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Box 3, Folder 17, Document 11
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THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Thursday, June 19, 1969
Parham Resigns as KOA Chieti,
, Accep ots Staff Post at University —
Thomas M. (Jim) Parham re-
signed Wednesday as executive
administrator of Economic Op-
portunity Atlanta to accept a
staff position with the Institute
of Goyernment at the Univers-
_ity of Georgia.
The EOA board of directors
accepted Parham’s resignation
‘with very deep regret’? and
elected Deputy Administrator
William W. Ailison to head the
organization. :
The board elected G. Clinton
Rodgers, EOA associate admin-
istrator for manpower, to re-
place Alliso nas deputy adminis-
Parham, who will leave EOA
July 15, said he is resigning be-
eause “the task of administer-
ing the wide range of EOA ac-
tivities and the necessity of
meeting the growing require-
ments of federal funding sources | welfare, crime and delinquency
consumes all and more of one’s | and income maintenance for the
energies and leaves no time to) poor.”
consider in depth any particular} J, a statement of regret
subject.” adopted unanimously by the
The 42-year-old Parham, who) BoA board of directors, Bois-
has served as EOA executive fouiliet Jones, board chairman.
sera he has concluded S244 that Parham has served
Sree te Raa ce uded sas an able administrator and a
at htere are others who ¢caM) coocitive humanist.”
attend these adrministative du- ‘
ties as well or better than my-| In accepting the $20,000-a-year
| posit ion, Ailison, 35, said he will
In his letter of resignation, “continue to follow the same
dated June 4, Parham said he general goals that my predeces-
wants to devote his time to' Sor has pursued as vigorously.”
“matters of long-time profes-| Allison, the first Negro to
sional interest, such as child, head the agency in charge of
peep abt ssentuulienatieas deca
beacon ees LAS
Jim Parham
William Allison
the war on poverty for Atlanta
and Fulton, Gwinnett and Rock-
dale counties, said Parham has
“laid the foundation of real resi-
dent involvement.”
The new executive adminis-
trator, who has worked on the
EOA staff since the organiza-
tion's inception four years ago,
said he will attempt to increase
the participation of public and
private agencies in programs to
aid the poor.
In addition to his position with
EOA, Allison has served since
January 1968 as an assistant
professor of city planning at
Georgia Tech and as a visiting
lecturer at Clark College.
The new EOA head holds a
B.A. degree from DePauw Uni-
versity. He studied for a year at
the Northwestern University
Law School and has completed
graduate studies in political sci-
ence and Far East history at
the University of the eee
Studying on a Jessie Smith
Noyes Fellowship, Allison re-
ceived a M.P.A. degree
urban development and a re-
newal from the graduate school
of public and international af-
fairs at the University of Pitts-
Parham said he had recom-
mended Allison to the EOA
board of directors because he
feels Allison ‘has the intelli-
gence and experience necessary
_ for the job.”
Jones commented that Allison
had not been selected because
he is a Negro, ‘'The board is
completely impartial as far as
race is concerned,” the chair-
man stated.
Shortly before Parham was
named to the EOA post follow-
ing the death of C. 0. Emmer-
ich Sr., some local Negro lead-
ers had pushed for the appoint-
ment of a Negro to the top anti-
poverty job here.
Jones said board members,
many of whom are Negroes,
had elected Parham unani-
mously two years ago and
elected Allison unanimously
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Thursday, June 19, 1969
Parham Resigns as KOA Chieti,
, Accep ots Staff Post at University —
Thomas M. (Jim) Parham re-
signed Wednesday as executive
administrator of Economic Op-
portunity Atlanta to accept a
staff position with the Institute
of Goyernment at the Univers-
_ity of Georgia.
The EOA board of directors
accepted Parham’s resignation
‘with very deep regret’? and
elected Deputy Administrator
William W. Ailison to head the
organization. :
The board elected G. Clinton
Rodgers, EOA associate admin-
istrator for manpower, to re-
place Alliso nas deputy adminis-
Parham, who will leave EOA
July 15, said he is resigning be-
eause “the task of administer-
ing the wide range of EOA ac-
tivities and the necessity of
meeting the growing require-
ments of federal funding sources | welfare, crime and delinquency
consumes all and more of one’s | and income maintenance for the
energies and leaves no time to) poor.”
consider in depth any particular} J, a statement of regret
subject.” adopted unanimously by the
The 42-year-old Parham, who) BoA board of directors, Bois-
has served as EOA executive fouiliet Jones, board chairman.
sera he has concluded S244 that Parham has served
Sree te Raa ce uded sas an able administrator and a
at htere are others who ¢caM) coocitive humanist.”
attend these adrministative du- ‘
ties as well or better than my-| In accepting the $20,000-a-year
| posit ion, Ailison, 35, said he will
In his letter of resignation, “continue to follow the same
dated June 4, Parham said he general goals that my predeces-
wants to devote his time to' Sor has pursued as vigorously.”
“matters of long-time profes-| Allison, the first Negro to
sional interest, such as child, head the agency in charge of
peep abt ssentuulienatieas deca
beacon ees LAS
Jim Parham
William Allison
the war on poverty for Atlanta
and Fulton, Gwinnett and Rock-
dale counties, said Parham has
“laid the foundation of real resi-
dent involvement.”
The new executive adminis-
trator, who has worked on the
EOA staff since the organiza-
tion's inception four years ago,
said he will attempt to increase
the participation of public and
private agencies in programs to
aid the poor.
In addition to his position with
EOA, Allison has served since
January 1968 as an assistant
professor of city planning at
Georgia Tech and as a visiting
lecturer at Clark College.
The new EOA head holds a
B.A. degree from DePauw Uni-
versity. He studied for a year at
the Northwestern University
Law School and has completed
graduate studies in political sci-
ence and Far East history at
the University of the eee
Studying on a Jessie Smith
Noyes Fellowship, Allison re-
ceived a M.P.A. degree
urban development and a re-
newal from the graduate school
of public and international af-
fairs at the University of Pitts-
Parham said he had recom-
mended Allison to the EOA
board of directors because he
feels Allison ‘has the intelli-
gence and experience necessary
_ for the job.”
Jones commented that Allison
had not been selected because
he is a Negro, ‘'The board is
completely impartial as far as
race is concerned,” the chair-
man stated.
Shortly before Parham was
named to the EOA post follow-
ing the death of C. 0. Emmer-
ich Sr., some local Negro lead-
ers had pushed for the appoint-
ment of a Negro to the top anti-
poverty job here.
Jones said board members,
many of whom are Negroes,
had elected Parham unani-
mously two years ago and
elected Allison unanimously