Box 4, Folder 14, Complete Folder

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Box 4, Folder 14, Complete Folder

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To The Citizens of Atlanta
Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor
City of Atlanta
Sam Massell, Jr., President
FIRST WARD: James E. Jackson; Robert S. Dennis
SECOND WARD: E. A. Gilliam; R. E. Lee Field
THIRD WARD: Wm. T. Knight; James E. Vickers
FOURTH WARD: Douglas Wood; Charles Leftwich
FIFTH WARD: John A. White; G. Everett Millican
SIXTH WARD: Richard C. Freeman; Cecil Turner
SEVENTH WARD: Jack Summers; Milton G. Farris
EIGHTH WARD: Rodney M. Cook; Douglas L. Fowlkes
G. Everett Millican, Chairman
John A. White, Vice Chairman
A. E. Gilliam
Rodney M. Cook
B. A. Martin, Chairman
C. Talmadge Hardeman
Sam I. Cooper
Dr. Sidney L. Davis
R. A. Thompson
Malcolm D. Jones, Director
Joseph A. Rabun, Assistant Director
Willis L. Buckner, Rehabilitation Specialist
Oliver M. Ownby, Environmental Improvement Div.
James A. Smith, Relocation Housing Div.
John 0. Chiles, Chairman
Dr. Allen D. Albert, Jr., Edwin L. Sterne
Vice Chairman
Frank G. Etheridge
Charles E. Thwaite, Jr.
M. B. Satterfield, Executive Director
Earl H. Metzger, Director of Redevelopment
J . Arch Avary, Chairman
W. L . Ramsey, Executive Secretary
The primary purpose of this report is to bring
to the citizens of Atlanta a better concept of
Urban Renewal, why we have it, how it works,
who is responsible for it, what has been accomplished to date, principal needs for the future and
suggestions for accomplishing them.
The Urban Renewal Department performs four
major functions, the first and foremost of which is
prescribed in ordinance establishing the Department, adopted July 1, 1957 which states, "The
functions of this department shall be to study the
Urban Renewal requirements of the City of
Atlanta, to determine ways and means for their
accomplishment and to provide and facilitate
timely coordination and orderly development of
Urban Renewal plans, projects and other related
activities throughout the city . . . and to make
recommendations for facilitating progress on
Urban Renewal in the City of Atlanta... "
In carrying out this function the Urban Renewal
Department serves as the staff of the Urban
Renewal Committee of the Board of Aldermen
and performs the principal coordinating activities
on Urban Renewal matters with other Departments and Agencies. This work is performed by
the Director, Assistant Director, Rehabilitation
Specialist and Secretary.
The second function assigned this Department,
as of July 1, 195~, is enforcement of the Housing
and Slum Clearance Code of the City of Atlanta.
For this purpose the Department is now authorized a Chief Inspector, 8 Field Inspectors and 2
The third function is the city-wide responsibility
for providing relocation housing assistance for
families displaced by Governmental action, including expressway acquisition, and for issuance of
certificates of eligibility to displaced families for
purchase of FHA insured mortgage homes under
the 221 Program. A relocation Housing Officer
and Secretary perform this function.
�The fourth and most recently assigned function,
since August 1, 1960, is responsibility for enforcement of the City Ord;nance requiring that demolitions be accomplished within a prescribed time
limit after issuance of demolition permit and that
resulting debris, litter and rubble be removed from
the premises. This function is performed by tl1e
Environmental Improvement Division, in addition
to Housing Code enforcement.
The Urban Renewal Department, with advice
and assistance of other Departments, especially
the Planning Department, initiates and makes
recommendations to the Urban Renewal Committee of the Board of Aldermen for new Urban
Renewal Projects, reviews Urban Renewal Plans
for the Urban Renewal Committee and when
appropriate initiates changes in boundaries of
existing Projects.
Survey, planning and execution of the City's
current Urban Renewal Projects, after selection,
designation and adoption of the Projects by the
City, has been delegated by Ordinance to the
Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, as the
City's Agent.
However, the establishment of broad policies
for operation of the entire Urban Renewal program and responsibility for insuring that they are
carried out is a duty and function of the City (the
Mayor and Board of Aldermen) executed through
its Urban Renewal Committee. This responsibility
should not and cannot be delegated.
Atlanta's five Urban Renewal Projects now
comprise 1303 acres, originally contained 2,971
substandard residential structures to be demolished, 1500 dwellings to be rehabilitated, will
require 4,545 families to move and after redevelopment will house 7,598 families in safe, decent
and sanitary standard housing ( a gain of 969
families) above the number that were in the areas
originally. The net project cost of the first five
projects will be roughly $27,000,000, of which
the local share is $9,000,000, with $18,000,000
being borne by the Federal Government.
Taxes ( city and county) derived from the areas
before the projects started was $160,000 annually;
after redevelopment is complete the value of
newly constructed taxable property in the areas
is conservatively estimated to be $125,000,000,
producing in real estate taxes alone $1,600,000
annually, an increase of ten fold.
The first three ( center of town) projects were
adopted in February, 1956, and the two outlying
projects, for relocation purposes, were adopted in
August, 1957. Final plans for Butler, RawsonWashington and Thomasville Projects were
approved July, 1959, and for University and
Rockdale June, 1960. Execution is considered to
have started in Butler, Rawson-Washington and
Thomasville Projects January 1, 1960, and in
University and Rockdale January 1, 1961. The
redevelopment phase is five years for all projects.
By year end 1961, some 2400 substandard
properties had been acquired by the Housing
Authority at an expenditure of $17,000,000.
70% of all parcels to be acquired, have been purchased or are under condemnation; all property
in the Thomasville Project had been acquired or
was in the process of condemnation; over 1,000
substandard structures had been demolished and
their occupants rehoused in standard dwellings;
431 dwelling units in the Urban Renewal Projects
had been brought up to standards required by the
Housing Code and 673 additional units were in the
process of being rehabilitated. Six parcels, consisting of 69.43 acres, or 7.5 % of the Urban
Renewal tracts, have already been sold for
redevelopment valued at $12,068,350. This
includes a $3,250,000, 21 story, luxury apartment building; a 1,000 pupil elementary school,
an 8 story Holiday Motel; 596 medium priced
rental apartment units; and 100 units of single
family 221 sales housing.
Housing Code Enforcement:
Of the local share, all but $1 ,500,000 in cash,
the total 1957 Urban Renewal Bond funds, is
being provided by non-cash grants in aid by other
departments for capital improvements which will
serve the areas. $4,500,000 of this amount is
being provided by the Board of Education in the
form of school construction.
In order to make the Housing Code felt
throughout the entire city, the E nvironmental
Improvement Division has devoted its efforts during 1961 primarily to the worst property in the
block or neighborhood basis. However, in addition to city-wide coverage, conservation areas in
salvagable, residential neighborhoods have now
been selected for concentrated effort in 1962 on a
house-by-house basis. This should result in substantial increased production during 1962.
As of December 31, 1961 , ~~}.


Major Repairs:
\ _:," _~,"
~\ q,
r "'<"
\.>' Sept.82 Dec. • 59
Cas es
Conservn t ion Arens
Cases referred to other Departments
/4. Demolitions:
/3. Minor Deficiencies : (Usually
clenn up of premises )
Demolition Permits complied
Demolition Permits
Cases considered by Better
Housing Commission
/2 . Court cnses for non-compliance with
Units Placard ed
(with approval of B.H.C. )
Famili es required to movefor demo Ii lions
Families required to move
for other reasons
Court Cases for Housing Code
violations (nil won)
( 325)


Where no dates are indicated, figures pertain to
1961 operations only,
Figures in ( ) also included under other items.
/6 . Requires average of 6 inspections each
/4. Requires average of 4 inspections each .
/3. Requires average of 3 inspections eac h.
/2. Requires nv ernge of 2 inspection s each.
At year e nd, I nspecto rs were carrying an average
work load of approximately 225 uncompleted cases
The above was accomplished with only 4 Inspectors in 1959 and 1960; in 1961 with 6-1/3
Inspectors; 8 Inspectors are now authorized.
The Better Housing Commission has considered 462 slow moving and difficult cases in an
effort to resolve them without court action; and
has authorized the placarding of 917 dwelling
Relocation Housing:
During 1961, 620 certificates of eligibility (23
to Whites and 597 to Negroes) were issued by the
Relocation Housing Division to displaced families
for the purchase of FHA insured mortgage homes
built by private enterprise. A total of 3,210 certificates (306 to Whites and 2904 to Negroes)
( 4
The Relocation Housing office of this Department has relocated 58 displaced families in private
rentals and referred 340 families to Public
/2. Properties Ins pected in
have been issued under this program to date.
Since this program started in 1958, building permits have been issued for construction within the
City of Atlanta for 2,889 single family, 221
houses (1072 for Whites and 181 7 for Negroes) .
All but 100 of these have been completed and
all but 137 of the completed houses have been
sold and occupied. This program alone represents $29,000,000 in new construction in Atlanta.
Fight Blight:
During April, 1961, the Urban Renewal Department, with the assistance of other Departments
and agencies, promoted and spear-headed a very
successful city-wide FIGHT BLIGHT campaign.
This was closely tied in with and supported by
the Women's Chamber of Commerce in connection with its annual Clean Up, Paint Up, Fix Up
During the week of August 21-26, 1961, this
Department participated with other City Departments in providing displays at Lenox Square for
the "Salute to Atlanta." The Department also had
a very substantial and informative Urban Renewal
display at the Southeastern Fair.
Recertification of Workable Program:
The Department prepared, with assistance of
material furnished by other Departments and
Agencies, Atlanta's annual report for Recertification of Progress in Community Improvement
(Workable Program). The principal comments
by the Federal Government in its Recertification of
the Workable Program (to January 1, 1963)
(1) That progress in Housing Code enforcement
is good, but the City badly needs additional
Inspectors and suggestion was made that
building permit fees might be increased to
finance the cost of the Housing Code enforcement service; and
(2) That activities of the Citizens Advisory Com-
mittee for Urban Renewal be more comprehensive and positive in the role of actually
accomplishing community improvements.
�Apartment Improvement:
Inspection and upgrading major medium rental
apartment developments has been undertaken by
the Rehabilitation Specialist of the Department.
sponsored by the School Department primarily for
expansion of Howard High School. The Board of
Education has committed itself to defray all but
$17,500 of the cost of the local share of this
Revision of Housing Code:
East Atlanta:
A comprehensive revision of the Housing Code
is currently being undertaken, designed to clarify
and strengthen certain provisions of the Code,
based on our 2½ years actual experience in Code
An application is being prepared by the Housing Authority for a 110 acre Urban Renewal Project in East Atlanta in the Mayson A venueHardee Street area. About half of this project is
contemplated for rehabilitation. There is also
sufficient vacant land in this project to provide
location within the project for construction of
additional public housing units required, before
a,ny demolition takes place within the project area.


