Box 3, Folder 17, Document 18

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Box 3, Folder 17, Document 18

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By BOB ROURER oni nana

elegatles from low-income A :
lanta communities mel Monday ~ , i
night with the city board of edu- ~ : ' 4
eaticn and decided to institute | - a
weekly meetings with the board - }
‘to discuss problems in city 1 ‘
- schools. Y i
The delegates, members of the ;
education subcommittee of the j
Citizens Central Advisory Coun- . i 4
cil, presented 13 recemmenda- a 24... .d boa 4
tions for improvement of oper a Taw ight Jol Letsun
tions of the city schools to board: of the subcommitice, asked

members. whether it would be possible to!
The meeting almost ended} Set the response in writing.

abruptly in ils early stages when| Wainwright said he didn’t! want a discussion?”

disagreement rose ou whether | think “some answers on a piece
the ‘board's responses lo Meo-!of paper’ would explain very
nomic Opportunity Atlanta—the lmuch, and that Mrs. Moody or
recormincidations should be sub-}ancther representative should
tuitled to the related subcom-|write the answers down if they
roitiee in writing. wanted them cn paper

When hoard President Bill] Mrs. Dorothy Bolden of Perry
Wainwright and Atlanta school|Hormes said that if disadvan-
Supt. John Letson proposed they |i@ged people are to be educal-
give verbal answers to the ree-| ed they must have answers “put
ommendations immediately, {down in black and white,

Mrs. Maggie Moody, chairman! “We brought this to you in)

|by asking the subcommitice

leommillee could “get around
the table and disctss”” prob-

black and while,’ said Mrs.
Bolden, referring io the recom-
mendations, “I think we're ask-
ing this in good faith,”

Afier Mrs. Meody again re-
quested something in writing
“to relate back” to the disad-'
vanlaged comraunities involved,
Wainwright said, “Well, O.K.
Thank you for coming.”

There was a brief, uncomfar-/
table silonee, then board mem-’
ber Horace Tate saved the audi-
ence fromm coming to an end

members: “Now wait a minute,
you're not saying you don't


Wainwright then said formula-
tion of written answers would
require considerable research
and time, and suggested that
alter answers had been written
down, the board and the sub-


Mrs. Bolden suid she felt “we
ought to have the answers to:
one or two questions’ to take |
home to their constituents. “All,
right, pick ‘em oul.”

Letson suggested the ultimate: |
ly approved pl: in of meeting one
night a week at two-hour ses-
sions “Tor however Jong it
takes” to discuss selicol sysiem
functions and preblems one by
one. The subcommittee me:m-
bers agreed to start the series |
of meetings at 7 pm. Wednes- |
day with discussion of the new

school lunch program ts be in-
(stituted this fail, among other

“We have nothing to hide in
the schoo! system,”” Letson said.
“The facts will be at your dis-
posal. If there is a better way
to do eaything in this school
rsysiem, We're look cing for it.”
| He ureed the members of the,
HOA-reinted committees not to
|tiump to conclusions,” and to
‘Stake the time” to learn about
{operations of the system.
| At the outset of the meeting z
, Waiari “i to

ait had objecte
Hprevious -declars

tiuns by sub-
commilice monibers that the
\haurd Was nol communicating
“vith iis tonstituents, and, cits ed
eral let ters irom ECA of-
Ificials thanking the Board of
‘Education for casnng channels


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