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Box 3, Folder 17, Document 92
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Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
O A 101 Marietta Street Bldg. e Atlanta, Georgia 30303 e Telephone: 525-4262
T. M. Parham ,
Executive Administrator
April 15, 1969
Mrs. Miriam J. Clarke
2855 Peachtree Road, N. E.
Apt 10
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Dear Mrs. Clarke:
The Mayor's office asked me to answer your letter
concerning the income of Martha's family.
I am pleased to learn from Allen Williams, the
Director of our East Central Neighborhood Service Center,
that you are working as a volunteer. Mr. Williams tells
me that he has talked with you about Martha's family.
I understand your concern and want to give you all
of the facts that we have.
Since Martha's father began working at a garage near
their home, he has made only $30 a week. The family pays
$28.00 a week rent each Saturday. That leaves $2.00 for all
other expenses. That is why her family, and many others like
them, are in such urgent need of help. That is why so many
go to school hungry. There is just no money for food.
Her family could possibly find a cheaper apartment.
It is not unusual for slum apartments to be priced at a level
similar to those in better areas. Poor people are often. forced
to take the inferior apartment at the same price because of
down payments; leases; monthly, instead of weekly payments .and
references required in other neighborhoods.
; Thank you so much for writing. I appreciate your
interest in Martha's Day and hope you HELE let me know if you
have additional questions. ‘Srss. |f
, a ;
Sincere y yours, - be
i pits Ne By AP tag ns
TMIP: 1b —
Jim Daxian
tive Administrator
O A 101 Marietta Street Bldg. e Atlanta, Georgia 30303 e Telephone: 525-4262
T. M. Parham ,
Executive Administrator
April 15, 1969
Mrs. Miriam J. Clarke
2855 Peachtree Road, N. E.
Apt 10
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Dear Mrs. Clarke:
The Mayor's office asked me to answer your letter
concerning the income of Martha's family.
I am pleased to learn from Allen Williams, the
Director of our East Central Neighborhood Service Center,
that you are working as a volunteer. Mr. Williams tells
me that he has talked with you about Martha's family.
I understand your concern and want to give you all
of the facts that we have.
Since Martha's father began working at a garage near
their home, he has made only $30 a week. The family pays
$28.00 a week rent each Saturday. That leaves $2.00 for all
other expenses. That is why her family, and many others like
them, are in such urgent need of help. That is why so many
go to school hungry. There is just no money for food.
Her family could possibly find a cheaper apartment.
It is not unusual for slum apartments to be priced at a level
similar to those in better areas. Poor people are often. forced
to take the inferior apartment at the same price because of
down payments; leases; monthly, instead of weekly payments .and
references required in other neighborhoods.
; Thank you so much for writing. I appreciate your
interest in Martha's Day and hope you HELE let me know if you
have additional questions. ‘Srss. |f
, a ;
Sincere y yours, - be
i pits Ne By AP tag ns
TMIP: 1b —
Jim Daxian
tive Administrator