Buttermilk Bottoms:
Bond Issue:
The 160 acre Buttermilk Bottoms tract has,
since November, 1960, been designated and
adopted by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen as
a future Urban Renewal Project. This area has
long been considered by many as Atlanta's future
Number 1 Urban Renewal Project.
West End:
A General Neighborhood Renewal Plan study
is underway in a 650 acre area of the "West End":
to be completed in June, 1962. It is anticipated
that a $1,500,000 Urban Renewal Project will
develop in at least 10% of the area being studied.
Transportation Plaza:
A Feasibility Study for future Urban Renewal
Projects is being made by the Planning Department in the 500 acre tract known as "Transportation Plaza," which includes the area between
Whitehall-Spring Streets and Northside Drive,
from McDaniel Street to North Avenue.
Georgia State College:
An Urban Renewal Project for expansion of
Georgia State College along Decatur Street, between Central Avenue and Piedmont Avenue, is
already definitely underway, with the entire local
share of the cost of the project being borne by
Georgia State College and the State Board of
Since 1958 the Urban Renewal Department has
been working consistently for adoption of a Long
Range Program for future Urban Renewal Projects, has developed such a proposal for consideration by the Urban Renewal Committee and
is prepared to present and support the proposal
before the Bond Commission. This proposal is
for six year program, 1962-7, and, in addition
to the projects listed above, includes five other
badly needed projects. Two of these are proposed as "companion" projects to complement
others. The local share of this proposed six year
program amounts to $8,000,000. This includes a
$1 000 000 revolving fund for non-Federal-assisted projects. This amount is not excessive,
when compared with the needs of the City, and is
in keeping with the financial effort being made in
Urban Renewal by other cities of comparable size.
Relocation Housing:
Other developments in progress, not a direct ,
part of but closely related to ~rban R~newal, _are
the 650 unit Field Road Public Housmg Project
for Negroes and 250 units of high-rise Public
Reusing for Elderly (Whites) now underway on
Ashby Street, just. South . of the Joel Ch~ndler
Harris Public Housmg Project. Also commitment
has been made in the Eastern sector of the Butler
Street Urban Renewal Project for 200 units of
high - rise Public Housing for the Elderly
(Negroes) .
Howard School:
Application has been prepared for submittal to
the Federal Government for a small Urban Project
The highlight of citizen participation during
1961 was the enthusiastic and effective part played
by neighborhood groups, business associations,
�trade organizations, clubs and individual citizens
in Atlanta's first FIGHT BLIGHT Campaign.
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal was particularly helpful in a clerical financial and. advisory capacity. Throughout the year
the A~tmg Dir~ctor of t~e _Citizens Advisory
CoIIlID.lttee published and distributed to its memb~r~hip a vef)'. informative weekly newsletter. The
Citizens Advisory Committee also provided for
publication of the 1960 Report of the Urban
R~newal Department, and has offered to publish
this report. It has also been very active through
!l1e cour~esy . of the :rrust Company of Georgia
m arrangmg informative talks and tours on Urban
Renewal for various citizen groups.
. The Chamber of Commerce has listed progress
Urban_ Renewal as one of its seven major objectives durmg 1962. The first edition of "Atlanta"
(January, 1962, edition), a publication sponsored
by the "Forward Atlanta" movement of the Chamber of Commerce, contained as its primary feature
an excellent article on Urban Renewal.
Th~ Central Atlanta Association and the newly
orgarnzed Uptown Association have both strongly
endorsed and adopted policy supporting Urban
The League of Women Voters published during
1961 a special edition of its "FACTS" pamphlet
devoted exclusively to Urban Renewal. Both
this organization and the Voters Guild prominently featured Urban Renewal in their educational campaigns for voters during the 1961 Primary and General Election. All local candidates
for re-election during the 1961 Mayor and Board
of Aldermen campaign endorsed and promised
support for Urban Renewal.
The local press, radio and television have consistently supported and assisted the Urban
Renewal Program.
(a) According to the 19 60 census there are
40,000 dwelling units within the City 'of Atlanta
that are dilapidated or deteriorating. These represent areas of the City six times as extensive as
~ur ~urre?t ~rban Renewal Projects. It takes
little 1magmation to see the need for Housing Code
Enforcement and Urban Renewal clearance
projects in these areas.
advantage of capital improvements by other Departments for Urban Renewal credit purposes and
for controlling, or at least influencing, interim
developments in various critical areas of the City.
( c) Adequate provision for financing such a
program on a continuing basis is a must, if Urban
Renewal is to serve the purpose intended in
Atlanta, and which it is capable of doing, if given
adequate financial support. The City simply
carmot afford to fail to take advantage of the
opportunity now offered, through the Urban
Renewal Program, to rid itself of its extensive
festering slums.
( d) Future substantial Urban Renewal Projects
cannot be undertaken, however, without simultaneously providing for additional Public Housing
to accommodate those displaced families whose
income is too low to buy or rent standard dwelling
units in the open market.
( e) The adoption by the City of Minimum
Standards for existing commercial and industrial
properties, similar to those now in the Housing
Code for residential structures, is essential if we
are to eliminate slums and upgrade neighborhoods.
(f) Violations of the Housing Code are so
numerous and extensive, it is doubtful that material progress can be made in corrective measures
until the Courts adopt the policy of fining
offenders on first notice and summons for Housing Code violations, in much the same manner as
is now followed in Traffic Court for traffic violations.
(g) The Sanitary, Health and Fire Departments have been and can continue to contribute
tremendously to Environmental Improvement
throughout the City by assisting in enforcing clean
up of premises and removal of accumulations of
trash and litter from occupied properties and
vacant lots. This will, at the same time, improve
sanitary and health conditions and reduce fire
(h) Improvement of apartment zoning regulations would greatly assist, from an Environmental
Improvement standpoint, prevention of future
slums, through new construction .
(b) A Long Range Program for future Urban
Renewal Projects, with some degree of acceptance
for future development, is essential to planning
areas for Housing Code Enforcement, taking full
(i) Greater restrictions and controls on operators of junk yards and salvage dumps throughout
the City is very much needed. A requirement for
screening existing establishments in this category
with a woven redwood fence, similar to that now
required for new establishments would be a
�tremendous benefit to the City in its Environmental Improvement effort.
(j) Thorough rehabilitation through Housing
Code enforcement is the backbone of the Citywide Urban Renewal effort. Increased emphasis
now on this phase, with additional Housing Code
Inspectors, is far cheaper and more practical for
the City than clearance and redevelopment later,
except in those areas which are already so badly
deteriorated that it is not economically feasible
to rehabilitate them.
wishes to acknowledge the valuable services and
consistent support given this Department and the
Urban Renewal Program by two former members
of the Urban Renewal Committee, Alderman Jesse
Draper and W. A . "Bill" Sims, who chose not to
stand for re-election in the 1961 political campaign.
(k) The need urgently exists for some appropriate incentives, probably tax concessions, to
encourage private enterprise to redevelop, at no
cost to the City, slum areas in accordance with
plans and appropriate controls established and
approved by the City.
The Urban Renewal Department is especially
appreciative of assistance and cooperation
rendered during 1961 in the overall Urban Renewal effort by the following on various and
special occasions, for which space herein does
not permit detailed recognition.
Various Departments of the City of Atlanta
( especially the Planning and Construction Departments) :
Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta
Board of Education
Atlanta-Fulton County Joint Planning Board
State Highway Department
Fulton County Health Department
Federal Agencies
Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal
Municipal Court
Better Housing Commission
Atlanta Chamber of Commerce
Women's Chamber of Commerce
Central Atlanta Association
Uptown Association
Atlanta Real E state Board
Fulton County Grand Juries
Grand Jurors Association
Voters Guild
League of Women Voters
Atlanta Urban League
Atlanta newspapers and local radio and
t elevision stations
Trust Company of Georgia
And host of organizations, clubs and individual
friends and supporters
The Urban Renewal Department especially
�November 24, 1969
Dr. Willi am M . Sllttles
Vice Presi dent
Georgi State University
33 Gilmer Str e t, S. E .
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Bill:
May I acknowl d ge receipt of your letter of Novem ber
2.1 t submitting your resignation a Chairman of the
Joint Atlanta-Fulton Citiz ns Advisory Committee .
F irst, may I thank you l:t>r the plendid job you ha¥
done and expres
r g ratitude for th m ny long
hours you have put into thi ta k.
I ·u co
to fill th
· th M r . Mite 11, nd w will ttempt
cy that has been created by your
With appr ci tion, I am
Sine rely your . •
IAJr:l p
All n~ Jr.
November 5, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Joe C. Whitley
325-Orleans Street, S. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30312
Dear Mr. ::~t:i::zens Advisory
for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of three years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
3 f 3 \
November 7, 1969
Honorable Ivan Allen
Mayor, City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Ivan:
Representatives of the IPA will present the Atlanta-Fulton
County Merger Study to the Joint Citizens Advisory Committee on
Tuesday, November 1S, 1969, at 10:00 a. m. in the Assembly Hall,
Sparks Hall, Georgia State University.
Since phase I of the Study is now complete and since phase 2,
which is informing the citizens of the Study and its recommendations,
s1Tu:@uld now begin, I plan to recommend the following at this meeting:
Since the task of advising the IPA officials with their study
has been basically completed, the Citizens Advisory Committee should
either be discharged and a new group named to implement phase 2 or
the present committee should be greatly increased in number.
(2) Since Georgia State h as become a University, and since the
University is in a period of unprecedented academic and physi-cal
growth, and since I serve as Vice President of the University,
Chairman of the Master Campus Planning Committee, and Chairman
of the Academic Growth Committee, I do not feel that I can give the
time necessary to the implementation of phase 2. The Chairman should
be able to give full time to the importatEi1i task of informing our d itizens
of the recommendations of this Study. Therefore, I feel that I must
resign as Chairman of the Joint Citizens Advisory Committee. I will
be happy to continue as a member of the committee.
It is always a pleasure to work with you
with you .
and to be associated
Sincerely ,
~ ~ ~
William M. Suttles
Vi c e President
WMS / r lb
F ORM 700-B/G-B OM
TrL1st Co n.1.par1y o f G eo r g1a
44 1 B
Atlanta , Gcorg i a -30302
Noveffiber 12, 1969
Mr. Charles L. Davis
Director of Fi nance
Cit y of Atlanta
501 Ci t y Hall
Atl anta, Georgi a
Dear Charles:
Thanks f or your letter of November 5 r egarding gr ants to
the Citi zens Advisory Commi t t ee f or Urban Renewa l by Cit y of At l anta ,
I' ve had t he opportunity of di. cus sing thi s with Chai xma.11 Noah Langdale
and we concur i n your evaluati on of the needs of t ho Committee,
As I have been charged with the r esponsibility of handling
the f i nances for the Committee, I would apprec iate you accepting this
l etter as our offici al r equest f or a $3 , 000 gr ant for the year 1970 ,
Thanks for your good he lp .
Kindes t r egar ds .
Sincer ely
\ I .
A. B. Padgett
Citi zens Advis ory Conu ittee
f or Urban Renewal
copies t o Dr. Noah Langda l e i Jr , _,,,,,Colonel Mal colm J ones..__./
October 29, 1969
Mr . Samuel Inman Cooper
Cooper, Barrett .. Skinner,
Woodbury & Cooper, Inc .
Architects and Engineers
501--507 Henry Grady Building
Atlanta,. Georgia
Dear Sam,.
I am. delighted that you are able to again serve on
the Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal.
With appreciation for your kind expressions of
support, I am
Sincerely yours,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
PHONE 522- 4463
October 28, 1969
From Malcolm D. T
Housing co--xf.~r
TO: Mr. George Berry
Director of Governmental Liaison
Re your attached note and Memorandum of October
23i> 1969, from Charles Davis, I w as not aware of the
arrangement described in second paragraph of Mr. D a vis '
Memo .
However, I a m thi s date pro viding e a ch Dr. Langdale,
Dean Lacy and Mr. A. B. Padget, with a copy of Mr.
Davis I s Memo to determine if it reflects their understanding and agreement. If so, I w ill request Dr . Langdale
to submit a formal request soon to Mr. Davis for inclusion
of the $3, 000 in the City 1 s 1970 B udget.
N o te with M e m o from Mr. Da vis a ttached
F ORM 25 - 15
Col . Jones
E vi dent ly , Mr. Davis d o es
no t ha ve the und e r s tandin~
th a t the $15,000 is t o be continue d intri 1970. He
stat e s that it has been
re moved a nd a $3,000
a ppropri a tion will be made
for 1970.
Ple a se return for my fi mes.
October 23, 1969
Mr . George Berry
Charles L. Davis
Reference is made to your memo of October 23, 1969, in which
you discuss the appropriation the City of Atlanta is making to
the Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal.
Along this line, I would like to advise that in either May or
June of this year I worked very closely with Mr. Noah Langdale
and Dean Alex Lacey who was then acting as Direct or of the
Committee regarding the current year's appropriation. It was
concluded at that time that there would be no funds requested
fr om the City in 1969 and that future appropriations would be
reduced fr om the $15,000 level to approximately $3 ,000 per year.
This reduction took into account the City furnishing an
Executive Director and the proper supporting clerical resources.
We have removed the 1969 appropriation and have earmarked the
1970 Budget Request to show a request of approximately $3,000
for the Citizens Advisory Committee f or Urban Renewal.
cc: Mr. Woody Underwood
Mr. Gerald Bernal
Mr. Malcolm Jones
Dean Alex Lacey
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Jack Adair, President
Adair Realty and Loan Company
56 Peachtree Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Adair:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revis e d its structural organization and operational policy a s a result of the
incr e a s ed activity and sound d e dication of the Committe e.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed stagg e red t e rms for all members, in order to effect gradua l
turnove r and to bring n ew i n t e r e sts into the Committee . Terms ha v e b een
propo se d for 1, 2 or 3 year a ppointments, d e t e rmine d initia lly a lpha b etic a lly~
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
membe rs for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to w e lcome the n e w m e mbe rs to the Committee. It is a ple a sur e
the refor e for me to r eappoint you to ac t ive membe r s h i p on this essential Commit t e e
for a per iod of o ne y ear. I hope tha t you will b e a ble to se rve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, E x t. 430
or 431 m the event y ou fe e l tha t you s hould decline.
Sincer e ly,
Iva n Alle n , Jr .
M a yo r
IAJ r / mc
- ·,,
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE , Executive Secretary
Mr. T. M.- Alexander, Sr., President
Alexander and Associates
208 Auburn Avenue, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Alexander:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased acitivity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing prem,ise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active m _e mbership on this essential Committee
for a period of two years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr .
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel . 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Dr. Erne st Banks
106 Forrest Avenue, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Dr. Banks:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
· members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of three years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR ., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Richard K. Barksdale
3786 Wisteria Lane, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30331
Dear Mr. Barksdale:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
i .n creased activity and sou.nd dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citi~en function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of one year. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
F A.TLAN,,,.,.A
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Robert W. Bivens
Executive Director
Central Atlanta Progress, Inc.
2 Peachtree Street, N. W.
Suite 2740
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Bivens:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons f or membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen fun:tion and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new member s to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of two years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
' --~
Ivan Allen, Jr .
M ayor
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Execut ive Secretary
Mr. William L. Calloway, President
Calloway Realty Company
193 Auburn Avenue, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Calloway:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structur a l organizat ion and op e rational policy as a result of the
increas e d activity and sound d e di cation of the Committee .
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms f or all m e mbers, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. T e rms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year a ppointm e nt s , d e t e rmined initia lly alpha beti cally.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their d e dication to this important c i tizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee . It is a pleasure
therefor e for m e to reappoint you to acti ve member s hip on thi s essential C ommittee
for a p er iod of thr ee y e ar s . I hop e tha t y o u w ill b e a ble to se rve.
Pleas e notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext . 430
or 431 in the event you fe el that you should decline .
Since rely,
Ivan A ll e n, Jr .
M a yo r
IAJr / m c
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA. GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Jack _C arrollton
Senior Sales Representative
Georgia Power Company
P. 0. Box 4545
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
Dear Mr. Carrollton:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication ·of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for l, 2 or 3 year appointments, dete rmined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members t-o the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of one year. I hope that you will b e able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
M ayor
IAJr / mc
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. F. Ea-r le Connell, Vice President
Fidelity Federal Savings and Loan Association
300 West Peachtree Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
Dear Mr. Connell:
The Citizens_ Adivorsy Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the increased
activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been proposed
for l, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
· In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential
for a period of 2 years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
the old
a job
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, .Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
October 20, 1969 _
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Sam I. Cooper, Architect
Cooper, ·Barnett, Skinner, Woodbury and Cooper, Inc.
Henry Grady Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Cooper:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determin_e d initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of three years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel.. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IAJr / mc
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mrs. Sujette F. Crank
131 Li"nkwood Road, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30311
Dear Mrs. Crank:
The Citizens. Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of one year. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
October 30, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Lawrence Geller stedt
Beers Construction Company
P. 0. Box 7361
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mr. Geller stedt:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organizational and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication -of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of two years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 1n the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IAJ r / mc
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mrs. Hal Gibson
1646 Mt. Par an Road, N. W.
Atlanta , Georgia 30327
Dear Mrs. Gibson:
The Citizen~ Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound d e dication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
propos e d for l, 2 or 3 year appointm ent s , dete rmined initially alphabe ti c ally.
In acc orda n ce w ith the f o reg oin g pr emise , I w ish t o tha n k
members for their dedication to this important citi z en function and for
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a
therefore for me to appoint you to a c tive member s hip on this e ssential
for a period of thr e e years. I hop e tha t you will b e a ble to se rve.
the old
a job
ple a sure
Ple a s e notify M a lcolm Jone s of my Offic e , T e l. 522-4463, E x t . 4 30
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Sincer e ly,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IAJr / m c
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522 -4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR ., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mrs, Mary Gilmer, Principal
Dean· Rusk School
433 Peeples Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30310
Dear Mrs. Gilmer:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of one year. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Denver D. Gray, Chairman
Housing and Red~velopment Committee
Chamber of Commerce
Travelers Insurance Company
230 Peachtree Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Gray:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural orga ni z ation and oper a tional policy a s a result of the
incr e ased activity a nd sound d e dication of the Committe e.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interest s into the Committee. T e rms have bee n
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, d e t e rmined initially alphabe tically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedic a tion to this important citizen function ,and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to th e Committe e. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to a ctive m e mbe rship on thi s e ssential Committee .
Plea se notify M a lcolm Jones of my O ffi ce , T e l. 522- 446 3 , E x t. 43 0
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Sinc e r e ly,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
M ay o r
IAJr / mc
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Rev. Joseph L. Griggs
Gordon Street Presbyterian Church
1450 Gordon Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30310
Dear Rev. Griggs:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the· Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for l, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of two years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext, 430
' or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IAJ r / m c
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, E xecutive Secretary
Mr. Joe Guthridge
Vice President for Development
Georgia School of Technology
225 North Avenue, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
Dear Mr. Guthridge:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organiz a tion and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound d e dic a t i on of the Committee .
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have b e en
propos e d for 1, 2 or 3 yea r appointm ents, det e rmined i nitia lly alpha betic a lly.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to a ppoint you to a ctive memb er ship on this e ssential Committe e
for a p e riod of thre e y e ars. I ho pe that you will be a ble to se rve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, E x t. 430
or 431 in the e vent you feel that you should decline.
Since rely,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
M a yo r
IAJ r / mc
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mrs. Leonard :Haas
Grizzard and Haas
306 Carnegie Building
133 Carnegie Way, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mrs. Haas:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the. Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of one year. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA- 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mrs . . Grace Hamilton
Hamilton Associates, Consultants
582 University Place, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30314
Dear Mrs. Hamilton:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revis ed its structural organization and opel.'ational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for l, ·2 or 3 year appointments , determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of two years. I hope that Y<?U will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext.
430 or 431 m the event you feel t~at you _s~ould decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IA, J r . /mj
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-44 63 Are a Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR . , Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Dr, J: B. Harris
Herndon Building
239 Auburn Avenue, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Dr. Harris:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operationa l policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nornina ted some new persons for m e mb e rship
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in orde r to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointm e nts, det e rmined initi a lly alphabetically.
In accordance with foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important c itizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of three years. I hope that you w ill be able to serve,
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext.
430 or 431 in the event you feel that you .should decline.
Iva n Allen, Jr.
Mayo r
IAJ r / rr
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mrs. Lottie L. Harris
1478 Mozley Drive, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30314
Dear Mrs. Harris:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal h as recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound d e dication of the. Committe e .
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to being new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determine d initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the _C ommittee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to ac tive membe rship on this essential Committe e .
for a period of one year. I hope that you will b e able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext.
430 or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Sinc ere ly,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
M ayor
IA, Jr. / mj
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR. , Chi ef Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Roy Harwell
1025 Ogleth orpe Avenue, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30310
Dear Mr. Harwell:
The Citizens. Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of th<:: Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed f or l, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members f or their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
threrfore f or me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of two years. I hope that you will be able to serve .
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext.
430 or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IA, J r. / mj
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Percy Hearle
3434 Creatwood Trail, S. E.
Smyrna, Georgia 30080
Dear Mr. Hear le:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of t~e Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for l, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome· the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of three years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcol.m Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext.
430 or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IA, Jr. / m j
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA . 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrati v e Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Jesse Hill
Atlanta Life Insurance Company
148 Auburn Avenue, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Hill:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring neiw interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, . 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citi ze n function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee .
for a period of one year. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, E x t.
430 or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IAJr / rr
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRIC E , E xecutive S ecretary
Mr. Henri Jova
Jova-·Daniels-Busby, Architects
75 Cone Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Jova:
The Citizens Advisory Committe e for Urban R e newal has recently
revised its structural organiz a tion and ope:a tiona l policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed stagg e red t e rms for all members, in orde r to effect gr a dual
turnover and to bring new inte r es ts into th e Committee . T e rm s h a ve b een
proposed for 1, . 2 or 3 year appointment s , d e termine d initia lly a lpha b e tically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citi z en function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the n e w membe rs to the Committe e . It is a plea sure
therefor e for me to appoint you to active m e mbership on thi s e ss e nti a l Committee
for a period of two ye a rs. I hope tha t you will b e a bl e to se rve .
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, E x t.
430 or 431 i n the event you feel that you should d e cline.
Ivan A lle n, Jr.
M a yor
IAJr / rr
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-44 63 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chi ef Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, E xecutive Secretary
Mr. George Kennedy, Jr., Trust Officer, ReaJ. Estate
Trusf Company of Georgia
P. O. Drawer 4655
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
Dear Mr . Kennedy:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operationa l policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gr a dual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, · determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to the important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of three years. I hope that you will be able to serve,
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext.
430 or 431 in the event you feel that ycu should decline.
Ivan Allen, J ·r.
Mayo r
IAJ r / rr
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Ar ea Cod e 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR. , Chi ef Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, E x ecutive Secret ary
Mr. Joe LaBoon
Atlanta Gas Light Company
P. O. Box 4569
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mr. LaBoon:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operationa l policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of -the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for memb e rship
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphab e tically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to th e Committ e e. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active memb e rship on this essential Committee
for a period of one year. I hope that you will be able to serve .
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463 , E x t.
430 or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayo r
IA.Jr / rr
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Are a Cod e 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Dean Alex B. Lacy, Jr.
School of General Studies
Room A-231, Sparks Hall
Georgia State University
33 Gilmer Street, S. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Dean Lacy:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee,
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has propo_sed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee, Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of two years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext.
430 or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IAJr / r r
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mrs. Mary Ann Blackwood, Chairman
Governmental Committee
League of Women Voters
3069 Rhodehaven Road, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30327
Dear Mrs. Blackwood:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee.. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is pleasure
therefore for me to ~ppoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of one year. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Te. 522-4463, Ext.
430 or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mrs. Doris Lockerman
3411 Pinestream Road, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30327
Dear Mrs, Lockerman:
The Citizen1'i Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
rn· accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job .
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of three years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify M a lcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IAJr / mc
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. A. J. Lockhart
85 Gr_iffin Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30314
Dear Mr. Lockhart:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural org.a nization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well .done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of one year. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify M alcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
. or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IAJr / mc
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Dr. Albert F. Manley, President
Spelman College
350 Leonard Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30314
Dear Dr. Manley:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and opera,tional policy as a result of the
increased activity and round dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms h a ve been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of two years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
' !
Ivan Alle n, Jr.
IAJr / mc
October 20, 196 9
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. E. M. Martin
Vice President and Secretary
Atlanta Life Insurance Company
148 Auburn Avenue, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Martin:
The C i ti z en Advisory Committe e for Urban R e n e w a l has re cently
revised its struc tural orga ni zation and op e r ationa l poli c y a s a result o f the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed sta ggered terms for a ll m e mb e rs, in orde r to effe ct g radual
turnove r and to bring new inter e sts into th e Committe e. T e rms have b een
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 ye a r a ppo intm e nts , d e t e rmined initially a lpha b eti cally.
In accordance with the foregoing pr e mise, I w ish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new m emb e rs to the Committee . It i s a plea sure
the r e fore for m e to r e appoint you to ac tive m embership o n this es sentia l Committee
-for a p e riod of thr ee y ear s . I hope tha t you w ill b e a bl e to se r ve .
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522 - 4463, E x t . 430
or 431 in the eve nt you fe e l that you s hould d e cli n e .
Since r e ly,
Iva n Alle n, Jr .
M a yo r
IAJr / mc
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR. , Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Charles C. Mathias, Staff Representative
United Steel Workers of America
Suite 334, 1776 Peachtree Street, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Dear Mr. Mathias:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and oper a tional policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have b een
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, d ete rmined initia lly alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function a nd for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of one year. I hope that you will be able to ser ve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
M a yor
IAJr / mc
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Dr. Benjamin E. Mays
President Emeritus, Morehouse College
3316 Pamlico Drive, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30311
Dear Dr. Mays:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committe e . Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, d etermined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee . It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of two years. I hop e that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
M ayor
JAJ r /mc
ffi'IlY HALL
October 20,. 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303 ·
Tel. 522-.4463 Area Code 404 -
SWEAT; JR :, Chief Admin istrative Officer
M RS ,-LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Jim L. Meyerholtz, Vice President
Trust Company of Georgia
P. 0.- Box 4655
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
Dear Mr. Meyerholtz:
The Citizens. Advis·ory- Committee fi::i:r. ·· R e newaL ha.s :c r .e cently: ·
revised its structural organization and operational policy-as:-- a:_r.esult .oLth.e ~
increased activity and sound dedication of the. <::.ommittee:. .
The Committee has nominated som-e. new pe r..snns:c for: membership:.
and has proposed staggered terms for all memhe.r.s--, , in . o:r.rl:e r to_effect :g_radual ·
turnover and to bring new interests into the Terms.; ha.vec been. .
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appoi.ntm:.ents,, det e.r.mined. initiaUy_.- alp_hab.etically~-.
In accordance with the: fo.:r·eg_oin.g, premise, , rwis.h thank-:th.e·, old::
members for their dedication to this important: ci.tiz:en .fimc tii:m .ancL for :-a : j<?bwell done; and to welcome the- new members: to. th e: Gommittee• . a:::p~easure .:
therefore for me ·to appoint yo,u to active m:.em.·b a r.s-hip- on- this: es;s errtiaL Gorn:m.ittee c
for a period of three years. I h.ope tha.t yo.u: w.ilL b.e: abla t a. ser:ve .. .
Please notify Mal c o·Im. .foneso a f : m y · Qffiu e:, , 'ITel~. 527.:..446:3;., Ext:. . 430 ~
or 431 in the event you fe e l y o;u sfrould. d·e.a.line:. .'y.; '
Ilv.a-n: -8:lle:n-, , T~.


