Dublin Core
Box 3, Folder 17, Document 41
Text Item Type Metadata
i fi > oh a a fi & a
Aaa cy ys i
VRE ES a vied
Implementation of a sum-
mer feeding program. which
will provide mini-meals to an
estimated 70,009 Atlanta
« children before the summer is
over, began Monday. M.
Agnes Jones Eleinentary
School, located on Fair Street
in southwest Atlanta. is one of
12 Atlanta schools selected to
serve as a food preparation
and distribution point.
The between-meal supple-
ments which will be trucked
Fhe Le
oe |
se WA Ay eel
iS ma FN OP
twice a day to parks and play-
lots, will consist of such items
as milk, sandwiches, fruits,
breads and juice. A number of
West End supervised playlots
and recreation centers are
among the 100 to partici-
pate in the program.
Among those already being
served in West ind are Oak-
land City East, Howell Park.
West End Park, and Commu- °
nity of Hope. More will be
added as the program gets
into full swing.
- Atlants is one of the tirst
cities in the nation to take
advantage of the new feeding
program made available by
the US Department of Agri-
‘culture’s ‘Special Food Ser-
vice Program for Children.”
Atlanta’s program is reported.
to be the largest in the nation.
Although USDA provides
most of the funds and food for
this program, its actual oper-
ation is the result of coopera-
tion and hard work by offi-
cials of the city, the Atlanta
Board of Edueation, theAt-
lanta Parks and Recreation
Department and _Economic
«Opportunity. Atlanta, “The
“said” Mike Ray. “who is with
EOA and is coordinating the
~stiimer feeding program.
Ray said that * ‘although the
program is ready to go, we
are low on supplies of card-
board boxes and sandwich
bags.’’ He said he hopes local
industries will contribute
boxes and -sandwich bags.
“That way, all of the USDA
finds could be spent on food
for these needy children,” he
The Campbell Foundation
of Atlanta has already con-
tributed $10,000 to the
summer project to help pay
for personnel needed to pre-
oA Meg
pare the mini-meals at the 12
school cafeterias..
CH be: ae
i fi > oh a a fi & a
Aaa cy ys i
VRE ES a vied
Implementation of a sum-
mer feeding program. which
will provide mini-meals to an
estimated 70,009 Atlanta
« children before the summer is
over, began Monday. M.
Agnes Jones Eleinentary
School, located on Fair Street
in southwest Atlanta. is one of
12 Atlanta schools selected to
serve as a food preparation
and distribution point.
The between-meal supple-
ments which will be trucked
Fhe Le
oe |
se WA Ay eel
iS ma FN OP
twice a day to parks and play-
lots, will consist of such items
as milk, sandwiches, fruits,
breads and juice. A number of
West End supervised playlots
and recreation centers are
among the 100 to partici-
pate in the program.
Among those already being
served in West ind are Oak-
land City East, Howell Park.
West End Park, and Commu- °
nity of Hope. More will be
added as the program gets
into full swing.
- Atlants is one of the tirst
cities in the nation to take
advantage of the new feeding
program made available by
the US Department of Agri-
‘culture’s ‘Special Food Ser-
vice Program for Children.”
Atlanta’s program is reported.
to be the largest in the nation.
Although USDA provides
most of the funds and food for
this program, its actual oper-
ation is the result of coopera-
tion and hard work by offi-
cials of the city, the Atlanta
Board of Edueation, theAt-
lanta Parks and Recreation
Department and _Economic
«Opportunity. Atlanta, “The
“said” Mike Ray. “who is with
EOA and is coordinating the
~stiimer feeding program.
Ray said that * ‘although the
program is ready to go, we
are low on supplies of card-
board boxes and sandwich
bags.’’ He said he hopes local
industries will contribute
boxes and -sandwich bags.
“That way, all of the USDA
finds could be spent on food
for these needy children,” he
The Campbell Foundation
of Atlanta has already con-
tributed $10,000 to the
summer project to help pay
for personnel needed to pre-
oA Meg
pare the mini-meals at the 12
school cafeterias..
CH be: ae