Dublin Core
Box 3, Folder 17, Document 6
Text Item Type Metadata
May 23, 1969
To: Mr. Charles Davis
From; Dan Sweat
Subject: ABC Program
I want to thank you again for your help in resolving the ABC program
i agree with your comments in your memorandum of May 21, 1969,
that the Finance Department should have been notified at a much earlier
date about the plans to phase out the ABC program,
As you know, this program is administered by the Personnel
Department and the Sanitation Division. This office was only brought
into the situation at the last minute because of the failure of the
Personnel Department to resolve the problems in this case.
Fortunately, the Finance Department was able to come to the rescue
on this program on short notice.
In the future after we have the Administrative Staff organized and
functioning, I am sure that we can prevent many of these last minute
rush problems from occurring. With your cooperation and expertise
I am certain that we can establish some management procedures and
controls which will be of help to all departments in the City Govern-