ffiTY HALI...- ATLANTA, GA. ·30303
October 20,, 1969
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
IVAN' ,ALLEN, JR.~ MAYOR DAN E \' SWEA:r;· JR;, Chief Administrative Officer.
MRS: LINDA-E : PRICE r Executlve Secretary
Mrs. Mattie Murcy
335 Forrest Avenue, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30312
Dear Mrs. Murcy:
The Citizens. Advisory- Committe.e fur Ur.ban .R'enewai:has -recently ··
revised its structural organiz.ation and oper.ati:011al. polic.y as_a r:esult ·. of .the ·.
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committe.e.
The Committee has: nominated s:ome: ne.w per.:s.ons -for:·member ship:
and has proposed staggered terms- for- all :m:ember.s:, , in. or.:der:-to_effect :gradual ~
turnover and to bring new interests into the: Com-rnittee., Terms-· have..:been..
proposed _for l, 2 or 3, year appointm..ents,, de.te-r..minecL.initially_ alp_habetically • .
In accordanc·e with. tb:.e fcu.:·e goirrg, pi:emi:s-ec, , I.:.wish .to: thankthe ·.-ol:d ..
members for their dedication to this- irn:.portant c.ilizen. function .and.:.£or:-a. j9b'.:
well done; and to welcome the new.· m.ern.ber·s- to.. the <:::.o:m-rnittee~. ILis ca.:.pleasare c:
therefore for me to appoint you to: ac.tiv.e me:rrrher-s,hip ... on: this.- ntial 0
for a period of one year • . I hope- y.-ou. w.ill he. able. t o:
Please no,t ify Mal<rn.Irn af m y- Olfrc..:~ , 'rel~ . 522],.44-03; , Ext.: . 430 :
or 431 in the event you fee]. that. y:0.u:. should: dec.lin·e.•. A.Jle:Ir, ,
.r~ .
GIT..Y H A L L ~ T A , G A . 30303
October 20, 1969
TeL 522-4463 Area Code·404 •
DAN E : SWEAT; JR., Chief Administrative Officer.
MRS; LINDA E..:.PRICE,-Executlve Secretary
Mr. Reg Murphy, Editor
Atlanta Constitution
10 Forsyth Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Murphy;
The Citizens Advisory Committee far.·a s -reeently :
revised its structural organization. and: operational policy ·a:-s =a: r:e-sult :of .the ·.
increased activity and sound dedication or the Committee.• .
The Committee has nominated. sume- ne.w per:snns -for :·rn:embership ::
and has proposed staggered terms: fu.r. allm:emb.ers-, . in-. o.r:rl.e.r:. to~effect".g!adual :.
turnover and to bring new interests into the. Committee•. T.:e- .rms chave , b"een ..
proposed for l, 2 or 3, ye-ar appointm.ents,, d.e.te.r.minecl.initially_alp:habetically~ ,
In acco,rclam:e with. th.e- fore.going- pr.emise, . Ewish: .to: thank:the , old .:.
members for their dedication to this important. citizen .function .and.Jor :-a , job ·
well done; and to welcome the new· to the.. G:.ommittee . . It :is ·a <-pleasur.e (
therefore for me to, appoint y-ou. to· acti:.v:e: m ·.e m·ber:ship o.n: this.: etSsentiaLC-omn1ittee -c
for a period of two years.. I hope that you will b.e. able: to: Rer::ve.. .
Please notify- Malca~ .Tones; o£ my · Offic:e.:; _. 'ITel~ . 522~ 446:3 ; , Ext~:. 430 C
or 431 in the event y01u fee] that y:uu:. &.hauld·. de.:c::lin~ .
Lwm., Alle.rr, ., J.r:; ,
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Sanford Orkin
Fir st -National Bank Building
14 Peachtree Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Orkin:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of t~e
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, d e termined initially a lpha betically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of three years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR. , Chief Administrat ive Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr : : William R. Presley, Vice President
First . National Bank
West End Branch
612: Lee Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30310
Dear Mr. Presley:
The Citizens Advi s ory Committee for Urba n Re newal has recently
r sed its structural organiz ati on a nd op erationa l policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for memb e r ship
and .has proposed stagge red term s for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring n ew interest s into the Committee . T erms have b een
p~opos e d f or 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially a lpha betically .
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well ·done; and to welcome the n ew memb ers to the Committe e. It is a pleasure
therefor e for me to appoint you to ac tive membership on this essential Committee
fo r,:; a period of one year. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
o ro 431 in the event you feel tha t you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR ., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr~ William Ray
Tlie Atlanta Newspapers
10: Forsyth Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Ray:
The Citizens. Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and .has proposed staggered terms for all members,· in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
prpposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
m :embers for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
th-erefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of two years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
o ro 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
F A.'I,Li\.NTA.
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA. GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E . SWEAT, JR., Chief Admin i strative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Richard H. Rich
Chairman of the Board
Rich's Inc.
P. O. Box 4539
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
Dear Mr. Rich:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of one year. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel . 522-4463, Ext . 430
or 431 in the event you feel that ~ou should decline.
Iv;:tn Allen, Jr.
IAJ r /mc
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Dr. Harry V. Richardson, President Emeritus
Interdenominational Theological Center
1165 Tu<:kawanna Drive, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30311
Dear Dr. Richardson:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership and has
proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual turnover and
to brin 1 new interests into the Committee. Terms have been proposed for 1, 2 or
3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise,
for their dedication to this important citizen function
welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a
reappoint you to active membership on this essential
years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
I wish to thank the old members
and for a job well done; and to
pleasure therefore for me to
Committee for a period of two
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430 or
. 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
IAJr /bt
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA. GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Carlton C. Rochelle, Director.
Atlanta Public Library
126 Carnegie Way, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Rochelle:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring n e w interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments , determined initially a lphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this . important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee . It is a pleasure
therefore for me to a ppoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of thr ee years, I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
�C I T Y OF ..l-\ .TLANTA.
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA. GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. C. A. Scott, Editor and Manager
Atlanta Daily World
210 Auburn Avenue, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Scott:
The Citizens· Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Commitee has nominated some new persons for 1nembership
and has proposed staggered terms for mern.bers. in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done: and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active member ship on this essential Committee
for a period of one year. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522 -4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Ch ief Admin istrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Edgar E . Schukraft
Executive Director
Southwe st Atlanta Association
878 York Avenue, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30310
Dear Mr . Schukraft:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has rec ently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new person s for membership
and has propos ed staggered terms for members; in order to effect gradual
turnover arid to bring new inte rests into the Committe e . Terms have b een
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determine d initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done: and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for m e to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of two years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you shm~Jd decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IAJr / mc
October 20, 1969
ATI...A.1TA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Admlnls,tratlve Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. L M. Sheffield, III
600 West Peachtree Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
Dear Mr. Sheffield:
The Citizens. Advisory Comn1ittee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and &ound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appoin~ nts, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done: and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of three years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA. GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive .S ecretary
Mr. R. 0. Sutton, Vice President
Citizens Trust Company
212 Auburn Avenue, N . E.
Dear Mr. Sutton:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organ.i zation and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication· of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
fu accordance with the foregoin g premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of one year. I hope that you will b e able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of m y Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
· or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. Jo~eph H. Taylor
55 Walnut Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30314
Dear Mr. Taylor:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organ1zation and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1; 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically .
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of two y e ars. I hop e that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IAJr / mc
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. William A. Toms
Harris .Upshaw and Company, Inc.
Standard Federal Building
44 Broad Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Toms:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for members, in or~er to effect gradual turnover
and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been proposed for 1,
2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
hl accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the oid
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job well
done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee for
a period of three years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522 -4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in 'the event you feel that you, should_ d_ecline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, G A. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Are a Code 404·
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chi ef Admini st rative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, E x ecutive S ecretary
Mrs. Henry Toombs
2871 No,:r.-mandy Drive, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Dear Mrs . Toombs:
The Citiz ens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural or g anization and operational policy as a -result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed stag g ered terms for memb e rs, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been proposed
for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initi~lly alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the· old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active m e mbership on this essential Committee
for a period of one ye_ar. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr .
IAJr / mc
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA. GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Cod e 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chi e f Admin istrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executiv e Secretary
Mr. Charles Turner
1567 Paxon Avenue, S. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30317
Dear Mr. Turner:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed sta g gered terms for me1nbers, in order to effect gradual
turnov e r a nd to bring n e w inter e sts into the Committe e . Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determine d initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new member to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of two years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IAJr / mc
, ::,.._
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mrs. Gladys Upshaw
215 Piedmont Avenue, N. E.
Apartment 705
Atlanta, Georgia 30312
Dear Mrs. Upshaw:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of three years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please nctify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr .
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA. GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4453 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. William J. VanLandingham, Vice P.resident
Citizens and Southern National Bank
P. O. Box 4899
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. VariLandingham:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed stagg e red terms for members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new ~nterests into the Com1nittee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, d e termined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their. dedication to this importa nt citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of three years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcol Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430
or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IAJ r / mc
October 20, 1969
ATLA1'.'TA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS . LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secr~tary
Mr. Lyndon Wade
Atlanta Urban League
239 Auburn Avenue, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr, Wade:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and op e rationa l policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee,
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed stagger e d terms for all m emb e rs, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new inter es ts into the Committe e. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 ye a r a ppointm ents, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done ; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to a ppoint you to active membership on thi s essential Committee
for a period of one y ear. I hope that you will b e able to ser ve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel, 522-4463, E xt.
430 or 431 in the event you feel t~at you _s!:ould decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IAJr / rr
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA. GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Execu t ive Secretary
Mrs. -S. M. Waddell
950 Hampton Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georg ia 30318
Dear Mrs. Waddell:
The Citiz ens Advisory Committee for Urban R enewal has recently
revis e d its str~ctura l orga nization a nd oper a tiona l policy a s a result of the
increased acti v ity and sound dedic a tion of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated som e new persons for membership
and has propo se d stagge r e d terms f or a ll memb e r s , in order to effe ct g rad ual
turnover and to bring new inter e st s into the Com.mittee. Terms h a ve b e en
proposed fo"r 1, 2 or 3 year a ppointm e nt s , d e t e rmined initia lly alpha b e tically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcom e the new m embers to t h e Committe e. It is a pleasure
ther e for e for m e to appoint you to ac tive m embe rh s ip on this essenti a l Committee
for a p e riod of two y ears . I hop e tha t you will b e a ble to s e rve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext.
430 or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline .
Since rely,
Ivan A llen, Jr.
M ayo r
IAJr / rr
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. J-. C. Whitley
252 Powell Street, S. E
Atlanta, Georgia 30316
Dear Mr. Whitley:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to the important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of three years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel, 522-4463, Ext.
430 or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IAJ r /rr
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. H. W. Whitman, Vice President
Fir st National Bank
P. O. Box 4148
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Whitman:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational pokicy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committe e h a s nomina ted some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the fo:regoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee, It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active memb e rship on this essential Committee .
for a period of one year. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext.
430 or 431 in the event you feel t~at you _sI:ould decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IA J r / rr
October 20, 1969
ATLA1TA. GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Dr. Prince E. Wilson, Executive Secretary
Atlanta , University Center Corporation
55 Walnut Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30314
Dear Dr. Wilson:
The Citizens Advi~ory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointment, determined initia lly alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of two years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext.
430 or 431 in the event you feel that you should d e cline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
M ayor
IAJr / rr
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. J_. D. Wingfield
Metropolitan Planning Commission
Glenn Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Wingfield:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised tis structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all me1nbers, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this improtant citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Com1nittee. It ia a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of three years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext.
430 or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRIC E , Executive Secretary
Mr. Robert
M. Wood
Sears Roebuck and Company
675 Ponce de Leon Avenue, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
Dear Mr. Wood:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and oper ationa l policy as a result o f the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has propos e d stagger e d terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
propo se d for 1, 2 or 3 year appointm e nts, d etermine d initia lly a lpha betically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citiz en function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
ther e fore for me to appoint you to active membe rship on this essential Committe e
for a period of one year. I hope that you will be a ble to se rve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext.,
430 or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr .
M a yo r
IAJr / rr
�CITY OF A.TL.i\.NFJ_'..A..
October 20, 1969 ·
ATLANTA. GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive Secretary
Mr. C:layton R. Yates
Yates and Milton Stores, Inc.
228 Auburn Avenue, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Yates:
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee has nominated some new persons for membership
and has proposed staggered terms for all members, in order to effect gradual
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committee. Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alphabetically.
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this important citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee. It is a pleasure
therefore for me to reappoint you to active membership on this essential Committee
for a period of two years . I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext.
430 or 431 in the event you feel that you should decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
October 20, 1969
ATLANTA. GA. 30303
Tel. 522-44 63 Area Code 404
DANE. SWEAT, JR. , Ch i ef Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, E x ecutive S ecretary
Mr. Harding B. Young
Atlanta University
223 Chestnut Street, S. W .
Atlanta, Georgia 30314
Dear Mr. Young:
The Citizens AdvisO!Y Committee for Urban Renewal has recently
revised its structural organization and operational policy as a result of the
increased activity and sound dedication of the Committee.
The Committee h a s nominat e d s ome new persons for mem b e r ship
and has proposed staggered terins for all m e mbers, in order to effe ct gradu a l
turnover and to bring new interests into the Committe e . Terms have been
proposed for 1, 2 or 3 year appointments, determined initially alph abetically .
In accordance with the foregoing premise, I wish to thank the old
members for their dedication to this improtant citizen function and for a job
well done; and to welcome the new members to the Committee . It is a pleasure
therefore for me to appoint you to active membership on this essential Committee .
for a period of three years. I hope that you will be able to serve.
Please notify Malcolm Jones of my Office, Tel. 522-4463, Ext.
430 or 431 in the event you feel tl}at rou _s l:_!ould decline.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
IA Jr / rr
�O ct ober 23 , 1969
Charles L . Davis
George Berry
I know that you aware that Colonel Malcolm Jones occupies one
of the AdminiMrative Coordinator positions in thi s office . Since he
and hi secretary will perform the function of the Citizens Advisory
Committee for Urban Renewal in the future , there will be no need
for the large annual contribution that has been made in the past. I
have talked with Colon 1 Jones in recent days , and he advises that
someone from his Board has discussed with you the possibility of
carrying forward the 1969 appropriation of $15 ,000 (which has never
been paid over) and, consequently, not making any new appropriation
for 1970. He tells me that you are ag:reeable to this procedure .
GB :ja
824 H UR T
JACK SO N 3-6074
September 30, 1969
Mr. Malcolm D. Jones
Executive Di rect or
Citi zens Advisory Comrnitte ~
for Urban Renewal
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Jones:
Mr. Persells h as asked me to reply to your letter of August 18, 1969
relative to the Executive Committee's concern over several features
of Atlanta's Urban Renewal Program . First, let me say that we share
the Committee's concern over the length of time required to clo se out
earlier projects. However, to imply that the length of time t aken to
clos e out proj e cts is due to an apparent lack of a ggressivene ss on the
part of the Authority is ludicrous. The ori ginal five urban renewal
projects h ave b een amended forty-two times, requiring an additional
eight million dollars from the Federal g overnmen t, and resulting in a
stadium, expansion of Georgia State Colle g e, addi tiona l land for schools,
parks, and nei ghborhood faciliti es , acquisition of commerci a l p r operties
on Georgia Avenue, a nd n umerous other improvements. The average leng th
of time involved in se curing Federal a pproval of an amendment has b een
twelve months, with severa l requiring thirty months.
A second major factor delaying project close - outs is the fundin g and
construction of non - cash g rants - in- aid. The Butler Stre et Project,
for example, could not be closed out earlier because the propos e d
school was not funded until the p assage of the 1968 bond issue , with
constru ction sta rting in August, 1 9 69.
Even after renewal land has been sold, many developers have e x perienced
delays caused b y the tight money market, high interest rates and
soaring costs.
Nonetheless, pro j ects are not clos ed out without special effort. Recently I established a special t ask force to identify and expe dite all
remaining activities to b e completed in the original projects.
Two of
these projects - Butler Street and Georgia State - have been completed
this year and are waiting final HUD audit.
I want to assure the Committee that the Authority recognizes its responsibility to proceed as
rapidly as possible to complete the early projects.
�-2I share the Committee's concern over its seemingly perfunctory role of
late. If it is to perform its function as outlined in the Aldermanic
resolution creating the Committee, ie., advise the Mayor and Board of
Aldermen and other public bodies concerned with Urban Renewal in the
City, then it seems to me that it must continue to review proposed
Urban Renewal activities formulated by the various project area committees
with an overview of the total needs of the City. The Committee's views
on pending redevelopment actions should be expressed to the Aldermanic
Planning and Redevelopment Committee, as did Bob S1.unmerville, former
Committee Chairman. The Authority will cooperate in any way possible
in assisting the Committee in carrying out its function of providing
guidance and direction to the City in the administration of its Urban
Renewal program.
The comments pertaining to the West End Urban Renewal Project are obviously personal expressions of frustrations shared by the Authority.
The West End Urban :ienewal Proje@t is now in its third year of execution and to date the Authority has acquired 516 parcels of land (87%),
relocated 457 families and 77 businesses (97%), demolished 354 str-..ictures
(74%), sold or put under agreement for sale 54 acres of land (55%), and
completed rehabilitation of 504 structures (22%). In addition, the
Authority has acquired and conveyed to the City 8.7 acres of land for
park development, and the 1.1 million dollar Dean Rusk Elementary School
has been completed. The redeveloper for the 15 acre enclosed mall
shopping center is presently securing leases, with construction scheduled
in 1970.
In spite of the progress made to date, there are three specific areas
in West End where progress has been delayed. The first is the seven
acra tract adjacent to the Pa rk Street Methodist Church. This area
involves a land use change and is included in an amendment submitted
to HUD on June 17, 1969. On September 23, HUD approved an Authority
request to proceed with a public hearing and local adoption of the
plan amendment pursuant to offering the land for sale for residential
re-use. The public hearing has been scheduled for October 17 before
the Planning and Development Committee.
A second area involves some twenty-four acres of land in the vicinity
of Lee and Oglethorpe, presently design a ted for office warehouse and
general office use. The West End Advisory Commit tee h a d previously
agreed that this area needed further study in light of the proposed
location of rapid transit in the area.
The third area involves the motel and residential uses on Oak Street,
between Ashby and Peeples Streets. The three acre motel site was on
the market for 18 months and no proposals were received. Five redevelopers submitted proposals for 76 dwelling units on par cel 19, but
the West End Advisory Committee recommended rej e ction of all proposals,
re-study of the site in conjunction with the motel tract, and re-offer
for sale. The status of the West End plan will be discussed with the
West End Advisory ·committee on October 1.
The Authority recogniz e s the urgency of proceeding as rapidly as possible
in each of the eight conventional urban renewal areas and five neighborhood development program areas in the City. I want to assure the Committee that Mr. Parsells and I have committed ourselves to this task
while making the program responsive to human needs.
�-3We pledge our continued cooperation to CACUR and others devoted to
making Atlanta the great city it is destined to become.
Very truly yours,
Howard Openshaw
Director of Redevelopment
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mr. Rodney M. Cook
Dr. Noah N. Langdale, Jr.
Mr. A.B. Padg ett
Dean Alex B. Lacy, Jr.
�August 28, 1969
Mr. Vaughan B. Watte
Vice President
Atlanta Federal Savings
and Loan Association
20 Marietta Street, N . W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Watts :
It wa. with regret that I read your letter 0£ August 27th
telling rne of yoUJ: transfer from. Atl nta.

