Dublin Core
Box 3, Folder 17, Document 46
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City Races Qualifying Set
The Atlanta Board of Alder-
men Monday established qualify-
ing dates and fees for the city
elections in October. .
The board adopted the pro-
posals of the aldermanic Fi-
nance Committee and City Clerk
Jimmy Little. The City Execu-
tive Committee last week en-
dorced the proposals.
The quatifying time for the
candidates will be 8:15 a.m. to
5 p.m. Aug. 25-26.
The fees are equivalent to two
months’ salary. They are mayor,
$5,000; vice mayor, $1,400; alder-
man, $1,200, and school board
member, $600.
| At the end of Monday’s alder-
manic session, Alderman Eve-
rett Millican a candidate for |
mayor, spoke critically about
remarks made over the weekend
by Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. and
former Police Patrolman James
McKinney, now a candidate for
the board from the Third Ward.
Referring to Allen’s com: |
merits about Millican’s age on |
a television program Sunday |
night, he (Millican) said, “Tm |
know that. Yesterday, someone
said how old I'd be when I got
out. That's the first time I’ve
heard it in reverse. I’ve only
got one foot in the grave.”
| Allen had noted in summing
up ithe qualifications of the
candidates that Millican would
be more than 75 at the end of
-his first term if elected. Millican
didn’t name the mayor, but left
no doubt as to whom he was re- |
{ Then Millican sharply criti-
cized McKinney for the former |
policeman’s remarks on a radio |
program Saturday. Millican said
McKinney “lambasted and
abused” the mayor, the alder-
men and the Police department
as “‘erooks.””
Millican said that if McKin-
ney knew of any wrongdoing,
he should go to the grand jury
“and I'll help him. . . If not, he
ought to keep his mouth shut.”
Millican then said he under-
stoed that Mrs. Eliza Paschall,
who was ousted as director of
the Community Relations Com-
mission more than a year ago,
was one of McKinney’s “main
campaign managers.”
During the regular order of
busimess, the aldermen ap-
proved for new terms Grady
Ridgeway as airport manager,
Jack Delius as parks general
manager, Roy Elrod as audi-
torium manager and Howard
Monree as City Hall superin-
The board also:
1. Heard that Allen had re-
‘appointed Edwin Sterne to the |
Atlanta Housing Authority
2. Receive a draft of an up-
dated building code, which will
be explained at a public hear-
ing July 15. *
3. Approved zoning changes
to allow additional parking at
the Sheffield Building at Peach-
tree and Collier Road.
4. Approved the planning for
the relocation of Carroll Boad,
which had been made four
lanes a short time ago, because
of expansion of the Fulton Coun-
ty Airport.
5. Approved a resolution ask-
ing the AHA to inform the
Jl years old. I want you to| _.
mayor and aldermen 30 days
before signing any public hous- *
ing contracts.
6. Delayed action on a pro-
posal under the Model Cities
program to expand the Eco:
nomic___ Opportunity santa
neigitsorioo service center
program: into Grant Park and
Adair Park. Alderman Gregory
Griggs and Alderman Robert
Dennis made the request.
4 7
City Races Qualifying Set
The Atlanta Board of Alder-
men Monday established qualify-
ing dates and fees for the city
elections in October. .
The board adopted the pro-
posals of the aldermanic Fi-
nance Committee and City Clerk
Jimmy Little. The City Execu-
tive Committee last week en-
dorced the proposals.
The quatifying time for the
candidates will be 8:15 a.m. to
5 p.m. Aug. 25-26.
The fees are equivalent to two
months’ salary. They are mayor,
$5,000; vice mayor, $1,400; alder-
man, $1,200, and school board
member, $600.
| At the end of Monday’s alder-
manic session, Alderman Eve-
rett Millican a candidate for |
mayor, spoke critically about
remarks made over the weekend
by Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. and
former Police Patrolman James
McKinney, now a candidate for
the board from the Third Ward.
Referring to Allen’s com: |
merits about Millican’s age on |
a television program Sunday |
night, he (Millican) said, “Tm |
know that. Yesterday, someone
said how old I'd be when I got
out. That's the first time I’ve
heard it in reverse. I’ve only
got one foot in the grave.”
| Allen had noted in summing
up ithe qualifications of the
candidates that Millican would
be more than 75 at the end of
-his first term if elected. Millican
didn’t name the mayor, but left
no doubt as to whom he was re- |
{ Then Millican sharply criti-
cized McKinney for the former |
policeman’s remarks on a radio |
program Saturday. Millican said
McKinney “lambasted and
abused” the mayor, the alder-
men and the Police department
as “‘erooks.””
Millican said that if McKin-
ney knew of any wrongdoing,
he should go to the grand jury
“and I'll help him. . . If not, he
ought to keep his mouth shut.”
Millican then said he under-
stoed that Mrs. Eliza Paschall,
who was ousted as director of
the Community Relations Com-
mission more than a year ago,
was one of McKinney’s “main
campaign managers.”
During the regular order of
busimess, the aldermen ap-
proved for new terms Grady
Ridgeway as airport manager,
Jack Delius as parks general
manager, Roy Elrod as audi-
torium manager and Howard
Monree as City Hall superin-
The board also:
1. Heard that Allen had re-
‘appointed Edwin Sterne to the |
Atlanta Housing Authority
2. Receive a draft of an up-
dated building code, which will
be explained at a public hear-
ing July 15. *
3. Approved zoning changes
to allow additional parking at
the Sheffield Building at Peach-
tree and Collier Road.
4. Approved the planning for
the relocation of Carroll Boad,
which had been made four
lanes a short time ago, because
of expansion of the Fulton Coun-
ty Airport.
5. Approved a resolution ask-
ing the AHA to inform the
Jl years old. I want you to| _.
mayor and aldermen 30 days
before signing any public hous- *
ing contracts.
6. Delayed action on a pro-
posal under the Model Cities
program to expand the Eco:
nomic___ Opportunity santa
neigitsorioo service center
program: into Grant Park and
Adair Park. Alderman Gregory
Griggs and Alderman Robert
Dennis made the request.
4 7