Box 3, Folder 15, Document 20

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Box 3, Folder 15, Document 20

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Tt Wen VID ye ee es oe

January 8, 1970

Mr, Dan E, Sweat, Jr,
Chief Administrator
Office of the Mayor
City Hall

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr, Sweat:

The Interagency Council on Alcohol and Drugs is composed
of 150 public and private agency and organization representa-
tives who are concerned and interested in the problem of alco-
holism and drug abuse, It is chaired by Dr, James L, Goddard
whose background in Public Health and Pure Foods and Drugs has
lent immeasurable support and knowledge to the Council, The
Interagency Council was established to carry on a program of
education, coordinate existing services and stimulate the devel-
opment of new ones,

At present there is a tremendous amount of public interest
in drug abuse and many groups are eager to do something about
it, There are now 4 proposals for Drug Treatment Centers which
the Interagency Council is evaluating in order to make recommen-
dations for implementation, These plans all require support
from the city administration, Since the Council is composed of
and has access to most of the drug specialists in the area the
judgments it makes should be valid and objective, We will be
glad to supply you with our findings and act as a clearing house
for all drug treatment proposals, In this way we can be sure
that the city gets the best kind of services and the kind it
really needs,


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Duane W, Beck
Executive Director

Copy to: Clarence L, Greene
Office of the Mayor

DWB: cfh
Cecil Alexander
Ivan Allen, III
Ralph A. Beck
Eugene T. Branch
Benjamin D. Brown
Charlie Brown

W. L. Calloway
Campbell Dasher

Albert M. Davis, M. D


Ray J. Efird ©
J. Rufus Evans, M. D.

Robert L. Foreman, Jr.

James P. Furniss
Donald H. Gareis

Larry L, Gellerstedt, Jr.
Mrs. Thomas H. Gibson

H. M. Gloster
Elliott Goldstein

Allen S. Hardin
Vivian Henderson
Mrs. Helen Howard
John Izard

Ira Jackson

Joseph W. Jones
Alex B. Lacy

Mrs. Maggie Moody

Mrs. John L. Moore,

A. B. Padgett
Mrs. Rhodes L. Perdue
Les H. Persells
J. Williom Pinkston, Jr.
L. D. Rizk
J. Randolph Taylor
Nat Welch
Allison Williams

Jr. John C, Wilson
John E. Wright

J. G. Bradbury
James V. Carmichael
R. Howard Dobbs, Jr
Edwin |. Hatch
Boisfeuillet Jones

Richard H. Rich


Mills B. Lane, Jr.
William W. Moore, Jr, M.D.
W. A. Parker, Sr.

John A, Sibley

Lee Talley

Preston Upshaw
William C. Wardiaw, Jr.
George W. Woodruff


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