rvice as a member of the C~~ns Advisory

C o ~ e for Urban Renewal has certainly be-en
beneficial totlie City
d greatly appreciated.
With b · t wishes for th futuae , I am
Sincerely your ,
Allen, Jr.
CC: Colonel
alcolm Jo
PHONE 524-2745
August 5, 1969
Dear Members Executive Committee, CACUR:
This is to inform you that the August meeting of the Executive Committee,
CACUR, will be held in the Directors Room, Fulton Federal Building, 11 Pryor St.,
S. W. at 2: 00 P. M. , Thursday, August 21, 1969.
This will be a very significant meeting for CACUR, as a number of important
matters will be considered and acted upon. These will include the following:
Analysis of the West End Urban Renewal Project.
2. Bivens Report on revision of purpose and organization of CACUR,
(to include designation of Sub-committees).
3. Adoption of new candidates list for membership.
4. Creation of new Executive Committee (from proposed list and old names).
5. Proposal of staggered-.terms for membership (to be presented to the
Mayor of personnel selected for above).
6. Adoption of new Budget.
If members have other matters which they would l ike to have taken up at this
meeting, please advise me in sufficiant time to include them in the Agenda.
This will be the last meeting· of the Executive Committee before our next full
membership meeting in September.
We look forward to h aving you meet with us on August 21. Please call my
secretary, Mary Christenson, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430 or 431 to inform us whether
you plan to attend.
6 -~ · ;.
Malcolm D. J
Executi ve Director
P.'- ~
PHONE 524-2745
- c-January- 10, 1969
Mr. Willij S. Howland, Executive Director
Citizens Adviso:r:7 Committee for Urban Renewal
Mayor's orr'ice
City Hall ;
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mr. Howland:
, 0
I am returning herewith the records of the C1tizens Advisory Committee for Urban
Beneval and a statement of operations for the year ending December 31, 1968. This
statement was prepared from the ledger of the Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban
Renewal and other pertinent data in the files of the Citizens Advisory Committee.
. .All deposit records in the ledger were traced to the bank statements and verified.
All checks issued during the period of January 1, 1968 and December 31, 1968 were
accounted for. All cancelled checks were compared to invoices and/or valid endorsements, the ledger footings and ledger posting were tested for accuracy. The bank
statements for the period under audit were reconciled and balanced. All tc:..:;;: returns
on the employees' salaries for the year 1967 were filed and all applicable truces were
paid thereon. The petty cash fund was not verified.
In my opllUon, the ledger, system, and supporting information of the Citizens Advisory
.Committee for Urban Renewal are adequate and well kept for the period under audit.
However, we fe el that certain system changes should be made at your convenience. I
am enclosing a statement of operations for the year 1967 me.rked Schedul~ 11 A11 and "B",
--which sets forth the financial transactions for the period under audit.
Yours very truly,
.-; / '
_/ ')
- {i///:--!.-,1'_ ;<
Charles L. Davis
Director of Finance
�.Schedule "A 11
___ JOR__IHE_YEAR_J:NDE_D_DI::CEMBER _31, 1968
Cash on Deposit, Deceober 31, 1967
_ _ _ __JF.j.rs_t lfotional Bank___-
___ _______,__$
Fulton Federal Savings
-·. · ·:c::....: -lncorae
Received Durin~ 1968
Private Donations
-City of Atlanta
Interest on Savings Account
__Cash Available for Operations
Advance Loan
22,586.98 .
·E"penditures for 1968 (See Schedu le "B")
$ 14,019.35
Combined Cash Balance, De~eaber 31, 19q8
__ DECEMBER 31, 1968
Balance Per .Bank Stntenent, December 31, 1968, First National Bank
1648 Biltmore Flouers
1656 Southern Bell ~ Tel & Tel
1658 Wm. S. Howland
1659 Wm. S. Howland
1660: Mrs. Lucile Plourde
1661 Hrs. Marianne Howland
1662 Mrs. Evelyn Dodds
1663 Disirict Director IFS
---·- -1664 State of Ga. Income Tax Unit
1665 W. S. Howland
1666 Cestetner Corp.
16 .46
414 . 90
66. 23
Bal~nce per Checkbook, December 31, 1968
Balance Fulton Federal Savings Account 1-1-51863, Dec. 31, 1968
Col!lbinec! Cash --~ lai,ce, December 31, 1968
$ 14,290.27
673 .16
$ 14,019.35
�~""""'-~ ' - ' - - -~ -
- --
-· '
- - - - -- -- - -- - - FOR THE YEAR ElIDED DECEHBER 31, 1968
--- ' Miscellaneous Expenses
Office Expense
Csr Allowance.
Film Expense
Printing Stationery
- Dues and Subscriptions
381. 94
Urban Rene~al Tours
Committee Luncheon Expense
-1- B M Equipment
Net Salary
Federal Income Tax
FCIA Taxes
Georgia Income Tax
�ol~ ~ ~
PHONE 524,2745
December 3, 1968
Dear Committee Member:
Tis the .fortnight before Christmas
And all through our program
Many things will be stirring.
The point of taking such liberties with the famous poem is to say that our final
1968 full committee meeting will be held exactly two weeks before Christmas
on Wednesday, December 11 at the Atlanta Room of the Citizens and
Southern National Bank.
We'll have a veritable Christmas stocking of a program, as follows:
1. Cary S. Hooks, FHA director for Georgia, will discuss new
programs provided by the 1968 national housing legislation.
Accompanying Mr. Hooke will be Ralph L. Johnston, chief
underwrit er and Kenneth Finn, construction ana lys t in charge of
221 H program. They will be glad to answer que stions.
2. Percy Hea rle, chairman and president of our nonprofit
subsidiary, will update us on our Robert L. Sommerville 221 H
project which ie nearing completion.
3. Vice c hairman and treasurer A. B. P adgett will report on
our financial situa tion.
4. Howar d Ope n s haw, Atlanta Housing Au thority redevelopment
directo r , will summarize 1968's urban renewal activity and give
us a p review of wha t is in prospect for 1969.
5. Jack Willingham, assistant dir ector of H UD's community
service branch, will be pre pared to fill u s in more fully on new
metropolitan dev elopment programs.
Chairman Langdale and I are looking forward to seeing you on thb fortnight
before Christmas •••
William S, Howland
Directors Room
Trust Company of Georgia Building
Friday, November 21, 1969
The regular Executive Committee meeting was called to order promptly at
2:15 P. M. by Chairman Noah Langdale.
Those in attendance for the Executive Committee were: Messrs. A. B~
Padgett; Jack Carrollton (representing Mr . Bob Bivens); Henri Jova; Arth r Burks,
Jr. (representing Mr. William VanLandingham); William L. Calloway; Edgar
Schukraft; Joe C. Whitley and Miss Jean Cornn (representing Mr. Carlton Rochell);
for the Housing Authority: Mr. Howard Openshaw; and for the Atlanta Planning
Department: Mr. John Matthews. Three students from Georgia State University,
Carolyn B. Clemons, Nannette Evans and Don Akin also attended the meeting.
Agenda and copies of pertinent material used at the meeting are attached to
the file copy of these minutes.
Dr. Langdale opened the meeting by stating that Mayor-Elect Sam Mas sell
and Vice-Mayor Elect Maynard Jackson had been invited to the meeting, but due
to previous eng a g ements could not attend. Dr. Langdale stated that he was asked
by Mr. Masseii and Ivir. Jackson Lo expr e ss their app:.::- eciation fo-::: b e ing inv it e d to
the meeting and asked that they be invited to another meeting in the near future.
Dr. Langdale also thanked Mr. A . B. Padgett, Vice-Chairman of CACUR,
for his assistance in conducting the September and October meetings during his
illness, and commended Mr. Padgett for a job well done.
Dr. :...angdale then turned the meeting over to Malcolm Jones, Executive
Director, CACUR.
Mr. Jones stated that the Neighborhood Development Program (NDP) is a
new terminology for Urban Renewal and that NDP is in smaller increments than
Urban Renewal. He also stated that NDP applications are filed and funded annually,
on the basis of what can be accomplished each year .
Mr . Jones stated that if a City is to have a NDP program that it must have
an appro ve d Wo r k a ble Program; that the C i ty 1 s past, pr e sent and future ac t ivities
a r e taken into consideration before HUD will accept the applic a tion.
M r. Jones t hen c a lled on Mr . John Matthew s of the Atlanta Planni ng D e par tm e nt
t o c omm ent on the new HUD policy on New NDP P r ojects .
Mr. Matthews stated substantially that about a month ago HUD announced
a nation-wide cutback of funds for the Neighborhocd Development Program. This
cutback in funds left Region III {includes Atlanta) with only $24, 000, 000 for 1970;
and that Miami-Dade is scheduled to receive about half of all funds for Region III,
thus leaving only $12,000,000 for the remaining five cities, including Atlanta; that
because of this cutback, HUD officials have only recently informed Atlanta it will
not permit any new NDP areas in the 1970 prog ram, which means that Plunkettown
and Lightning cannot be include d in the 1970 NDP, becuas e HUD will not accept
them. Mr. Matthews then stated that the Planning Department was not aware of
this "no new areas" policy until late last week. Copies of letter from Assistant
Regional Administrator for Renewal ·Assistance, Region III, stating the new policy,
was distributed and copy is attached to the file copy of these minutes.
Mr. Matthews also stated that the Planning Department had anticipated
improved public services and a planning assistance program in Plunkettown; and
that the initial effort was an Attitude Survey that was conducted in the area in early
August; that the main point of the operations planned for Plunkettown now is to
develop a NDP plan which will most effectively meet the needs of the residents.
However, the major constraint of the program is that the site on which Plunkettown
is located is considered {by the Planning Department) as unfit for re sidenti a l
redevelopment. This unfitness is due to the surrounding land use (industry and
the noise because of the airport); that for these reasons the area could not be
econon~ically develop e d for low-incon~e housing. Because of the noise generated
from the Airport, housing would have to be sqund proofed, but this would raise
constr·uction cost considerably , thus pricing out the present residents; that FHA
has stated that it could not insure houses in Plunkettown.
Because of the cutback in funds and the "no new areas" policy, only private
enterprise can develop housing on another site which can meet the needs of the
residents and give them an opportunity of moving together and preserving their
He explained that HUD has deve loped a new program called the Interm
Assistance Program, which permits Federal assistance in several broad types of
activities designed as a "holding action 11 until an area can be reached by NDP.
The Planning Department was encouraged by Region III officials to develop such
a program in Plunkettown and, working closely with the residents 1 Planning
Committee, has developed such a program for the next year. Copies of the Interim
Assistance Program Synopsis were distributed to each member in attendance and
copy is attached to the file copy of these minutes.
Mr. M a tth e ws conclude d by saying tha t Lightning has not b e en ove rlooke d,
but b ec aus e of m a npow e r r estrictions, e fforts in Lightning have b een pha s e d a bout
four months behind Plunkettown.
Mr. Jones then called on Mr. Howard Openshaw, Director of Redevelopment
for the Atlanta Housing Authority to present Atlanta's revised overall NDP Program
for 1970.
Mr. Openshaw preceded his scheduled presentation of the revised NDP
program by commenting that some members of the Vine City Project Area
Committee (PAC) had insisted he inform the Citizens Advisory Committee that
Vine City PAC wants to designate its own representative on the CACUR; that the
Vine City representative currently serving on CACUR is not a member of the Vine
City Project Area Committee and therefore is not familiar with the program and
cannot adequately represent PAC.
(Editorial Note: The current Vine City representative is listed as a member
of PAC on brochure recently prepared and distribute by Vine City PAC, but is not
the Chairman of the Vine City PAC, who has previously been specifically requested
by name for appointment to CACUR. All cur r-e nt members of CACUR were nominated
by a Membership Committee, appointed by the Chairman, and have been individually
appointed by the Mayor. No group in the past has arbitraily selected its own
representative on CACUR.)
Mr. Openshaw then stated that only $24, 000, 000 have been allocated by HUD
for Region III, which includes Atlanta . Atlanta is scheduled to receive only about
$7,500,000. Mr. Op enshaw stated that Atla nta had asked for 20. 7 million do llars.
Mr. Openshaw stated that there are 26 scattered sites in Bedford-Pine which
the City is to acquire in 1970 and 50 properties to rehabilitate in 1970. He also stated
that Georgia Tech II area has to be cleared for extension of Georgia Tech during 1970.
There are 15 vacant parcels to be bought in the Model Cities area, but that in only 4
out of the 6 areas could the City currently buy the vacant land. (This is because of
protest by the Model Cities Housing Committee.) The completion of Ralph McGill
Elementary School and the Martin Luther King Middle School are included in the
Model Cities program for 1970. He continued that acquisition in the Georgia State
area has to be cut back to only three properties of the eight originally requested and
that one of these is in connection with construction of a viaduct by the City; that
Vine City cannot acquire nearly all the properties desired by its PAC Committee;
very little activity in Edgewood; and that only an Interim Assistance Program would
be undertaken in Plunkettown and Lightning.
Mr. Jones then called on Mr . A. B. Padgett to present a proposed Resolution
by the CACUR .
Mr. Padgett read the proposed Re solution informing the United State Departinent
of Housing and Urban Development of the extre1ne disappointment of this Comm.ittee
over announced cutback in Federal funding for the 1970 NDP; and pointing out the
disasterous effect such extensive cutback will have on Atlanta 's Neighborhood Development Program, Community Participation and Citizen Moral in the affe~ted areas.
Copies of this Resolution were distributed and a copy is attached to the file copy of
these minutes.
Mr. Padgett made a motion that _this Resolution be adopted and sent to the
Secretary of HUD and the Regional Administrator, Region III, of HUD. Mr. Jack
Carrollton seconded the motion, which was unaminously adopted.
Mr. Jones then presented the Proposed Budget for 1970 of the CACUR. The
total proposed budget for 1970 amounted to $4,725.00. Copy is attached to· the file
copy of theses minutes.
Mr. Padgett explained that, because the salaries of the Executive Director
and the Secretary have now been absorbed by the City of Atlanta, as part of the
Mayor's Office, that by agreement, only $3, 000 is to be allocated from the City
of Atlanta, during 1970.
Upon assurance to the Chairman by the Executive Director, that action on
the Budget need not wait for a full membership meeting, a motion was made by
Mr. Padgett that the Proposed Budg et for 1970 be adopted. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Henri J ova and was unaminously adopted.
Mr. Jones stated th a t HUD is well plea s e d with the C i tiz e ns Advisory
Committee for Urban R e n e wal in its participa tion in Urban Renewal and NDP; tha t
its activity and recommendations have influenced major decisions in Atlanta's
participation in HUD assisted progr a ms. He stated also that HUD suggested the
Citizens . Advisory C omm i t t ee for U rban R enewal h ave a n a n 1e c h a n ge , in o rde r to
get away from the out dated limite d Urban R e n e wal c oncept a nd s o tha t th e Com mittee
could broa d e n it s sc ope to inc lude th e e ntir e s p e ctrum of Community Improve m e nt;
that a HUD official had suggested tha t consider a tion be given to changing the name
to "Citizens Advisory Committe e for Community Improvement" or perhaps simply
"Citizens Advisory Committee".
Mr. Jones c ontinue d that HUD h a s a n o ve r riding policy of insur ing citi ze n
p a rticipation i n it s p r o g r a m s a nd i ns i s t s tha t mac hinery be set up s o tha t mino ri t y
views can b e heard a nd considered, but not to be us e d as a veto.
Mr. Jones furthe r stated tha t HUD s ugge ste d that th e City of Atla nta n ee ds
a C e ntral Coordina ting Citi ze n Com mitte e to cons i d er a nd a d vise on m any impo rt a nt
m a tters , in a dditi o n to Urban Renewal a nd NDP ; i .e., O pen Sp ace G rant s , W a t er
and Sewe r Gr ant s , C ity Beautificat i on, Publi c Building s , e t c. ; tha t c u rrently m a ny
of these activities have a disjointe d appro a ch . He th e n p as sed out a HUD new sle tter
containing a n a nnouncem e nt from S ecret ar y of HUD, G e o r g e Romne y , tha t t h e
D e partm ent of H UD i s going t o r e o rgani ze the whol e d e p artm ent . M r. J o nes concluded
b y s t a t ing h e h a d hop e d to ge t a HU D re p resentative to e x p l ain the r e organi zation to
the Comm i t t ee , but was inform e d that S e cr e t a ry Romne y ' s v isit to Atla nta on Nove mbe r
20, to expla in the re or gani zation to l oc a l HUD p e r s onne l did not p e r m it e noug h tim e
for HUD offi c i a ls t o d iges t the c h ange·s , but the y w ould b e g l a d t o explain them at a
later meeting; that HUD want s to b e i nvite d t o our mee t ings, work w i th the Committee
and be k e pt well informed.
Chairman Langdale appointed Executive Committee member, W. L. Calloway,
as Chairman of an Ad Hoc Committee (additional members to be added later) to
consider a name change for CACUR.
Mr. Jones then introduced Mr. Walter Denero of the Model Cities staff to
present the Proposed Public Information System for Model Cities.
Mr. Denero stated that a Convention had been set-up in Model Cities to make
the citizens aware of the problems .involved in the Model Cities program. He stated
that a survey was taken of the residents in Model Cities and the results showed that
the people do want this type of project; and that most of the residents were aware
of Urban Renewal generally, but not familiar with many details involved in the NDP
and that his proposed system is designed to make them more aware of these details
and thereby better understand the entire program. Mr. Denero distributed a pamphlet
on the Model Cities area entitled 11 A Beginning". (Copy is attached to the file
copy of these minutes.)
(Time did not permit Mr. Jones announcing that the Committee had received
acknowledgement and thanks from the family of late CACUR member, Eugene Marcus
Martin, for the Resolution of condolences and sympathy passed by the CACUR at its
October meeting. )
The meeting v.1as adjourned at 3: 30 P . M.
Respectfully submitted,
7.)"] - /
_/ ,
..,~,::--L -....,-;~ ~ l..~;::7
Malcolm D . .J es
Exe cu ti ve Director
As stated
�@ ~ ~ a / ~.
PHONE 522- 4463
ember 14, 1969
From Malcolm D. J6
Housing Coord
TO: Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
Chief Administrative Officer
Please note the portion of the attached minutes
pertaining to Model Cities NDP activities {commencing
at middle of second page},
This appears a serious matter to me, which should
be resolved soon by the Model Cities Executive Board.
Mr. Openshaw told the HRC yesterday that he does
not have a clear cut mandate yet to resume activities that
have been suspended for four weeks.
MDJ /rr
Encl: Minutes, CACUR Meeting, Oct. 30, 1969
M ayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
F ORM 25-15
Directors Room
Trust Company of Georgia Building
Thursday, O ctober 30 , 1969
'Ihe Reorganization meeting of the CACUR was called to order at 2:00 P. · M.
by Vice Chairm an A. B. Padgett, by prior arrangement of the Chairman who was
delay ed a few minutes due to a conflicting engagement .
Those attending the meeting from the Executive Committee were: Messrs.
Carlton Rochell; Robert W. Bivens; Henri J ova Art Burks {r epresenting Mr. William
J. VanLandingham); W. L. Calloway; Richard Rich; Edgar Schukraft; and Joe C.
Whitley. Committee members in attendance were: Messrs. Richard K. Barksdale;
Jack Carrollton; Sam I. Cooper; Rev. Joseph L. Griggs; Joe Guthridge; Roy Harwell;
Percy Hearle; George Kennedy; Joe LaBoon; James L. Muddey, Jr. {representing
Dean Alex Lacy); A. J. Lockhart; Jerry C. Wilkinson (representing Dr. Albert
Manley); Jim Meyerholtz; Sanford Orkin; William R. Presley; I. M. Sheffield, III;
J. D. Wingfield, Jr.; Mrs. S. M. Waddell; Mrs. Mattie Murcy; Mrs. Mary Ann
Blackwood; Mrs. Mary F. Gilmer; Mrs . J. B. Harris; Mrs. Sujette Crank and
Mrs. Leonard Haas; for the Atlanta Housing Authority: Mr. Lester H. Persells;
Mr. Thomas Eskew; Mr. Howard Openshaw; and Mrs. Margaret Ross; for the Atla nta
Planning Department: Mrs. Sally Pickett; Mr. John; Mrs. hld e n Mey-c:rs;
Mr. Eric Harkness and Mr. George Aldridge, Jr.
Invitational Notice, Agenda and other related Documents pertaining to the
meeting are attached to file copy of these minutes.
Vice Chairman Padgett opened the meeting by welcoming all new and old
members. He then introduced Col. Malcolm Jones, Executive Director, CACUR.
Col. Jones then read the list of new members and asked each new member
to stand to be recognized. Copies of the list of members, Committee appointments
and Executive Committee Members were provided each me1nber who attended and
are attached to the file copy of these minutes. {Additional copies are available for
Committee members who did not attend this reorganization meeting.)
Mr. Padgett then called on Mr. Bob Bivens to give the history of the Citizens
Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal, (copi es of which were passed out to those
in attendance and copy is attached to the file copy of these minutes).
Chairman Langdale arrived during Mr. Bivens presentation, at the conclusion
of which Chairman Langdale personally addressed the group and welcomed the n e w
members . He explained the changed role of Urban Renewal a11d NDP and stated that
this called for changes in structure of the Committee and operational procedure .
The importance of CACUR advising on Urban Renewal and NDP policy matters was
�Page Two
The then returned conduct of the meeting to Vice Chairman
Mr. Padgett then called on Mr. Jim Wright of the Model Cities Staff to
explain the Model Cities Proposed Physical Development for 1969 and 1970.
Mr. Wright's presentation consisted primarily of a brochure, prepared in .
three components, which was passed out to those in attendance . The components
were: (a) Satisfactory Community Envirorun e nt; (b) Transporta tion; (c) Housing.
Each component consisted of intemization of proposed projects for 1970; Proposed
source of funding and brief statement as to purpose of each project but without any
explanation as to the extent of each project, specific timing or priorities. Mr.
Wright then offered to respond to q u estions. There were none.
Mr. Rich sugg e ste d tha t sinc e the pr e s e nta tion was on physic a l deve lopment
that an annotated map showing proposed projects and their specific location would
be helpful. Mr. Wright responded tha t he had such a map which any interested
person could look at after the meeting.
Since Sta te R e pres e nta tive John Hoo d, Cha irma n o f the Mode l C i ti es Hou s ing
Committe e, did not att e nd th e meeting , Mr. P a d ge tt a ske d Mr . Johnnie Johnson,
Director of Model Cities, to comment on the Model Cities Housing Committee views.
Mr. °John s on sta ted s ub s t a ntially tha t t he H ousing Com mittee of t he Mode l
Citie s a r e a h a d expr esse d d esi r es tha t th e Atl ant a H ou s i ng A uthority take the
following a ction immedia t e ly, s o tha t th e M o d e l Cities prog r a m c a n procee d in a
manner accepta ble to th e r e side nts of Mode l Cities:
That no relo c ation housing be brought into the Mode l Cities
Area until it h as b een spe cific a lly a pprove d (a s to loc a tion,
typ e of structur es a nd s i z e) by the H ou s ing Committee .
2. That all activity of the Atla nta Housing Authority in the
Model Cities Area - including acquisiti on of property,
displaceme nt of reside nts, a nd demolition of structurese x c e pt thos e ac ti v iti es in w hich the Atla nta Hou s ing
Authority h as a l egal obligation t o pr ocee d a nd from
whic h a re l ease cann o t b e obtaine d, b e im mediatel y
stopped until the problem of relocation housing is resolved .
3. That th e O cto b e r 1, 19 69 , offe ring of t h e Atla nta Hous ing
Autho r ity for the s a l e and d eve l o pm ent o f the C -4 P e o p l es t own
site b e i mmedi a t e l y wit h d rawn.
4 . T h a t a C omm ittee imm e dia t e l y be for me d c ompose d of
repre s entatives fr om the A tlant a H ousing A uthority, the
M o del C i ties Age n cy and the M ass Conventi on, Inc. Thi s
Committee or i t s sub-committ ee to have the responsibility
Page Three
for working out a satisfactory relocation housing plan
and an offer for the sale and development of the C-4
site and other land in the Model Cities area. The
problem of relocation housing to be given the highest
priority so that other activities of the Atlanta Housing
Authority in the Model Cities area can be resumed as
quickly as possible.
Mr. Johnson stated that the Model Cities Housing Committee was prepared
to file an injunction against the Housing "Authority to stop activity until the Committee
views had been met.
Mr. Padgett then called on Mr. Howard Openshaw, Director of Redevelopment for the Atlanta Housing Authority to comment on and explain the consequences
resulting from the position taken by the Model Cities Housing Committee.
Mr. Opensh aw stated that on Octob er 16, the newly reactivated Model Cities
Housing Committee advised the Atlanta Housing Authority of three major concerns
of area residents, and requested that all NDP activities be stopped until satisfactory
solutions could be worked out . The three major concerns include: (1) Rehabilitation,
(2) Di sposition of project land, and (3) Relocation . Inasmuch as the Neighborhood
Development Program (NDP), which is urban renewal on an annual basis, was
designed to respond to the needs of area residents, to assist them in the physical
improvement of th e ir neighborhoods, th e Atlanta Housing Authority readily agreed
to stop all NDP acti v ities in the Model Cities Area in order to explore new alternatives
in the direction the program should take.
The Model Cities Housing Committee expressed serious concerns of
property owners unable to bring their properties up to the required Project
Rehabilitation Standards, a requirement to be eligible for Federal Financial
assistance. The 1968 Housing Act imposed income limitations on families eligible
for 3% direct rehabilitation loans. The Atlanta Housing Authority has agreed to
review the Project Rehabilitation Standards and the Federal regulations governing
rehabilitation procedures with a resident committee in order to arrive at a solution.
The Model Cities Housing Committee requested that the Atlanta Housing
Authority withdraw its invitation for the sale and development of Parcel C-4 in
Peoplestown, and to prepare documents requiring the redeveloper to come from the
Model Cities area.
Attorneys representing the Atlanta Housing Authority and
the Model Cities Mass Convention are in the process of preparing bid documents
restricting the sale of urban renewal l and in the Model Cities area to area residents
