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Box 3, Folder 17, Document 14
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THE ATLANFA* CONSTITUTION, Friday, June 20, 1969
With the departure of Jim Parham, Eco-
nomic Opportunity ‘Atlanta is losing an effec-
tive executive administrator. Parham has
accepted a position with the -University of
Georgia’s Institute of Government, where,
he says, he can,devote his time to ‘‘matters
of long-time interest, such as child welfare,
crime and delinquency and income main-
tenance for the poor.”
EOA’s board of directors accepted Par-
ham’s resignation “with very deep regret”
and commended him for his service ‘“‘as an
able administrator and a sensitive humanist.” -
They then named William W. Allison to
succeed him. The first Negro to head the
agency, Allison comes with an impressive
list of qualifications, including an M.P.A.
degree in urban development and more than
18 months as an assistant professor of cily
planning at the Georgia Institute of Tech-
nology. He has worked wiih EOA since its
inception four years ago.
Allison has vowed to “continue to follow
the same general goals that my predecessor
has pursued as vigorously.” Parham, Allison
said, “laid the foundation for real resident
‘Some Negro leaders have long sought the
top EOA post for one of their own race.
The EOA board insists the appointment was
made because of Allison’s ability—not be-
EQA: The Guard Changes
cause of race—and no doubt it was. Still
for the first time, the antipoverty program
in Atlanta will be administered by a maf
from the race most affected by it. We wish
him well.
With the departure of Jim Parham, Eco-
nomic Opportunity ‘Atlanta is losing an effec-
tive executive administrator. Parham has
accepted a position with the -University of
Georgia’s Institute of Government, where,
he says, he can,devote his time to ‘‘matters
of long-time interest, such as child welfare,
crime and delinquency and income main-
tenance for the poor.”
EOA’s board of directors accepted Par-
ham’s resignation “with very deep regret”
and commended him for his service ‘“‘as an
able administrator and a sensitive humanist.” -
They then named William W. Allison to
succeed him. The first Negro to head the
agency, Allison comes with an impressive
list of qualifications, including an M.P.A.
degree in urban development and more than
18 months as an assistant professor of cily
planning at the Georgia Institute of Tech-
nology. He has worked wiih EOA since its
inception four years ago.
Allison has vowed to “continue to follow
the same general goals that my predecessor
has pursued as vigorously.” Parham, Allison
said, “laid the foundation for real resident
‘Some Negro leaders have long sought the
top EOA post for one of their own race.
The EOA board insists the appointment was
made because of Allison’s ability—not be-
EQA: The Guard Changes
cause of race—and no doubt it was. Still
for the first time, the antipoverty program
in Atlanta will be administered by a maf
from the race most affected by it. We wish
him well.