Box 3, Folder 17, Document 20

Dublin Core


Box 3, Folder 17, Document 20

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By crdctpatere Megs

3 acl FoR ot
Food Fund
— f ea ea eae ry
ES ated Wy Aa Ging

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At Center , 4
“The Food Fund,’ began
last October in West End to
provide food as emergency
assistance to poor people, is
lagging, according to a
spokesman from the West
End Neighborhood EQA_Cen~
ten The fund is Coordinated
by the center.
; At the peak of the effort to
.establish a food fund, 30
churches in the metropolitan
area were participating in the
program. Now, there are only
three giving help.
_ The participation by
-churches consists of asking
each member to bring one can
of food te church the first
Sunday of every month. Al-
though all members did not
take part, the 30 churches
were providing enough food to
meet emergencies.

At this time, people are
being turned away. And other

“agencies which normatiy pro-
vide this kind of assistance
are out of funds and unable to

The OA, spokesman said
individuals ¢ or churches want-
ing to help should call Joe
Flannagan, 523-1541, St. Vin- a
cent dePaul Society. 326 Ivy
St. N.E. The Society collects
the food, stores it and distrib-
utes it to centers where it is
needed. The ford can be taken
by the Society on Ivy Street.


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