or organizations.
The third concern expressed by the Model Cities Housing Committee was the
complete rejection of the type of relocation housing units proposed by the Authority.
These units, designed by an architect to provide maximum li veabi lity within the
cost limitations and Federal guidelines, contained three bedrooms (two bedrooms
�Page Four
8 feet by 8 fe_et, one bedroom 10 feet by 12 feet). The Housing Committee indic ate d
that residents would rej ec t mobile ho1nes, and w ould insist on pre-fabricated modular
units. Mr. Openshaw indicated th at the Housing Act of 1949 as amended prohibits
the use of urban renew a l funds for the construction of structures, that HUD guidelines
specifically limit relocation housing units to mobile homes built on a chassis, without
permanent foundation, easily relocateable. Nonetheless the Housing Authority has
agreed to explore with a residents' committee a lternative solutions related to
temporary relocateable housing in the Model Cities Area.
Mr. Openshaw stated that a P o licy Committee, a Relocation Committee and
a Rehabilitation Committee, composed of repr es entatives of the Model Cities Agency,
the Atlanta Housing Authority and th e Mass Convention, Inc., have been appointe d
to seek solutions to the problems concerning rehabilitation, sale of l a nd, and relocation
in the Model Cities area, and to permit the Atla nta Housing Authority to resume the
1969 NDP acti vi ties voluntarily halte d on Octob e r 17.
Mr. Openshaw indicated that the two major problems confronting the Atla nta
Housing Authority, the implementing agency for carrying out the 1969 NDP plans for
the Model Cities area, . plans prepared by the Model Cities staff with complete resident
involvement, are:
Conflict between the expressed desires of the residents and limitations
of Federal regulations.
2. The NDP plan for 1969 and also 1970 we re approved by neighborhood
residents as well as the Model Cities E xec utive Board without benefit
of the recently activated Model Citi es Housing Committee's stated
objectives. For example, the 1969 NDP plan for the Model Cities area
designated four sites for permanent housing requiring the r e location
. of 278 famili es , 77 individu a ls, and 10 business concerns, all to be
relocated before rede ve lopment could take place on the specific sites
invol ve d. To require mid- wa y through the cal endar year that acquisition
of land and relocation of families b e discontinu e d until suitable relocatable
housing is provide within the area is to introduce a valid c oncept, but
one that will prevent the Authority from completing the NDP plan within
the calendar year 1969. The 1970 NDP plans, prepared by four planning
consultants with involvement of residents of the six Model Cities
neighborhoods, require the relocation of 609 families during the calendar
year 1970, with no vacant land includ ed in the acquisition program, nor
funds for relocation housing. While the Housing Authority will make
available for occupancy during 1970 over 2, 650 d we lling units for families
of low and moderate income, these units are not loc ated w ithin the Model
Cities area, hence the Housing Authority is once again placed in an
impossible position of trying to carry out plans approved by the neighborhoods
in conformance with objectives recently expressed of the Model Cities
Housing Committee.
�Page Five
Mr. Openshaw indicated that the City's NDP application for 1970 is already
30 days overdue and that the application cannot be submitted to HUD until the situation
in Model Cities is resolved.
Mr. Openshaw stated that the stopping of all NDP activities in the Model Cities
area becomes all the more acute when we consider the f a ct that unencumbered funds
for cal~ndar year 19 6 9 must be return e d to W a shington for redistributed in the national
program, and that Atlanta has been advis e d that Fed e ral funds for the 1970 NDP have
been reduced to appro x imately 45. 9% of . the amount allocated for 1969.
Mr. Jones asked if any substantial delay in the relocation and acquisition of
sites in the Model Cities area wouldn't seriously jeopardize the City's "Bre a kthrough"
application for which sites in the Mod e l C i ties area h a d be e n offered as priority
prototype housing sites, to be cleared by January 1970? Mr.'s r e ply was
that this is true.
Mr. Openshaw closed his comments with an optomistic note that h e hoped the
difficulty with the Model Cities Housing Committee would be resolved over the we e kend
and that activity in the Model Cities area could resume.
Mr. Johnni e Johnson wa s then give n a n opportunity to comment a gain for
Representative John Hood in rebutt a l of any of Mr . Openshaw' s remarks.
Mr. Johnson explained th a t h e thou g ht th e sit u a tion h a d arisen throu g h l a c k of
timely communication between a ll e lem e nts involved and e x pressed hopes of a compris e
solution soon .
Because of the time element involved, a more lengthy discussion w a s precluded.
Mr. Padgett then ask e d both Mr . Johnson and Mr. Openshaw what the CACUR
could do now to assist in resol v ing the matter? Both seemed to think tha t for the time
being it would be be st to await further d e velopments.
Col. Jones then presented Vice Cha irman Padg e tt with the Financial Statement
for the period September 30 to October 30, 1969, which was read to the Committee.
Col. Jones then read a Resolution e x pressing sympathy and condolences to the
family and business associates (Atlanta Life Insurance Company) of the late CACUR
member, E . M . Martin .
The Resolution w as una minously adopted and will be sent to the family and
busines s associa t es of the l a te E. M . Martin.
The meeting wad adjourned at 3 :15 P . M.
Respectfull y submitted ,
Malc olm D . Jo.fles Exe c uti v e Di rector
PHONE 522- 4463
November 14, 1969
From Malcolm D. Jones,
Housing Coordinator
TO: Mr . Dan E . Sweat, Jr .
Chief Administrative Officer
Please note the portion of the attached minutes
pertaining to Model Cities NDP activities (commencing
at middle of second page).
This appears a serious matter to me, which should
be resolved soon by the Model Cities Executive Boa,:d.
Mr . Openshaw told the HRC yesterday that he does
not have a clear cut mandate yet to resume activities that
have been suspended for four weeks .
MDJ /rr
Encl: M inutes-, CACUR M eeting, Oct. 30, 1969
cc: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. /
FORM 2 5-15
Directors Room
Trust Company of Georgia Building
Thursday, October 30, 1969
_The Reorganization meeting of the CACUR was called to order at 2:00 P. M.
by Vice Chairman A. B. Padg e tt, by prior arrangement of the Chairman who was
delayed a few minutes due to a conflicting engagement.
Those attending the meeting from the Executive Committee were: Messrs.
Carlton Rochell; Rob e rt W. Bivens; Henri Java Art Burks (representing Mr. William
J. VanLandingham); W. L. Calloway; Richa rd Rich; Edgar Schukraft; and Joe C.
Whitley. Committee members in attendance were: Messrs . Richard K. B a rksdale;
Jack Carrollton; Sam I. Cooper; Rev. Joseph L. Griggs; Joe Guthridge; Roy Harwell;
Percy Hearle; George Kennedy; Joe LaBoon; James L. Muddey, Jr. (representing
Dean Alex Lacy); A. J . Lockhart; Jerry C. Wilkinson (representing Dr. Albert
Manley); Jim Meyerholtz; Sanford Orkin; William R. Presley; I. M. Sheffield, III;
J. D. Wingfield, Jr.; Mrs. S. M. Waddell; Mrs. M attie Murcy; Mrs . Mary Ann
Blackwood; Mrs. Mary F. Gilm er; Mrs. J. B . Harris; Mrs. Sujette Crank and
Mrs. Leonard Haas; for the Atlanta Housing Authority: Mr. Lester H. Persells;
Mr. Thomas Eskew; Mr. Howard Opensh aw; and Mrs . Margaret Ross; for the Atl anta
Planning Department: Mrs. Sally Pickett; Mr. John Mat11'.hew~; Mrs. Hel e n Meyers;
Mr. Eric Harkness and Mr. George Aldridge, Jr.
Invitational Notice, Agenda and other related Documents pertaining to the
meeting are attached to file copy of these minutes.
Vice Chairman Padgett opened the meeting by welcoming a ll new and old
members. He then introduced Col. Malcolm Jones, E xec utive Director, CACUR.
Col. Jones then read the list of new members and asked each new member
to stand to be recognized. Copies of the list of members, Committee appointments
and E xec utive Committee Members were provided each member w ho attended and
are attached to the file copy of these minutes. (Additional copies are available for
Committee members who did not attend this reorganization meeting.)
Mr. Padgett then called on Mr. Bob Bivens to give the history of the Citi zens
Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal, (copies of which were passed out to those
in attendance and copy is attached to the file copy of these minutes).
Chairman Langdale arrived during Mr. Bivens presentation, at the conclusion
of which Chairman Langda le personally addressed the group and welcomed the new
members. He explained the changed role of Urban Renewal and NDP and stated that
this called for changes in structure of the Commit tee and operational procedure .
The importance of CACUR advis ing on Urban Renewal and NDP policy matters was
�Page Two
Padg_e tt.
The Chairman then returned conduct of the meeting to Vice Chairman
Mr. Padgett then called on Mr. Jim Wright of the Model Cities Staff to
explain the Model Cities Proposed Physical Development for 1969 and 1970.
Mr. Wright's presentation consisted primarily of a brochure, prepared in
three components, which was passed out to those in attendance. The components
were: (a) Satisfactory Community Environment; (b) Transportation; (c) Housing.
Each component consisted of inte1nization of proposed projects for 1970; Proposed
source of funding and brief statement as to purpose of each project but without any
explanation as to the extent of each project, specific ti1ning or priorities. Mr.
Wright then offered to respond to questions. There were none.
Mr. Rich suggested that since the presentation was on physical development
that an annotated map showing proposed projects and their specific location would
be helpful. Mr. Wright responded that he had such a map which any interested
person could look at after the meeting.
Since State Representative John Hood, Chairman of the Model Cities Housing
Committee, did not attend the meeting, Mr . Padgett asked Mr. Johnnie Johnson,
Director of Model Cities, to comment on the Model Cities Housing Committee views.
Mr. Johnson stated substantially that the Housing Committee of the Model
Citi es area had expressed desires that the Atlanta Housing Authority take the
following action immediately, so that th e Model Cities program can proceed in a
manner acceptable to the residents of Model Cities:
That no relocation housing be brought into the Model Cities
Area until it has been specifically approved (as to lo cation,
type of structures and size ) by the Housing Committee.
2. That all activity of the Atlanta Housing Authority in the
Model Cities Area - including acquisition of property,
displacement of residents, and demolition of structuresexcept those activities in which the Atlanta Housing
Authority has a l egal obligation to proceed and from
which a release cannot be obtained, be immediately
stopped until the problem of relocation housing is resolved.
3 . That the October 1, 1969 , offering of the Atlanta Housing
Authority for the sale and development of the C-4 Peoplestown
site be immediately withdrawn.
4 . That a Committee immediately be formed composed of
representatives from the Atlanta Housing Authority, the
Model Cities Agency and the Mass Convention, Inc . This
Committee or its sub-committee to have the responsibility
Page Three
for working out a satisfactory relocation housing plan
and an offer for the sale and development of the C-4
· site and other land in the Model Cities area. The
problem of relocation housing to be given the highest
priority so that other acti vi ties of the Atlanta Housing
Authority in the Model Cities area can be resumed as
quickly as possible.
Mr. Johnson stated that the Model Cities Housing Committee was · prepared
to file an injunction against the Housing Authority to stop activity until the Comrnittee
views had been met.
Mr. Padgett then called on Mr. Howard Openshaw , Director of Redevelopment for the Atlanta Housing Authority to comment on and explain the consequences
resulting from the position taken by the Mode l Cities Housing Committee.
Mr. Openshaw stated that on October 16, the newly reactivated Model Cities
Housing Committee advised the Atlanta Housing Authority of three major concerns
of area residents, and requested that all NDP activities be stopped until satisfactory
solutions could be worked out. The three 1n a jor concerns include: (1) Rehabilitation,
(2) Disposition of project l a nd, and (3) Relocation. Inas much as the Neighborhood
Development Pro g ram (NDP), w hich is urban renew a l on an annual basis, was
designed to respond to the needs of area resid ents, to assist them in the physic a l
improvement of their neighborhoods, th e Atlanta Housing A uthority readily agr e ed
to stop all NDP activities in the Model Cities Area in orde r to explore new alternatives
in the direction the progr a m should take.
The Model Cities Housing Committee expressed serious concerns of
property owners unable to bring their properties up to the required Project
Rehabilitation Standa rds, a requirement to be eligible for Federal Financial
assistance. The 1968 Housing Act imposed income limita tions on families eligible
for 3% direct rehabilitation loans. The Atl ant a Housing Authority has agree d to
review the Project Rehabilitation Standards and the Federal regulations governing
rehabilitation procedures with a resident committee in order to arrive at a solution.
The Model Cities Housing Committee requested that the Atlanta Housing
Authority withdraw its invitation for the sale and development of Parcel C-4 in
Peoplestow n, and to prepare documents requiring the redeveloper to come from the
Model Cities area.
Attorneys representing the Atlanta Housing Authority and
the Model Cities Mass Convention are in the process of preparing bid documents
restricting the sale of urban renewal land in the Model Cities area to area residents
or organizations.
The third concern expressed by the Model Cities Housing Committee was the
complete rejection of the type of relocation housing units proposed by the Authority.
These units, designed by an architect to provide maximum liveability within the
cost limitations and Federal guidelines, contained three bedrooms (two bedrooms
�Page Four
8 feet by 8 feet, one bedroom 10 feet by 12 feet). The Housing Committee indicated
that_r esidents would reject mobile h01n es , and would insist on pre-fabricated modular
units. Mr. Openshaw indicated that the Housing Act of 1949 as amended prohibits
the use of urban renewal funds for the construction of structures , that HUD guidelines
specifically limit relocation housing units to mobile homes built on a chassis, without
permanent foundation, easily relocateable. Nonetheless the Housing Authority has
agreed to explore with a residents I com.mittee alternative solutions related to
temporary relocateable housing in the Model Cities Area.
Mr. Openshaw stated that a Polrcy Committee, a Relocation Committee and
a Rehabilitation Comm ittee, composed of representatives of the Model Cities Agency,
the Atlanta Hou s ing Authority and the Mass Conve ntion, Inc., have been appointed
to seek solutions to the proble ms concerning rehabilita tion, sale of l and, and relocation
in the Model Cities area, and to permit th e Atlanta Hou sing Authority to resume the
1969 NDP activities voluntarily halted on October 17.
Mr. Op enshaw indicated that the two major problems confronting the Atlanta
Housing Authority, the implementing age ncy for carrying out the 19 69 NDP plans for
the Mode l Cities area, plans pr e p a red by the Model Cities s taff with complete resident
inv ol vement, a re:
Conflict b etween the expressed desires of the residents and limita tions
of Federal r egula tions .
2. The NDP plan for 196 9 a nd als o 1970 we r e ap proved by n e i g hbo rho:::Jd
residents as well as the Mode l Citie s Executive Boa rd without b enefit
of the rec e ntly activated Model Cities Hou sing Committe e I s stated
objectives. For exampl e, the 19 6 9 NDP plan for the Model Citie s area
designa ted four sites for p e rmanent hou s ing r e quiring the reloc ation
of 278 families, 77 individua l s , a nd 10 bu sine ss concerns , a ll to be
relo cat e d b e for e r e d eve lopm e nt c ould t a k e p l ace on th e s p ec ifi c s i t es
involve d. To r e quir e mid-way throu g h th e cal e ndar y e ar t h a t a c quisition
of land and reloc a tion of famili e s be dis co ntinu e d until suitable r e lo catabl e
housing is provide within the area is to introduce a valid concept, but
one that will prevent the Author ity from compl etin g the NDP p l a n within
the cal enda r y ear 1969. The 1970 NDP plans, prepared by four planning
consultants with involve ment of r e sident s of the six Mode l Citi e s
neighborhoods, requir e the re l o cation of 6 0 9 families during the cal e nda r
y ear 1970, with no vacant l and included in the ac quisiti o n program, nor
funds for relocation hou s ing. While the Housing Authority will make
avail abl e f or occupa ncy during 197 0 ove r 2, 65 0 dwe lling unit s for f a milies
of low and mode rate incom e , th e se units a r e not l ocate d within t h e Mode l
Citi es a r ea , h e n ce th e Hou s ing A uthor i ty i s once a g a in place d i n a n
impo ss ible p o s ition o f trying t o car ry out pla n s a p pro v e d by th e n e i g hborh oods
in conforma nc e with objectives recently e x pressed of the Model Cities
Hous i ng Committee .
�Page Five
Mr. Op enshaw indicated that the City's NDP application for 1970 is already
30' days overdue and that the application cannot be submitted to HUD until the situation
in Model Cities is resolved.
Mr. Openshaw stated that the stopping of a ll NDP activities in the Model Cities
area becomes all the more acute when we consider the fact that unencumbered funds
for calendar year 1969 must be returned to Washington for redistributed in the national
program, and that Atlanta has been advised that Federal funds for the 1970 NDP have
been reduced to approximate ly 45 . 9% .of the amount allocated for 1969.
Mr . Jones aske d if any substantial delay in the relocation and acquisition of
sites in the Model Cities area wouldn 1 t seriously jeopardize the C ity ' s 11 Breakthrough 11
application for which sites in the Model Cities area had been offered as priority
prototype housing sites, to be cleared by January 1970? Mr. Openshaw 1 s reply was
that this is true.
Mr. Op enshaw closed his comments with an optomistic note that he hoped the
difficulty with the Model Cities Housing Committee would be resolved over the weekend
and that activity in the Model Cities area could resume.
Mr. Johnnie Johnson was then g iven an opportunity to comment again for
Representative John Hood in rebuttal of any of Mr. Op enshaw 1 s remarks.
Mr. Johnson explained that he thought the situation had arisen through l a ck of
timely communication between· all elements involved and expressed hopes of a comprise
solution soon.
Bec ause of the time element involved, a more lengthy discussion was precluded.
Mr . Padgett then asked both Mr. Johnson and Mr. Op enshaw what the CACUR
could do now to assist in resolving the matter? Both seemed to think that for the time
being it would be be st to await further developments.
Col. Jones then presented Vice Chairman Padgett with the Financia l Statement
for the period September 30 to Octob er 30, 1969, which was read to the Committee.
Col. Jones then read a Resolution expressing sympathy and condolences to the
family and business associates (Atlanta Life Insurance Company) of the late CACUR
member, E. M. Martin.
The Resolution was unaminously adopted and will be sent to the family and
business associates of the late E. M. Martin.
The meeting wad adjourned at 3:15 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Malcolm D. Jo./les E x ecuti ve Dir ec tor
Atlanta Room
Citizens and Southern National Bank
Tuesday , September 30, 1969
The full Committee quarterly meeting of the CACUR was called to order
at 2:00 P. M. by the Vice-Chairman A. B. Padgett, who presided over the meeting
during absence of Chairman Noah L an·gdale who had a conflicting engagement. Those
attending the meeting frorn the Executive Com.mittee were : Messrs. Edgar
Schukraft; W. L. Calloway; Charles Mathias ; Bob Bivens; Jack C arrollton (r epresent ing Mr. E. A. Yates); Mrs. Doris Lockenn a n; and Mrs. Leonard Haas. Com1nittee
members in attendance were: Messrs. William Toms; Fred Burns; and Curtis
Driskell; for the Atlanta Housing Authority: Mr. Lester Persells; Mr. Howa rd
Ope nshaw; Mr. Robert Barnett (P ro ject Director - Vine City NDP area ); Mr.
Curtis Parrish (Proj ect Director - Edg ew ood NDP area ); Mr. Thomas Eskew;
Mr. Douglas Wendell; Mr. Wilson McClure (Project Director - West End); for
the Southwest Atlanta Association, Inc: Mr. Jam es W. DuPuy ; for EOA: Mr. W.
L. Horshen; for the Planning D e partment of the City of Atlanta: Mr. Coll ier B.
Gladin; Mrs. Sally Pickett; and Mr. John M a tthews. Others: Mr. A. L. Watson Sa1nmye Coan School Director; Mr. Norman M. R a tes - Spelman College; Re v. W.
L. Houston - Project Area Committee,- Vine City; and Mr. Walter Dancy - Urban
Corps intern with the CACUR Office.
Invitational Notice, Agenda and other related Documents for the m.eeting
are attached to the file copy of these minutes.
Vice-Chairman Padgett opened the meeting by welcoming those pr ese nt.
He then stated that the first item on the Agenda wou ld be put off until Cha irm a n
Langdale arrived. The second item on the Agenda was the presentation of th e
Vine City NDP plan. Mr . Padgett then introduced Mr. Howard Op e nshaw , Director
of Urb an Redevelopment of the Atlanta Housing Authority.
lv1r. Openshaw then introduced lvlr. Robert Barnett, Project Director of
Vine City, to present the NDP plan.
Mr. Barnett first explained the georgraphical location of Vine City. The
boundaries being: Northside Drive on the East, Simpson Road on the North,
Griffin Street on the West and Hunter Street on the South. He also stated tha t there
are approximately 154 acres, with 900 families and 3, 500 individuals located in the
Vine City area .
Mr . Barnett stated that the fir st things that were done in Vine City was
to form a local committeee known as the PAC or Project Area Committe to represent
�Page Two
the interests of the citiz e ns of the Vine City Com munity. He sta ted tha t the PAC
holds meeting at least once a w e e k (usua lly e ve ry Monda y night), and that a surv ey
was :nade to colle ct f a cts on Vine City, such as popula tion, fa mily si z e, amount
of income, hea ds of household, etc.
The surve y showed that the average income
for the Vine City area s is $161. 00 a month, and that 76% of the property in the area
has absentee landlords and 24% is o w ner occupied, The survey also showed that
the residents of the Vine City ar e a w anted more shopping, transporta tion and
community facilities.
Mr. Barnett furth e r stated that the t a rget area for the 1970 NDP plan
has already been designa ted. The t a rgef a rea, which w a s show n by a 1nap
presentation, has 122 structures (162 families), with 92 of these structures as
major d e terioration, 9 as a minor deterior a ti o n and only 1 s tandard struct ur e .
By m a p pr e senta tion, Mr. B a rnett s howe d the l a y out for the 1970 NDP pla n,
with a 2 4 ac r e p a rk, comm e rci a l a r ea, g a rde n typ e a p ar tinen t s, town houses
and single family resid e nces.
Vice-Cha irma n Padgett tha nked Mr . B a rnett for his very inform a tiv e
presentation on the N e i g hborhood D e velopm ent Pr og r a m for Vine City in 1970 .
Mr . Ope n s h aw the n introduced Mr. Curti s P a rri s h, Proj ec t Dir e c t or
of the Edgew ood area, In turn, Mr. P a rrish introdu ce d Mr. Harry Adley a nd
Mr. Albe rt T w igg s of A dl e y Associa tes to pr e s e nt the Edgewood N DP plan fo r
Mr. Adley and Mr . T w i gg s pr ese nte d a s lide presenta tion of the goo d
and bad a r ea s o f the E dgew ood proj ec t. Mr. Adle y s tr esse d tha t th e a r ea o f
Edgewood should be r ehabilitated, not torn down . Four sections o f the Ed gewoo d
area have t e ntativ ely b ee n selecte d for activity to s t a rt in 1970. S ammye C oan
S c hool i s a g ood exampl e o f the t ype of e n v i ronm ent Edgewood i s wor king for
i n it s effo rt to d e v e lop a b e tter Com munity. Mr . Adle y ag r eed t o pr o v ide the
E xecutive Dir ect o r with a s umma ry sheet o n t he E d gewood pr o j ect s t a t is t ics .
M r . Padgett thanke d M r. A dle y a nd lvfr. T w i ggs fo r a very fi ne presentation
of Edg ewood. Becau se of the time e lement involved, a fift e e n m inute pr esenta tion
was give n on e ach NDP pla n and a g ive minute ques t i o n a nd answe r period.
T h e r e was m u c h d iscu ssio n on t he s ubj ect a n d value o f reh abilitation and
the accusation that r e h a bilitation does not last, bec a us e the indiv iduals do not
keep up th e i r home s o r property .
V iee -Chairman Pad ge t t the n s t a t e d t hat t here was not enough t i me for a
detailed discuss i on on the merits of r ehabi litatio n and suggested that the subject
of rehabilitation be put on the Agenda for the next meeting.
�Page Three
Mr. Padg ett called on Mr. Op enshaw to present the overall Neighborhood
Development Progr am for 1970 (copy attached, Encl. 1). Attention of CACUR
-members was particularly called to the enclosed copy of recent letter from the
Regiona l Office of HUD stating that HUD funding to the Region III area is only
$24,000, 000; and that this is only 45. 9% of the amount allocated for the first
year's activity for the six NDP programs now under way in Region III.
In response to question from the Executive Director, CACUR, as to
proposed activity in the portion of the Bedford-Pine NDP area south of Forrest
Avenue. (This is where the bulk of the most dilapidated housing is located. )
Mr. Openshaw stated that no activity is planned in that area for 1969- 70 except
acquisition of a few scattered dilapidated structures, requested by the Mayor.
Mr. Padg ett then called on Mr. Openshaw to respond to comments on
the West End Urb a n Renewal Project previously submitted by the Executive Committee.
Mr. Openshaw read a letter addressed to the Executive Director, explaining the delays in many of the Urb an Renewal projects, including West End (Encl. 2).
After considerable discussion pertaining to certain aspects of the West
End project, the 1neeting was adjourned at 3:30 P. M.
Financial state preparec!- by the Executive Director, was not presented
during the meeting, but was subsequently turned over to the Vice-Chai rman.
In view of impending City elections, Item 1 on the Agenda, 11 E xp l anation
of Propos ed Reorganization of CACUR 11 , was omitted until a later date.
Respectfully submitted,
//;JE·/ ~~,: ~
Malcohn D . !9nes
Executive Dir ector
1. Neighborhood Development Program for 1970
2. Letter dated September 30, 1969
Neighborhood Development Program for 1970
Mr. Howard Ope:1sha1J, Dir e ctor of Re developrr.ent for the Atlanta Housing Authority,
outlined Atlanta 1 s Ne i gi1borhood Development Pro gram for 1970,
contains ei ght n ei ghbor hoods:
GA. Tech II
Model Ci ti e s
Vine . City

