Box 3, Folder 17, Document 73

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Box 3, Folder 17, Document 73

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Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.

O A 101 Marietta Street Bldg. e Atlanta, Georgia 30303 e
T. M. Parham
Executive Administrator Contact: Mrs. Mitchell


For immediate release
January 7, 1968

In preparation for "START NOW ATLANTA WEEK",Boisfeuillet
Jones, Chairman of the Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. Board
of Directors, is inviting public officials and news represen-
tatives to a special briefing and tour on Friday, January 10,
1969, beginning at 10:00 a. m. at the East Central EOA Neighbor-
hood center, 486 Decatur Street S. E. at Boulevard (back side of
shopping center.)

Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., has proclaimed the week of January
12-18 "START NOW ATLANTA WEEK" urging “all Atlantans to invest
in Atlanta's future by becoming involved in EOA's neighborhood
information and volunteer programs."

At Friday's briefing Mr.Jones will launch "START NOW ATLANTA
WEEK" and the two new programs mentioned in the Mayor's procla-
mation. He will intnoduce 22 poverty area residents called
V.I.P.‘'s or Volunteer Information People, who for the first time
will lead public tours through their own neighborhoods. He will
also explain EOA's new volunteer program.

After the short briefing, one of the V.1I.P.‘'s, a poverty

area resident, will take guests to a nearby street to see what
residents living there have done to help themselves.

An early lunch will be provided for guests who wish to remain
after the tour for further discussion.

According to Mr. Jones, the purpose of Friday's briefing and
tour is to give public officials and news representatives a first
hand look at some of the problems, the progress which is being
made and the potential for volunteer help. "I am convinced," Mr.
Jones said, "that Atlantans want to become involved. People
constantly ask 'How can I know what's happening?’ and ‘What can I
do?' That is why EOA is introducing two new programs during

"START NOW ATLANTA WEEK" to help more Atlantans find ways to

become involved."


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