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Box 3, Folder 17, Document 96
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/\ Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street Bldg. o Atlanta, Georgia 30303 e Telephone: 525-4262
ke M. Parham
Executive Administrator
Contact: Pat Mason (EQOA)
or J. Hunter Todd
April 9, 1969
Nim.teen young men and women, selected as The Outstanding
Young People in Atlanta (TOYPA), will joir Economic Opportunity
Atlanta's START NOW ATLANTA Campaign on Saturday, April 12,
with a poverty area tour which begins at 10:30
a. m. from the
East Centrz.: TOA Neighborhood Service Center, 486 Decatur Street,
S. Es
For TCYPA the tour wili be the first step
chosen as their first : reject: the production
motion picture which will explore the progress
Atlanta's poor communities. According to Sara
Hunter Todd, Co-Chairmen of the TOYPA project,
in what has been
of an orginal.
and problems ‘of
Ridgeway and J.
the motion pic-
ture will be presented to top community leaders, civic clubs,
and church groups to channel community interest and assistance
to EOA's START NOW ATLANTA campaign which has involved 374 new
volunteers in the war against poverty since the program began
on January 10.
On Saturday these 19 young people will be toured by
poverty area residents who live in Cabbagetown, Reynoldstown,
Buttermilk Bottom, and adjacent communities. They will see
first hand the efforts of the poor in their own self-help
projects and will be confronted with the problems which remain. |
| Saturday's tour, scheduled as part of the Dogwood Festival,
will also include othet Atlant ns, young and old, who are among |
the 2,277 wno. have takeh — che EOA tours in the last three
/\ Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street Bldg. o Atlanta, Georgia 30303 e Telephone: 525-4262
ke M. Parham
Executive Administrator
Contact: Pat Mason (EQOA)
or J. Hunter Todd
April 9, 1969
Nim.teen young men and women, selected as The Outstanding
Young People in Atlanta (TOYPA), will joir Economic Opportunity
Atlanta's START NOW ATLANTA Campaign on Saturday, April 12,
with a poverty area tour which begins at 10:30
a. m. from the
East Centrz.: TOA Neighborhood Service Center, 486 Decatur Street,
S. Es
For TCYPA the tour wili be the first step
chosen as their first : reject: the production
motion picture which will explore the progress
Atlanta's poor communities. According to Sara
Hunter Todd, Co-Chairmen of the TOYPA project,
in what has been
of an orginal.
and problems ‘of
Ridgeway and J.
the motion pic-
ture will be presented to top community leaders, civic clubs,
and church groups to channel community interest and assistance
to EOA's START NOW ATLANTA campaign which has involved 374 new
volunteers in the war against poverty since the program began
on January 10.
On Saturday these 19 young people will be toured by
poverty area residents who live in Cabbagetown, Reynoldstown,
Buttermilk Bottom, and adjacent communities. They will see
first hand the efforts of the poor in their own self-help
projects and will be confronted with the problems which remain. |
| Saturday's tour, scheduled as part of the Dogwood Festival,
will also include othet Atlant ns, young and old, who are among |
the 2,277 wno. have takeh — che EOA tours in the last three