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Box 3, Folder 17, Document 23
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THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Wednesday, June 25, 1)
44,000 at Playlots Get Food Supplements Here
More than 44,000 underprivi-
leged Atlanta youngsters have
started receiving between-meal
suppiements at supervised yec-
realion centers, a federal agri-
culture official said here Tues-
“This is a cooperative ven-
ture under the sponsorship of
\the U.S. Department of Agricul-
ture (USDA), the Campbell
Foundation, the Atlanta Board
of Education, Economic _Oppor-
tunity Atlanta (OA) and the
y ot Ailanta Parks and Rec-
reation Department,” Ilaines
Presley explained in an inter-
He said Atlanta’s program is
the largest in the nation. ‘Esti-
mates indicate that as many as
70,900 children may be reached
béfore the summer is over.”
The belween-meal supple-
ments, or “mini-meals,” con-
sist of such items as milk, sand-
wiches, fruits, bread, juices and
so on.
“These mini-meals are pre-
pared at 12 Atlanta schools and
then delivered twice daily to
_|more than 100 supervised play-
‘lots or recreation centers,”
Presley pointed out.
But, he said, programs of this
type could not get off the ground
without help from private or-
ganizations such as the Camp-
bell Foundation. ‘The founda-
tion has already contributed
$10,000 to the summer project
to help pay for personnel need-
ed to prepare the ‘mini-meals’
at the 12 school cafeterias,” he
Presley said more than $500,-
(00 has been set aside for the
“program by USDA. Atlanta is
one of the first etltes it the
nation to take advantage of this, in urban feeding. plies of cardboard boxes and;might be able to contribute
new feeding program, called| EOA’s Mike Ray, coordinator | Sandwich bags. boxes and sandwich bags,” Ray
“Special Food Services for] of the summer feeding program,| ‘Interest in the program has | said. “That way, all the USDA
Children.” He added that this|said ‘Although the program is!been running high, and we arc. finds could be spent on foo: for
is one of USDA’s first ventures | ready to go, we are low on sup-|in hopes that local industries | these needy children.”
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