Box 3, Folder 16, Document 18

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Box 3, Folder 16, Document 18

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Alderman G. Everett Millican
Chairman, Public Works Committee
500 Bishop Street, N. W.

Atlanta, Georgia 30318

Dear Mr. Millican:

The Atlanta Beautification Corps Project was a component program of the

Atlanta Concentrated Employrment Program sponsored by Econornic Opportunity
Atlanta, Inc. It provided for hiring of about 40 poverty area people who could ©
not otherwise qualify for City employment (because of age, health, etc.) and

using them for street cleaning and other similar duties in the Sanitary Departrnent,
The program has been funded for over a year on a reimbursable basis by HOA.
The City has paid the workers $1.60 per hour and the supervisors $7,275 ner

hour and each month we have billed HOA for the amount expended,

You will recall that budget cutbacks at the Federal level caused HOA to advise
the City in March that it would no longer fund this program after April 30, 1969.
We prevailed upon the agency to continue funding the program at one-half the
previous level through August 31, 1969, and the Finance Committee approved
City funds to continue the whole program until that date. ‘
The City, therefore, will be required to make a decisicn on this program by
early August because it is only funded until August 31, 1969. We have reviewed
this question with the City Personnel Department and the Sanitary Division of
the Public Works Department. Both of these organizations recommend strongly
that the program be continued at least until the end of the year if funds can be
made available. A copy of Mr. Ralph Hulsey's letter is enclosed.

In order to continue the program until December 31, 1969, in the manner
Mr. Hulsey suggests will reauire a rnaximum of $47,000 for salaries. The
abnormally high rate of absenteeism in the Sanitary Division this year has
caused a surplus to exist in the salary account which could be used for this
purpose. The amount could be confirmed by the Finance Director,
Alderman Millican
Page Two
July 29, 1969


What it boils down to is this. These people want to work and the Sanitary
Division sgys they are producing.

This is a decision which addresses itself to the Public Works Committee of the
Board of Aldermen. I would hope some decision could he made at the Committee
meeting Thuisday so that action might be taken at the Monday, August 4,

meeting of the Board of Aldermen.

If I can be of service te you in helping to resolve this matter, please let me

Sincerely yours,

Dan Sweat

cc: Mr. Ray Nixon
Mr. Ralph Hulsey


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