Li ghtni ng

Plu nket tm-m
-~ GA. Sta t e

The Progr a m
-~New Areas
Maps and stat i stic al s u:.1rr.ary indic ating the proposed ac t i on progra m j_n ind i vidual
areas was di s cussed . I n s um:-:iary , t i1e 1970 i'.JDP Pro gram proposes the a cqu i si tion
of 922 parc el s of l and; r elocation of 1392 fa mili es a nd indi vidual s , demoli t ion
of 922 struc tu r es , rehabilitati on of 830 structu res and dis posi tion of ll6 acres
of land.
As a housing resource for families di spl a ce d in t he 1970 pr ogr am, the Hous ing
Authodty Hill compl e t e and have re a.Jy f or occu pancy 20 33 publ i c hous inl units
and 650 dwelling units for f amilie s of low and moderate inc ome .
The gross proj e ct cos t of the 1970' NDP pr ogram is 27,4 milli on doll ars . The
federal capi tal grant requested is 20.7 milli on, the loc al shar e i s 8.5 milli on,
7.3 million i nclud es n on-cas h grants-in-a id to b e provid ed by t he City and 1.2
million in cash to be pr ov id ed by the Board of Regents . Foll rn-J ing HUD approval
of addition s ection 112 credits of 1.1 million dollars, the ca s h required by the
Board of Regents will be reduced to $165,880.
On September 23, 1969, the Department of Housing and Urban Devel opment a dvised t he
Atlanta Hou s i ng Authority t hat $21.i, OOO,OOO has b een es tabli she d as t he amount
availabl e for t he 1970 acti vity of t he si x Nei ghb or hoo d Development Pro grams n01-1
underway in Region III. Thi s repres ents 45-9% of t he f ederal capital gra nt funds
available in t he Region for 1969.
The Regional officr:- of HUD will allocate t he avail able fun ds for 1 970 N]:) P a ctivi ties on the bas is of ea ch City 's needs, its r e c ord of pe rfor mance, and its abil ity
to postpone s ome acti vitie s until a s ubs equent y ea r.
�.~ ~
. -·
Room 6!~5

. I' i,
Septembe r 23, 1969
Mr. Lester H. Persells
Executive Director
Housing Authority of the
City of Atlanta
824 Hurt Buildj_ng
Atlanta , Georgia
Dear Mr . Per sells:
Subjec t:
Proj e ct No . Ga .
Neighborhood Developme nt Program
Second Year Activities
We have been advis e d by Assistant Se creta ry Law rence M. Cox that
$24,000,000 has b ee n established as the a:nount availabl e for the
se cond year's a cti vity of the six Ne i ghborhood Deve lopment Programs
now u nder way in Re gion III . Thi s ai::ount of capi tal grant funds
eg_uals 45 .9% of the amount allocate d for the first year ' s activity
for the srx progr ams .
The Regional Office has the r esponsibili ty f'o:r dividing the amount
of $21+,000 , 000 among the six programs . We i ntend to use othe r
criteria than me r ely multiplying l a st year ' s alloca tions by 45 .9%;
each ci ty 1 s needs , i ts record of perfor;;1ance , and its ab il ity to
stretch some activities into a subs equent year will be considered .
We provide you this informati on as a basis for your prepa r ati on of
the Nei ghborhood Development Progr am Application for 1970.
Sincerel y yours,
'--,,cr,'])<.c~Jt. ,__/}/_~-e-f..L------
}.cti1",'.3 -
Mr. Howard Openshaw
Assi,s tant Reg iona l Ad.'!1inis trator
for Renewa l Assistance
�NEIGJU30111IOOD DEllJ:J,On -;F?·lT Pl10Gll1'.H
PRO.POSED AC'l'IVITii:S - 1970
NDP Arca
Acq ui 5i ti en-Pare els
Relo cation-Fam ./Ind.
Rehabil j_tation-Structures
Dispositi on-Ac~es
Georgia Tech II
Model Ci ties
.• ,
Vine ·city
Georgi a State
Lightni ng
Plunkett own
Roloc ation-Fam . /Ind.
De mol i tion-St~uctures
Dispositi on-Acres
Acquisiti on
Relocati on-Fam . /Ind.
Dem olition-Structures
Rehabii i t ation
Dispositi on- Acres
Acquisiti on
Reloc ati on-Fam ./Ind.
De~oliti on-Stru ctur es
Disposi t ion- Acres
Acquisition . Rel ocation- F2.m. /Ind .
Demoliti~n-Structur es
Rehabilitati on
Relocation-Fa ~./Ind.
Di sposition-Acres
Acq~i sition
Reloc ation-Fam ./Ind.
Demoliti on- Structures
Di sposition-Acres
Dispos ition-Acres
Demoliti on
Planni ng
No 69 Program
No 69 Program
5. 2
No 69 Program
205. 4
iI '
. I
NDP-1 970 FDJ/\l'TCI NG

'I 1
$ 27.,411,427
25, 750., Jl.iO
Non-cash grants-in-aid
7., J01.,l.r27
Cash r equired (Board of Regents)

Progr am Capital Grant
17, 166., 894
Reloc ati on Grant
Rehabilitation Grant
1.,469, 700
Total Federal Capital Grant
-~ HUD approval of addi ti o! Section 11 2 ere di ts of ·
$1,116,140, cash required (Board of Regents) reu'uced to$ 165 ,880.
�.- .

