Dublin Core
Box 3, Folder 17, Document 27
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| Perent and Child
' Center Receives
Federal Grant |
Journal-Constitution Washington Tureau
WASHINGTON -— Following is
a summary of lesser grants to
Georgia and the Atlanta area ,
announced by federal agencies
and departments last week.
From the Office of Fconomic
Opportunity — $176,969 (part. of |
total grant of $210,060) to_Eco-'
‘nemic..Opporhinity Atlanta for”
the contimiing operation of a
parent and child center.
From the Department of Hous-
ing and Urban Development—-
$97,554 to Atlanta for increased
costs of site improvements for
the Georgia Tech urban renewal
From lhe Depariment of Com-
merce—S57,600 to the Central
Savannah River Area Planning |
and Development Commission to
help economic growth planning
for Burke, Columbia, Emanuel,
Glascock, Jefferson, Jenkins,
Linceln, McDuffie, NRichmend,
Sereven, Taliferro, Warren and
Wilkes counties.
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