Dublin Core
Box 3, Folder 17, Document 99
Text Item Type Metadata
Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
O A 101 Marieteca Street Bldg. e Atlanta, Georgia 30303 o
T. M. Parham
Executive Administrator Contact: Mrs. Mason, 525-4262 or 636-9390
Johnny Popwell, EOA VISTA DIRECTO2.,
Duke Harrison, EOA Recreation
Director, 523- 7561
April 7, 1969
NO ADVANCE PUBLICITY (The football players involved have requested no
advance publicity in order to insure that poverty area youngsters will be
the ones to benefit from the event.)
Pro-foctba_1 stars from across the nation will join with local college
players in an Et..-V1OTA sponsored football extravaganza for 2500 poverty
area youths at Washington High School, ‘15 White House Drive, S. W. on
April 7.. 3
A copy of the pregrem which will be in two sessions, one starting
at 10:00 a. m. and the other at 1:30 p. m., is attached, along with a
_ list of the football players and visitors to the event.
NOTE: Bill Curry end Fran Tarkenton are co-chairmen of “he Prufessic al
Athletes VISTA Assistanrze Program, organized recently.
"NSC" on the program means Neighborhood Service Center.
Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
O A 101 Marieteca Street Bldg. e Atlanta, Georgia 30303 o
T. M. Parham
Executive Administrator Contact: Mrs. Mason, 525-4262 or 636-9390
Johnny Popwell, EOA VISTA DIRECTO2.,
Duke Harrison, EOA Recreation
Director, 523- 7561
April 7, 1969
NO ADVANCE PUBLICITY (The football players involved have requested no
advance publicity in order to insure that poverty area youngsters will be
the ones to benefit from the event.)
Pro-foctba_1 stars from across the nation will join with local college
players in an Et..-V1OTA sponsored football extravaganza for 2500 poverty
area youths at Washington High School, ‘15 White House Drive, S. W. on
April 7.. 3
A copy of the pregrem which will be in two sessions, one starting
at 10:00 a. m. and the other at 1:30 p. m., is attached, along with a
_ list of the football players and visitors to the event.
NOTE: Bill Curry end Fran Tarkenton are co-chairmen of “he Prufessic al
Athletes VISTA Assistanrze Program, organized recently.
"NSC" on the program means Neighborhood Service Center.