A T L A N TA, GEORG I A 30303
JA CKSON 3 - 6074
Sept embBr 30 , 1969
Mr . Mal colm D. Jones
Ex.e cutive Dire ctor
Citi zens Adv is ory Commit t ee
for Urban Renewal
City Hall
Atlant a , Ge orgia 30303
Dear Mr. Jones:
Mr. Parsells has asked me to repl y to y our l etter of Augu st 18 , 1969
r el at i ve to t h e Executive Committee's c oncern over several fe a tures
of At lanta's Urban Renewal Program . First, let me say that we share
t he Committee's c oncern over the length of t ime required to close out
earlier pro j e c ts. However, t o imply tha t the length of time t aken t o
cl ose out proj ects is due t o an apparent l a ck of aggres siveness on the
part of the Authority is ludicrous . The original five urban renewal
pr o je c ts have been amended f orty-two times, requi ring an additional
eight million dollars from the Federal government, and resulti ng in a
s t adium , expansi on of Georgia State Colle ge, additional land for s chools,
parks, and neighborhood faciliti e s, acquisition of commercial properties
on Ge orgia Avenue, and numerous other improvements. The average length
of time inv olved in securing Fede ral approval of an amendment has been
twelve months, with several requiring thirty months.
A se con d ma jor fa c t or delay ing proj ect close- outs is the funding and
cons t ruction of non-cash grants-in-aid. The Butler Street Project,
for example, c ould not be closed ou t earlier because the proposed
school was not funded until the passage of the 1968 bond issue, with
construction starting in August, 1969.
Even after renewal land has been sold , many developers have experienced
delays caused by the tight money market, high interest rates and
soaring costs.
Nonetheless, projects are not closed out without spe cial effort. Re cently I established a spacial task force to identify and expedite all
remaining activities to be completed in the original projects. Two of
these projects - Butler Street and Georgia State - have been completed
this year and are waiting fin al HUD audit. I want to assure the Committee that the Authority recognizes its respon sibility to proceed as
rapidly as possible to complete the e arly proj e cts.
Et? c/ Z
�- 2I share the Commi ttee ' s c once r n over its seemi ngly perfunctory r ole of
l ate. If it is to perform its fun c tion a s outline d in the Al de rman:i. c
r e solu ti on creating the Committee, ie., a dv ise the May or a n d Boa r d of
Aldermen and o t h er publi c bodi e s con cerne d with Urba n Renewal i n the
-City, t h en i t seems t o me that it must c ontinue to review pr opose d
Ur ban Renewal a ctiviti e s f or mul a ted by the vari ous proj e c t area commi t tees
with an ove rview of t h e to tal needs of the Ci ty. The Com.mittee's vi ews
on pend i n g redev e l opment a c t ions s hould b e express e d t o the Alde rman i c
Pl anning a nd Re development Committee, as did Bob Summerville ~ fo rme r
Commit tee Chairman. The Author ity wi l l co operate i n any way p os s i ble
in -ass i st i ng t he Committee in c arrying out i t s functi on of pr ov iding
guidan ce and direc ti on to the City in the a dministrati on of its Urb an
Renewal program .
The comments pe r ta i ning to the Wes t End Urban Renewa l Pr oj ect are ob vious l y pe r sonal ex pr e ss ions of fru stration s s hared by the Authority .
The West End Ur ban Renewal Pr o ject is n ow in its thi r d year of e xecution and to date the Au t ho rity h a s a cqui re d 516 p ar ce ls of land (87% ) 9
reloc a te d l~57 f amil ies and 77 businesse s (97%) , demol ish ed 354 stru c ture s
( 74%) , s ol d or put unde r agre ement f or s a l e .54 ac res of l and ( 55%) r- and _
comple t ed rehabilitation of 504 s truc t ure s (22% ) , I n a ddi t ion , the
Authority h a s a cquired an d conveyed t o the City 8 .7 a c res of land f or
park devel opmen t, and the 1 .1 mi l li on d ollar Dean Rusk Elementar y School
h as be en compl e te d . The redevelope r for the 15 a c re e n cl osed mall
s h opping center is p re s ently securing l eases , wi t h cons t r uc tion s cheduled
in 197 0 .
In spite of t h e progre s s ma de to d a te, t here a r e t hre e s pe c ifi c areas
in Wes t End where pr ogre s s h a s been de l aye d. The firs t i s the seven
a cr e t ra ct adj a ce n t to the Park Stree t Methodist Church. This area
involves a l and us e change and is i n clude d in an amendment submi t ted
to HUD on June 17, 1 9 69. On Se ptemb er 23, HUD approve d an Authori t y
reque st to pr oce ed wi t h a pu blic h ear ing and loca l adopt ion of the
plan amendment pursu ant t o offe ring the l and fo r sale f or residential
re-us e . The publi c h earing h a s be en schedul e d for Octobe r 17 before
t he Pl anning and Deve lopment Committee.
A s econd area involves some t we n ty- f our a cre s of l and in t he vi cinity
of Lee a nd Ogl ethor pe, pre sently des i gn a t e d for offi ce warehouse and
genera l office use. The We st End Advis ory Commit te e h a d previ ously
agreed that t hi s are a n e eded fu r ther study i n l ight of the proposed
loca tion of r a pid trans it in the area.
The third area inv olves the motel and re s ident ial u s es on Oak Stree t,
between Ashby a nd Peeples Streets. The three ac re motel site was on
the market fo r 18 months and no propo s al s we re rece i ve d. Five redevelopers submitted proposals for 76 dwelling unit s on parcel 1 9, bu t
the West End Adv isory Committee recommende d rejection of a l l p roposals,
re - study of the s i te in conjunction with the motel tra c t, and re- offer
fo r s a l e. The sta tus of the Wes t End pl an will be di s cussed with the
Wes t End Adv isory Committ e e on October lo
The Aut hority recognizes the · u rgen cy of proceeding as rapidly as possible
in each of the e ight conven ti onal ur b an renewal areas and five neighborhood development program are as in t h e Ci ty . I want to assure the Committee that Mr . Parsells and I have committed ourselves to this task
while making the prograD1 responsive to human needs.
�-3We pledge our continued cooperation to CACUR and others devoted to
making Atlanta the great city it is de s tined to become .
Very truly yours,
Howard Openshaw
Director of Redevelopment
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mr. Rodne y M. Cook
Dr. Noah N. Langdale, Jr.
Mr. A.B. Padgett
Dean Alex B. Lacy, Jr.
Atlanta Room
Citizens and Southern National Bank
Tuesday, September 30, 1969
First sentence of published minutes of above indicated meeting is corrected
to read as follows:

"The full Committee- quarterly meeting of the CACUR was called
to order at 2:00 P. M. by the Vice-Chairman A. B. Padgett, by prior
arrangement of the Chairman who had a previous engagement which
conflicted with the first part of the meeting; Chairman Langdale arrived
later and was present during the larger part of the meeting, but requested
Mr. Padgett to continue to p·reside."
~~c--e~ ,-J!L~
Malcolm D. ~~
Exe cu ti ve Director
Atlanta Room
Citiz e ns and Southern National Bank
Tuesday, September 30, 1969
The full Committee quarterly meeting of the CACUR was called to order
at 2:00 P. M. by the Vice-Chairman A. B. Padgett, w ho presided over t ~.1.e meeting
during absence of Chairman Noah Langdale who had a conflicting engagement. Those
attending the meeting from the Execqti ve Committee were: Messrs. Edga r
Schukraft; W. L. Calloway; Charles Mathias; Bob Bivens; Jack Carrollton (representing Mr. E. A. Yates); Mrs. Doris Lockerman; and Mrs. Leonard Haas. Committee
members in attendance were: Messrs . William Toms; Fred Burns; a nd C u rtis
Driskell; for the Atlanta Housing Authority: 1:v1r. Lester Persells ; Mr . Howa rd
Openshaw ; Mr. Robert Barnett (Proje c t Director - Vine City NDP area ); .\-i r.
Curtis Parrish (Project Director - Edgewood NDP area); Mr. Thomas Es kew;
Mr. Douglas Wendell; Mr. Wilson McClure (Project Director - West End}; for
the Southwest Atlanta Association, Inc: Mr. James W. DuPuy; for EOA: Mr. W.
L. Horshen; for the Pla nning Department of the City of Atlanta: Mr. Collie r B.
Gladin; Mrs. Sally Pickett; and Mr. John Matthews. Others : Mr. A. L. Watson Sammye Coan School Director; Mr. Norman M. Rates - Spelma n College;. Rev. W.
L. Houston - Project Area Committee,- Vine City; and Mr. Walter Dancy - Urban
Corps Intern with the CACUR Ofnce .
Invitational Notice, Agenda and other related Do cuments for the meeting
are attached to the file copy of these minutes.
Vice-Chairman Padgett opened the meeting by welcoming those present.
He then stated that the first item on the Agenda would be put off until Chairman
Langdale arrived. The second item on the Agenda was the presentation o f the
Vine City NDP plan. Mr. Padgett then introduced Mr. Howard Openshaw, Director
of Urban Redevelopment of the Atlanta Housing Authority.
Mr. Openshaw then introduced Mr. Robert Barnett, Project Dir ector of
Vine City, to present the NDP plan.
Mr. Barnett first explained the georgraphical lo cation of Vine C ity. The
boundaries being: Northside Drive on the East, Simpson Road on the Nor th,
Griffin Street on the West and Hunter Street on the South. He also stated t hat there
are approximately 154 acres, with 900 families and 3, 500 individuals locat ed in the
Vine City area.
Mr . Barnett stated that the fir st thing s that were done in Vine C ity was
to form a local committeee known as the PAC or Proj e ct Area Committe to represent
�Page Two
the fnterests of the citizens of the Vine City Community. He stated that the PAC
holds meeting at least once a week (usually every Monday night), and that a survey
was made to collect facts on Vine City; such as population, family s i ze , amount
of income, heads of household, etc.
The survey showed that the average income
for the Vine City areas is $161. 00 a month, and that 76% of the property in the area
has ab~entee landlords and 24% is owner occupied. The survey also showed _that
the residents of the Vine City area wanted more shopping, transportation and
community facilities.
Mr . Barnett further stated that the target area for the 1970 NDP plan
has already been designated. The target area, which was shown by a map
presentation, has 122 structures (162 families), with 92 of these structures as
major deterior ation, 9 as a minor deterior ation and only 1 standard structure.
By map presentation, Mr. Barnett showed th e lay out for the 1970 NDP plan,
with a 24 acre p ark, commercial area , garden type a p artments , town houses
and single family residences.
Vice-Chairman Padgett thanked Mr . Barnett for his very informative
presentation on the Neighborhood D eve lopm ent Program for Vine City in 1970.
Mr. Op enshaw then introduced Mr. Curtis Parrish, Project Director
of the Edgewood area. In turn, Mr. Parrish introduced Mr. Harry Adley and
Mr. Albert Twiggs of Adley Associates to pre sent the Edgewood NDP plan for
Mr. Adley and Mr. Twiggs pres e nte d a slid e presentation of the g ood
and bad areas of the Edgewood project. Mr . Adley str esse d that the area of
Edgewood should be rehabilitated, not torn down. Four sections of the Edg ewood
area have tentatively been selected for activity to start in 1970. Sammye Coan
School is a good example of the type of environment Edgewood is working for
in its effort to develop a better Community. Mr. Adley agreed to provide the
Executive Director with a summary sheet on the Edgewood project statistics.
Mr. Padgett thanked Mr. Adley and Mr. Twiggs for a very fine presentation
of Edgewood. Becaus e of the time element involved, a fifteen minute presentation
was given on each NDP plan and a give minute question and answer period.
There was much discus sion on th e subj ect and value of rehabilitation and
the accusation that rehabilitation does not l ast, because the individuals do not
keep up their homes or property.
Vhie-Chairman Padgett the n stated that there was not enough time for a
detailed discussion on the merits of reha bilitation and suggested that the subject
of rehabilitation be put on the Agenda for the n ext meeting.
�Page Three
Mr. Padgett called on Mr. Openshaw to p resent the overall Neighborhood
Development Program for 1970 (copy attached, E nc l. 1). Attention of CACUR
members was particularly called to the enclosed copy of recent letter from the
Regional Office of HUD stating that HUD funding t o the Region III area is only
$24,000, 000; and that this is only 45. 9% of the am unt allocated for the first
year's activity for the six NDP programs now under way in Region III.
In response to question from the Executiv e Director, CACUR, as to
proposed activity in the portion of the Bedford-Pin e NDP area south of Forrest
Avenue. {This is where the bulk of the most dilapic.ated housing is located. )
Mr. Openshaw stated that no activity is planned i n that area for 1969- 70 except
acquisition of a few scattered dilapidated structur e s, requested by the Mayor.
Mr. P a dgett then called on Mr. Opensha w to respond to comments on
the West End Urban Renewal Project .previously s u bmitted by the Executive Committee ..
Mr. Openshaw read a letter addressed t o the Executive Director, explaining the delays in many of the Urban Renewal proje cts, including West End (Encl. 2).
After considerable_discussion pertaining to certa in aspects of the West
End project, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 P~ M.
Financial state prepared by the Executiv e Director, was not presented
during the meeting, but was subsequently turned o ver to the Vice-Chairman.
In view of impe nding City elections , Item 1 on the Age nda , "Explana tion
of Proposed Reorganization of CACUR", was om i ted until a later date.
Resp e c tfully submitted,
/ /;Jd-.-:d~
'"-,. _,~
' ~
Malc olm D. J n e s
Executive Dfrector
E n.els :
1. · N e ighborhood D e v e lopme nt Program f or 1970
2 . Letter dated September 30, 1969
Neighborhood Development Program for 1970
Mr. Howard OpenshaiJ, Director of Redeveloprr.ent f or the Atlanta Housing Authority,
outlined Atlanta ' s Nei gnborhood Development Program for 1970. The Program
contains eight neighborhoods:
GA. Tech II
Mod el Ci ties
Ed gewood
V:ine City

