Box 3, Folder 17, Document 69

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Box 3, Folder 17, Document 69

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Nexo MELPE |

1. BOA Rent-A-Kids Will
Ae, ~ | Help You, Poor Youths

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Preece teeter

Want your exotic flower a dejected youngster to be-~

tended? Maybe you have
some pups that you want
watched? An EOA Rent-
A-Kid can easily doit. Rent
A-Kids are low-income you-
ngsters who are trying to
earn money for school and
they sumetimes do some
very unusual things. Even
though the brochure says
they mow lawns, trim shrub-
bery, clear flower beds,

wash wifidows, move furni-
ture, iron, babysit, wash

come a great doctor if he
gets the financial help he

However, no more unus-~
ual job has come in than the
assignment one Rent-A-Kid
recently completed. He was
asked to easy
enough task. But for four
walloping St. Bernards?!

If YOU ever need an EOA
Rent-A-Kid, you can get one
at 577-5252.

Ks 1

cars and do a host of vther
chores that are essential
around the office and home
«eethey STILL do more un-
usual things.

For instance, just recent-
ly three Rent-A-Kids de-
monstrated for a whole day
a little toy called a footsie
at a large shopping center.
They not only had fun while
filling the needs of-manage-
ment, but they also gotsome
practical, first-hand exper-

. ience on Selling techniques.

. Many Rent-A-Kids have been
employed to shampoo rugs
and to sweep the ceilings of
houses. Several others will
be carrying signs for the next
James Brown Show,

One perspective employer
called for a Rent A-Kid to
plant and tend a very exotic
flower because this employ-
er felt that a Rent-A-Kid
would be the only one who
could do it right. Another

‘ _lady called to have a Rent;
_ A-Kid watch 21/2 children. .
What she really wanted was
‘One Rent-A-Kid t0 watch
One child for 2 1/2 hours.
But that does not count since
it was not really 2 1/2 child-

Some Rent-A-Kids had a
job in which to display their
carpentry talents at building
dog fences. Evidently they
completed the task expertly
because EOA is happy toan-

; nounce no dogs have escaped.

Are tired nurse who is a

partial invalid needed a Rent

4 -A-Kid to help with a few
household chores. The em-

ployee did so well that the

nurse has promised to teach

the youngster everytning she

* knows about nursing. Such

an experience could inspire


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