy making boards,etc.).
ce. Workshops designed to acquaint new-comers (and others) with pro-
grams and agencies, problems and opportunities in the fields
of health, welfare, enrichment and education.
d. Separate workshops for volunteers in the areas of
1. arts
2. health

3. education

4. poverty
5. recreation

It would be staffed by a full-time, well qualified paid Executive Director
“and a full-time paid secretary at the out set, Staff would be added as

necessary to take care of the expanding program. (See Job Description)


The Executive Director would be assisted by volunteer chairmen of
Recruitment, Screening Education, Job Development, Agency Relations

and Public Relations. They would serve for a two year term.

The agency would be government by a Board of Directors with a total
membership of 25. It would be composed of the above mentioned volunteer
chairmen; pepradentatives of agencies, serving on a rotating basis;

a representative each from the Community Council of the Atlanta Area, Inc,
and the Chamber of Ciitnébea people who are representative of volunteer
programs (Model Cities, Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Urban Training,
VISTA) ; people who are representative of organizations (Junior League,
Council of Jewish Women, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, Women's
Chamber of Commerce, United Church Women, etc.); people who are re-
presentative of labor and the business ar? yrofessional community. These
Board members would be selected as individuals by the agency's nominating
committee id\be representative of a certain sector, interest or expertise
rather than to represent their own organization.


The following agencies and organizations have shown interest in it and
indicated support. Representatives have been wasting as a Steering

Committee and have helped shape this proposal.

1. Atlanta Junior League
2. Community Council of the Atlanta Area, Inc,
3. Community Chest

4. Atlanta Chamber of Commerce
Wiptecbty the physical facilities should #5e4 de the following:

1. Office space for a minimum of seven people (four staff and
three full time volunteers).

2. Adequate parking nearby for a minimum of fifty cars.

3. Be in an area that is well lighted. aad where staff and
volunteers would feel comfortable when attending meetings at

4. A large meeting room in the building or nearby that could be

utilized for training sessions or conference meetings.

= 4 =

Personnel Cost

Project Director $ 12,500
Executive Secretary : 5,000
Fringe benefits 1,900

Permanent Equipment

desks, executive @ $150 $ 900


6 chairs, executive @ 90 540
1 desk, secretarial 150
1 chair, secretarial ; 80
7 side chairs @ 30 210
1 electric typewriter 550
3 manual typewriters @ 220 660
4 file cabinets, 5 drawer @ 100 400
equipment maintenance 500

Consumable Supplies

Office supplies and postage $ 1,150
Educational materials 1,200

Local, 15,400 miles @ .10 per mi. $ 1,540
1 out-of-town trip 300

Miscellaneous Expenses

Rent - 1,200 sq. ft. @ $3.00 per

sq. ft. per year $ 3,600
Telephone 900
Insurance and bonds 150
Promotion and publicity 1,000
Auditing 600
Organization dues 250
Publications 75
Meeting space for training classes

and board meetings, 80 days
@ $30 per day 2,400

Total Costs

Minimum staff
$ 19,400
could be donated
$ 3,990
minimum necessary
$ 2,350 to train 300 vol-
to reimburse 6
people for travel
$ 1,840 and public relations
could be donated
could be donated
could be donated
i : could be donated
$ 8,975
$ 36,555

Staff - (Job Descriptions)

The Project Director will be responsible to the Board of Directors.



Duties and Responsibilities

(1) Administration of the program. Guidance and supervision
of all staff engaged in the project,

(2) Promote the Volunteer Project in all necessary areas
particularly public and voluntary agencies, and to the
general public. Interpretation of the goals to the
Volunteer Project.

(3) Responsible for all publicity of the program. Review
all assignments for speaking engagements.

(4) Supervisor of volunteers who will organize, plan and
develop all training classes,

(5) Select and work with volunteers and agencies in developing
curriculum for classes. Edit training manual and select
all materials used in course.

(6) Work with Board of Directors of the Volunteer Project and
sub-committees in operation of program.

(7) Work with volunteers to develop contracts with agencies and
organizations for training programs for other volunteers,

(8) Program planning and development for fatune expansion of
the Volunteer Project.


(1) Executive ability necessary for the administration, promotion
and implementation of the Volunteer Project.

(2) Ability to relate to individuals and groups both professionals

and volunteers, Good judgement in selection of staff, faculty

and trainees,




2. Secretary

- Experience and skill in community organization. A thorough

knowledge of the health, welfare and education resources

of the community.

Understanding of the needs of lower income people in order
to plan training programs that will equip volunteers to
make significant contributions toward meeting some of these
needs, ,

Background and academic degree in Education, psychology,

social work or a related field.

Administrative experience.

The secretary of the Volunteer Project shall be responsible to the

Director of the Volunteer Project.

a. Duties and Responsibilities








Personal secretary to the Project Director, i.e. appointments,

_ telephone calls, personal files, etc.

Supervision of all office clerical work. Should be capable
of properly coordinating all work, insure proper dis-
tribution of workload and relieve the Director of tasks which
come with supervision of clerical work,

Personally responsible for all documentary typing, program
development, evaluation, proposals, budgets, etc.

All dictation and transcription for entire department.

All typing for recruitment and publicity.

Record all sessions in connection with evaluation and in
regular training sessions when necessary.

Minutes of all meetings requiring the use of shorthand,

MG: ja

(8) Direct supervision of all filing procedures. See that
all records are filed regularly and properly.

(9) Kéep complete records of all supplies and postage chakess
to the Volunteer Project


(1) Good typing speed,

(2) Excellent shorthand speed to enable her toutaxe verbatim
notes at all conferences and teaching sessions where

(3) Good overall understanding of office procedures and

(4) Ability to work well with people, with initiative to doa
job on her own without involved instructions, Ability to

supervise additional clerical staff.


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