Box 3, Folder 16, Document 36

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Box 3, Folder 16, Document 36

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June 17, 1969 :

Mr. Randall N. Conway
Staff Division

Memphis Manpower Commission
P. 0. Box 224

Memphis, Tennessee 38103

Dear Mr. Conway:

I have received a copy of your letter of May 21 to the Atlanta
city government relative to the establishment of a manpower policy as
well as Mr. Sweat's reply to you. As Mr. Sweat has pointed out, the
City of Atlanta, at this point, has no overall official manpower policy.
However, I would like to offer the following thoughts from where I
see this heading.

I believe that most people involved in manpower planning that
relates to city government have come to the conclusion that, in a large
urban area, manpower planning and policy can not be isolated from the
plans to fight urban problems in general. Manpower policies, especially
as they relate to inner-city poverty areas, are irrevocably tied to
problems in housing, education, transportation, etc. It is my personal
belief that an overall stragedy can be and will be developed through the
Urban Observatory which is being established through Georgia State
College in Atlanta. The Observatory as envisioned here will provide the
necessary linkage of the vari academic disciplines as well as with
the administrators who face practical problems of implementation
on both a short and long range basis. I believe that this effort linked

with a strong vigorous imput into the CAMPS system can begin to make

some kind of sense out of the present multiplicity of efforts in manpower
and other related problem areas.

I hope that these thoughts will be useful to you in looking at the
establishment of such a policy in Memphis. If I can be of any further
assistance on this matter, please feel free to get in touch with me.


Clint Rodgers, Associate
Administrator for Manpower



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