Box 3, Folder 17, Document 33

Dublin Core


Box 3, Folder 17, Document 33

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Concentrated Employment


The Manpower Develop-
ment Training Center, 111
Ivy Street N, E, holds Com-
munity day activities on
, Thursday, June 19, 1969,
From 12 noon to 4:30 p.m.
|The purpose is to offer the
community in the City of

Atlanta an opportunity to —

visit our center, and to view
-the facilitias ‘“‘and our
trainees at work.
The Manpower Training
Center is the facility pro-

vided by the Division of
Vocational ‘Technical and a-
dult Education, Atlanta Pub-
lic Schools to provide train=
ing to unemployed and un-
deremployed youths and a-
dult'. male and female,
through individualized in-
dustrialization training, and

guides themthroughaseries .

of experiences which lead to
prospective successful em-
ployment of Vocational

munity Day Precranm

Presently, vocational
classes are being held in
the following areas: Weld-
ing, Automotive Mechanic,
Clerk Gen Office (2 classes)
Seamtress, Cook, Hotel and

- Restaurant, Barbering and

Upholstering. ;

The Curriculum includes
two hours of Basic Educator,
four hours of shop or (Lab),
2 hours of related subject
(Note; related could be re-
placed by personal Improve-
ment and Human Relations),

Refreshment will be
served on acontinuous basis

on that Day. q

'. | THE VOICE-June 22, 1969-P:

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