Dublin Core
Box 4, Folder 4, Document 15
Text Item Type Metadata
August 8, 1969
To: Mayor Allen .
From: Dan Sweat
Shbject: Analysis of Complaints on City Services
Iam attaching three pieces of information which you will find very interesting.
One is the summary of complaints from Town Hall meetings and recommendations.
of the Community Relations Ccromission. The second is tbe monthly statistical
report from Johnny Robinson on the work of his City Services Coordinators.
The third is a summary of evaluations and recommendations of eight interns
whos ave working with the Cite Serwicae Coordinatar in varinonea narts of the
As lindicated to you before when publicity was released on the CRC's complaint
summary, I was surprised to find that the Parks Department came in for so
much criticism. I did not feel this was the case with our City Services
I have attempted to analyze the most frequent complaints in the CRC report
and the city services report. You will note the percent of total in each of the
major categories. Iam extremely impressed with the total number of complaints
received and corrected by the City Services Coordinator. This is a result, of
course, of the beefed-up staff utilizing the interns.
You will find the comments and recommendations of the interns very interesting,
and I think it is significant that only one of the interns consistently feels that
everything is wrong.
Ihave been exceptionally pleased with the fact that althouch the interns place
a great deal of extra work on the departments in getting complaints answered,
there have been very few complaints registered with me from the departments.
To: Mayor Allen .
From: Dan Sweat
Shbject: Analysis of Complaints on City Services
Iam attaching three pieces of information which you will find very interesting.
One is the summary of complaints from Town Hall meetings and recommendations.
of the Community Relations Ccromission. The second is tbe monthly statistical
report from Johnny Robinson on the work of his City Services Coordinators.
The third is a summary of evaluations and recommendations of eight interns
whos ave working with the Cite Serwicae Coordinatar in varinonea narts of the
As lindicated to you before when publicity was released on the CRC's complaint
summary, I was surprised to find that the Parks Department came in for so
much criticism. I did not feel this was the case with our City Services
I have attempted to analyze the most frequent complaints in the CRC report
and the city services report. You will note the percent of total in each of the
major categories. Iam extremely impressed with the total number of complaints
received and corrected by the City Services Coordinator. This is a result, of
course, of the beefed-up staff utilizing the interns.
You will find the comments and recommendations of the interns very interesting,
and I think it is significant that only one of the interns consistently feels that
everything is wrong.
Ihave been exceptionally pleased with the fact that althouch the interns place
a great deal of extra work on the departments in getting complaints answered,
there have been very few complaints registered with me from the departments.