Li ghtning

-~ _GA. State

-~New Areas
11aps arid statistical su:.1!"r.ary indicating the proposed action pro gram in individual
areas was di s cussed . In summary, the 1970 iIDP Progr a m proposes the acqui s ition
of 922 parcel s of land: relocation of 1392 f a mili es and :individu al s , demolition
of 922 structures, reh~bilitation of 8JO structures and dispos ition of ll6 a cres
of land.
As a hou sing resource for famili es di splaced in the 1970 program, the Housing
Authorj_ ty Hill comple t e and have rea,:J}- f or occupancy 20J J public housin 5 uni ts
and 650 ci'delling u.nits for families of 101-1 and moderat e income .
The gross project cost of the 1970 NDP program is 27,4 million dollars. The
federal capital grant reques t ed is 20.7 million, the local share is 8.5 million,
7.3 million includes non-cash grants - in-aid to be provided by the City and 1.2
million in ca2h t o be provided by the Board of Regents . Follrn-Jing HUD approval
of addition section 112 credits of 1.1 million dolla r s , the cash require d by the
Board of Regents will be reduced to $165,880.
On September 23, 1969, the Depart ment of Housing and Urban Development advised the
Atlanta Housing Authority that $21.i,OOO,OOO has been es tablishe d as the amount
available .for the 1970 acti vity of the si x Nei ghborhood Devel opment Pro grams now
underway in Region III. This r epres ents 45. 9% of the f ederal ca pital grant f unds
available in t he Region for 1969.
The Region:11 office cif HUD will allocate the avai l able funds for 1970 N1JP a ctivities on the basis of each City's needs , its record of perform:1nc o, and its ability
to postpone s ome activities until a s ubsequ ?nt y ear.
. -·
Room 6l~5
September 23, 1969
Mr. Lester H. Persells
Executive Director
Housing Authority of the
City of Atlanta
824 Hurt Building
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mr. Persells:
Project No. Ga . A-2
Neighborhood Development Program
Second Year Activities
We have b een a dvis ed by Assistant Secretary Law rence M. Cox that
$24,000,000 has been established as t!'le amount availe.ble for the
second year 1 s activity of the six Neighborhood Developme nt Programs
now under way in Re gion III. This a1wunt of capital grant funds
equals l~5.9% of the amount .allocated for the first year's activity
for the s~x programs .
The Regional Office has the responsibility for dividing the amount
of $24,ooo ,ooo among the six progra1:1s . We intend to use other
criteria than merely multiplying last year 's alloca tions by 45.9%;
each city's needs, its record of perfor~ance, and its ability to
stretch some activities into a subsequent year will be considered.
We provide y·ou this information as a basis for your preparation of
the Nei ghborhood Development Program Application for 1970.
Sincerely yours,
. . __"');,~-- -I _l~_,__ J0. [-., /?-1.,::.,--c.-t.L..------ictin~ ~
John~- Edmunds
Assi-stant Regional Ad.'l1inistrator
for Renewa l Assistance
Mr. Howard Openshaw
NDP Arca
Acquisition-Parcel s
Relocation-Farn ./Ind.
Demolition-Str uctures
Rolocation-Fam ./Ind .
Demoliti on-Structures
Disposition-Acre s
Acquisiti on
Relocati on- Fam . / Ind.
Rehabi iit?..t ion
Acquisiti on
Relocati on- Fam ./Ind .
De~oliti on- Structures
Di sposi tion- Acres
Acquisition . Relocati on-Fam./Ind .
Rehabili t ation
Georgia Tech II
Hodel Ci ties
.• ,
Vine City ·
G0orgia State
Plunket tow!').
Acquisiti on
Relocati on-Fa~ ./Ind.
Di sposition-Acres
Acqu_isiti on
Reloc ation-Fa~ ./Ind.
Demoliti on-Structu res
Rehabilitat i on
Disposi tion- Acres
Demolition-Structur es
Rehabilita ti on
Acqui si tion
Rehabil i tation
No 69 Program
No 69 Program
No 69 Program
�NDP-1 970 FD U~iCING
$27, 411,427
i .
Non-cash g:c2x1ts-in-aid
Cash required (Boe.rd of Regents)
1,282,020 -~
Program Capital Grant
17, 166,894
Relocation Grant
Rehabilitation Grant
1,469, 700
Total Federal Capital Grant
$20, 785, 996
-~ Following HUD approval of addi ti o:1al Section 112 credi ts of
$1,116,140, cash required (Board o~ Regents) reduced ~o $165,880.
�u, _.
82 4
JACKSON 3-6074
September 30 , 1969
Mr. Malcolm D. Jones
Executive Di r ector
Citizens Advisory Committee
for Urban Renewal
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Jones:
Mr. Parsells has asked me to reply to your letter of· August 18, 1969
relative to the Executive Committee's concern over several features
of Atlanta's Ur b a.n Rene wal Program . Fir s t , let me say that we share
the Committee 's concern over the leng th of ti me r equ i r ed to close out
earlier proj e cts. However, .to imply tha t the leng th of time taken to
close out projects is due to an apparent l a ck of aggressivene ss on the
part of the Authority is ludicrous . The original fi v e urban r enewal
projects have been a.mended fort y -two times , requi ri ng an additional
eight million dollars from the Fe deral g ove rnment, and resulting in a
stadium, expansion of Georgia State Colle g e , additional land for schools,
parks, and neighborhood facilities, acqui s ition of commerci al properties
on Georgia Avenue, and numerous other i mpr ovements. The average length
of time involved in securing Federal appr oval of an amendment has been
twelve months, with several requiring thirty months.
A second major factor delaying project close-outs is the funding and
construction of non-cash grants - in - aid. The Butler Street Project,
for example, could not be closed out earlier because the proposed
school was not funded until the passage of the 1968 bond issue, with
constr uction starting in August, 1969.
Even after renewal land has been sold, many developers have experienced
del ays caused by the tight money ma~ket, high interest rates and
s oa ring costs.
Nonethel ess, proj e c ts a r e not closed out with out s pec i al ef fo rt . Re cently I e sta blished a s pac ial tas k fo r ce t o iden t ify and expedi t e a ll .
remaining a ctivities to be c ompl e ted i n the ori ginal pro jec ts . Two of
theae pro j ects - Butler Street and , Ge orgia State - have been completed
this year and are waiting final HUD audit. I want to assure the Committee that the Authority r e cogniz e s its responsibility to proceed as
rapidly as possible to complete the early projects .
EP>c.l 2.
�-2I share the Connnittee's concern over its seemingly perfunctory role of
late. If it is to perform its fun c t ion as outlined in the Alde rmanic
resolution creating the Committe e, ie., advise the Mayor and Bo ard of
Aldermen and other public bodies conce r ned with Urban Renewal in the
City, then it seems to me tha t .it must continue to review proposed
Urban Renewal activities formulated by the various project area committees
with an overview of the total needs of the City. The Committee's views
on pending redevelopment actions should be expressed to the Alde rmanic
Planning and Redevelopment Committee, as did Bob Summerville, former
Committee Chairman. The Autho r ity will cooperate in any way poss t ble
in assisting the Committee in c arry ing out its function of providing
guidance and direction to the City in the administration of its Urban
Renewal program.
The comments pertaining to the West End Urban Renewal Project are obviously personal expressions of frustrations shared by the Authority.
The West End Urban Renewal Project is now in its third year of ex ecution and to date the Autho ri ty h as a cqui r ed 516 p a rcels of l and (87%),
relocated 457 familie s and 77 bus inesses (97%) , demolished 354 s t r uctures
(74%), sold or put under agre ement for sale 54 acres of land (55%), and ·
completed rehabilitation of 504 structures (22%). In addition, the
Authority h a s acquired and conveyed to the City 8.7 acres of land for
park development, and the 1.1 million dolla r Dean Rusk Elementary School
has been completed. The redevelope r for the 15 a cre enclosed mall
shopping center is pre s ently securing l eases, with cons truction s cheduled
in 1970.
In spite of the progress made to d a t e , the re a re three specific areas
in West End where progr e ss h a s been del ayed. The fir s t i s the seven
acre t r act a dj a cen t to the Pa rk Stree t Me thodis t Church. This area
involve s a l and u se change and is i n clude d in an amendment submi tte d
to HUD on June 17, 1969. On Se ptember 23, HUD &pproved an Autho r ity
request to procee d with a public h earing and loca l adoption of ~he
plan amendment pursuant to offering the land for s ale for resident ial
re-use. The public hearing h a s be e n s che duled for October 17 befor e
the Planning and Development Committee.
A second area involves some twenty-f our acre s of l and in the vicinity
of Lee and Oglethor pe, presently designated fo r of fice wa r e hous e a nd
general office use. The Wes t End Advisory Committee had prev iously
agreed tha t this area needed furthe r study in light of the proposed
location of rapid transit in the area.
The third area involves the motel and residential uses on Oak Street,
between As hby and Peeples Streets. The three a cre motel site was on
the market for 18 months and no propos als we re received. Five rede velopers submitted proposals for 76 dwelling units on pa rcel 19, but
the West End Advis ory Committee recommended rejection of all pr oposal s ,
r e - study of the site i n conjunction with the motel tra ct, and re- of fe r
fo r sale . The sta t u s of the West End plan will be di scu ss ed wi th t he
West End Adv isory Committ ee on Octobe r l.
The Authority recognizes t he u rgency of p roceeding as rapi dly as possible
in e a ch of the e ight conventional ·ur ban renewal areas and five neighborhood development program areas in t h e City. I want to assure the Committee that Mr. Parsells and I have commi tted ourselves to this task
while making the program responsive t o human needs.
�-3We pledge our con tinued cooperat i on to CACUR and others de v oted to
making Atlanta the great city it is destined to become .
Very truly yours ,
Howard Openshaw
Director of Redevelopment
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mr. Rodney M. Cook
Dr. Noah N. Langdale, Jr.
Mr. A.B. Padgett
Dean Alex B. Lacy, Jr.
The Executive Committee Mee!ing of the CACUR was called to order at
2:00 P. M. by the Chairman, Dr. Noah N. Langdale, Jr. Those attending were:
Mr. Bob Bivens; Mr. Jack Carrollton, representing Mr. E. A. Yates, Jr.;
Mr. Percy Hearle; Mr. A. B. Padgett; Mr. Edgar E. Schukraft.
member in attendance was: Mrs. ·Adah Toombs; and for the Planning Department
of the City of Atlanta: Mr. Collier B. Gladin and Mr. W. F. Kennedy.
Invitationa l Notice, Agenda and other rel a ted Documents for the meeting
are attached to the file copy of these minutes.
Chairman Langdale opened the meeting by welcoming those present.
The Chairman asked if there were any questions or corrections concerning
the Minutes of the July 17th Meeting. As there was none, the Chairman announced
approval of the Minutes.
The Chairman then read an article {editorial) from the July 21st edition
of the Atlanta Journal, which was passed out to the Members of the Executive
Committee. {Copy attached, Encl. 1)
The Chairman then called on Mr, Bob Bivens to further discuss his
sub-committee I s proposals on the following:
New Candidates List for Membership and Creation
of New Executive Committee.
Revision of Purpose and Reorganization of CACUR.
Staggered Terms for Membership in CACUR.
Chairman Langdale stated that these proposals were not formally adopted
or contridicted at the previous meeting.
Mr. Bivens stated that another page has been added to the Revision of
Purpose and Reorganization Proposal distributed at the previous Exe cutive
Committee meeting on July 17. He also stated that the fourth page contained the
purpose and redefinition of four Sub-Committees . The Sub-Committees are
as follows:
�Page Two
Public Information
Future Projects and Priorities
Design Preview and Standards
Financial Programmi~g and Timetable
Copy attached (Encl. 2 ).
Mr. Bivens then moved that this proposal be adopted as amended.
Mr. Edgar Schukraft s econded the motion which after considerable discussion
and explanation, was unani1nously adopted by the Executive Committee.
Mr. Bivens further stated that two more names should be taken off,
by request, the New Candidates List for Membership; and that three people have
asked to have their names removed from the Executive Committee. These
included Mro George Wo Kennedy, for r ea son that he has been elected President
of the Greater Atlanta Hou sing Development Corporation.
Mr. Bivens then stated that the na~es on the New Candidates Li st for
Membership are in alphabetical order and that the length of proposed appointments are from 1 to 3 years, indicated in sequence on the alphabetical list.
After each term is up, each member may again come up for renomination.
Mr. A. B. Padgett suggested that names on the Executive Committee
that are not on the New Candidates List should be taken off. Therefore,
Chairman Langdale asked if there was any objections, there was none,
After considerable discussion, lvlr. Bivens suggested that the New
Candidates Li st for Membership be adopted and that the Chairman, Executive
Director and the Mayor decide on an 8-10 member Executive Committee that
is capable of carrying out the various duties of CACUR.
Mr, Percy Hearle the n made a motion that this proposal be adopted,
Mrs. T oombs seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted.
The Chairman then called on Col. Malcolm D. Jones,
Col. Jones the n re a d a Resolution e x p res sing symp a thy and condolences
to the Widow and Family of the l a t e H e rb e rt D a nie l W a ldr ip, (form er C A CUR
neighborhood Committee Chairman) from the CACUR (copy attached to the
file copy).
�Page Three
A motion was made b y Percy Hearle th a t this Resolution be sent to
Mrs . Waldrip, Mrs. Toombs seconded the motion and it was unanimously
adopted .
.Af 3:15 P. M. Chairman Langda le turned the meeting over to ViceChairman Padgett bec a use of important Georgia State business.
Vice-Chairman Padgett then called on Col. Jones.
Col. Jones presented the proposed CACUR Budget to the Executive
Committee. The Budget consisted of the remainder of 1969 a nd a tenta ti v e
Budget for 1970.
Mr. Padgett suggest e d that the July to December Budget be adopted and
that the 1970 Budget be acted op later.
Mr. Percy Hearle made a motion that the July to December 1969 Budget
be adopted, Mr. Edgar Schukraft seconded the motion; and it was unanimously
Col. Jones then presented Vice-Chairman P a dgett witlL the Financial
Report, which was accepted. Mr. Padgett then sugge s ted tha t $10, 000 b e
transferred from the Checking Account, Trust Company of Georgia, to the
Savings Account, Fulton Federal Savings and Loan Association.
A motion was made by Mr. Percy Hearle that the money be transferred,
· seconded by Mr. Bivens; and it was unanimously adopted by the Executive
The Meeting w as adjourned at 3: 25 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,

75.) Le.. c-L.

-, ..
Malcolm D. Jo~
Executive Director
Encl s : As stated
�•· THE CITIZ~S Advisory Committee for Ur-'
ll '
ban Renewal is exploring the possibility

of achieving a more active role in the dcci[: sion-making process of the city's urban re..

. , newal program.


I .
t' · .

This is good. We are also glad to see
that CACUR may streamline its organization
to help facililate smoother participation in ,.
policy formulation.
A large commitee membership acting on ·
! . the details of all plans considered by such
~... · groups as the _At1nnta liousing. Authority,
Model Cities, and govermi1ent planning de- :5
f ' partments is unwieldy and tends to add con.·L· fusion rather than distill intelligent citizen
!: · comment.·
Far ·better is the current proposal for an
eight to 12-man executive committee meeting monthly, backed up by a full ·membership meeting held 9ctartcrly.
citizens pan61 will then be in a position to make thQ{1ghlful, consl111ctive comment, thus av9fcting the "rubber stamp"
stigma resulting from inadequate direction.
. ,
· .· : .. ..i .. : ... ·..: .
.. " .. ')
�Pa, 9 e 4
8/ 21/69
CHAIRMAN: Dr. Noah Langdale
VICE CHAIRMAN: Mr. A. B. Padgett
It shall be the purpose of this Committee to plan and ca rry out a n
ongoin g pro gram to keep the public informed of urban renewal activities
throughout the City. This Committee sh a ll work closely with the
Executive Director in arranging frequent pr e ss releases, communic a tions
with the press, brochures, communications with residents of urban renewal
areas, tours t of · acti6n areas, and other activities to broaden community
understanding of renewal and build support thereof,
This sub-Committee sh a ll meet fr e qu ently with appropri a te st a ff memb e rs
of the City and Atlanta Housing Authority to be cont i nuous ly ap pris e d of
plans for f uture proj e cts and contempl a ted priority as si gnments. The
sub-Committee will consider thes e future pr oj e cts - with -sp e ci a l at t ention
to priorities in light of total community objectives a nd other community
needs. Esp e cially will thi s group seek to s er~e as a sounding board to
assure that priority a ssignments will achieve· maximum tot a l community
improvement. It will make periodic reports to the full Executive Committee
and Committee as needed.
This sub-Committee will work closely with t he Housin g Authority a nd City
Planning De partment Staffs in previewing· ,l a nd use plans and desi gn plans
in an effort to assure finest quality of renewal and r e-development.
This sub - committee will h.elp est ablish st andards for excellence in eve r y
phase of renewal activity including planne d- unit development, spot
p r ojects, r ehab i litation, etc . , Th:i.s sub - Committee shall seek a dv ice of
such other gr oups as the Civic Design Commission as ne e ded t o a s su r e the
highest poss i bl e st a nd a rds of r e newal and r e- developme nt . This Sub - Commi tt ee
shall also work with AHA and City Staff in liaison wi t h Fede r al off ic i a l s
t o a ssur e excellen ce i n r enewa l r a t he r than any mediocre st and ar ds .
This s ub- Committ ee s h all become we ll-in f o rme d on fin a n cial matters re l ative
to urb an r enewal and wor k with t he Ho us i n g Authority a nd City in financial
programming, no t only t o as s ure contin uation of r e newal activities , but
also to assure that l ong-range communi t y ob jectives are bein g accomplished
through the entire proces s . Als o , thi s sub - Commit t ee s hall follow- up on
active renewal project s to encourage establi s hment of comple t i on and
c lose- ou t t i me t ables and shall work with appropriate publ i c of f i cials to
ass ure adequate local financing fo r continuation of r e newal programs . I t
s h al l make fr eque nt r epo rt s t o the Executive Commi tt ee and full Commi ttee ,
The Ex ecutive Committee Mee tin g of the CACUR was called to order
promptly at 2: 45 P. Mo b y the Cha irman , Dr. No a h N. La ngd a le, Jr.
Those attending were : Mr. Bob Bivet4s; Mrs . Le onard Haas; · Mrs. Grace
Hamilton; Mr. George Kennedy; Mr. Charle$ C. Ma thias; Mr. A. B.
Padgett; Mr. Richard H. Rich ; Mr. Ed g ar E . Schuk raft; Mr. Cl ~yt on
R. Yates. Committee rnembe,r in attend a nce was: Mr s. Adah Toombs;
for the Planning Depart ment of the City of Atla n t a: Mr . W. F.
Kennedy; and f o r the Atl a nta Co ns ti t u t ion: Mr. Alex Cof f in.
Invit ational Notice , Agend a and other relat ed Documents fo r the
meeting a r e attached to the f ile copy o f these minutes.
Chairman Langd a le opened the meeting by welcoming those present.
The Chairman went to the second item on the agenda because Mr.
Bob Bivens was late to the meeting. Second on the program agenda was
a presentation by Mr. Frank Sheetz of Sheetz and Bradfield, Ar chitects,
on " What is Public Housing?"
The present a tion dealt mainly with small towns rather than l arge
cities, about the requirements that ar e set up that make a town or
city elligible for p u blic housing . The presentat ion als o gave the
numbe r of Housi ng Au t ho rities that are loc ate d in the southern part
of the United States~ whi ch are:
South Carolina
North Carolina
The Chairman thanked Mr. Sheetz for his pre~entation to the · Com~i~tee
and ask ed him ab out an example of Public Housing he used in his
Mr. Sheetz stated that that particular project was the Bankhead
Project. This project has 500 units, including 4, 5 and 6 bedrooms
and cost from $16,800 to $18,000 per unit.
Mr. Edgar Schukraft congratulated Mr. Sheetz on his presentation and
stated that was the best presentation on Public Housing he h a d ever
seen and the best understood.
The Chairman then asked Mr. Sheetz if Atlanta is behind in Public
Mr. Sheetz commented · that this is really a policy matter, but
Atlanta is behind in Public Housing because of the many slum areas
that have not been cleared away.
The Chairman then called on Mr. Bob Bivens to make his report
to the Committee.
Mr. Bivens reported that he, Doris Lockerman and Mr. W. L.
Calloway had made a list of sug gested candidates for membership
of the Citizens Advis ory Committee for Urb a n Renewal. He further
stated that this list is not to be int erpreted as final or complete,
but rather as a work list to include both additions and deletions.
Mr. Bivens made a recommendation that the Chairma n review the entire
list of Committee a ppointees in light of n e wly defined Committee
purposes and functions and a ppo i nt an 8- 12 member Executive Committee
for assisting him in carrying out the mi ssion of the Committee.
Mr. Bivens then stated that CACUR n e eds a re-definition of purpose.
This Sub-Committee consists of hlr. Biv e ns, Dean Alex Lacy and Mr.
A. B. Padgett. hlr. Bivens st a ted that much of the success of
Atlanta's urban renewal activity is direc t ly attribut a ble to the
fine, active participation of a representative c r oss-section of
citizens who have helped g uide the prog ra m, ask qu e stions and provide
liaison with various sectors of the entire community.
He continued tha t over the past several yea rs, the approach of
urban renewal has c ha nged in ma ny ways, both nationally and locally:
Greater emphasis is now b e ing plac e d on citize n
participa tion in the planning proc es s,
Rehabilitation and upgrading are superseding
bulldozing and clearance,
The new "Model Cities" program introduces a
bold new approach,
The Ne i g hborhood De velopme nt Program (NOP)
represents a new, fast-moving approa ch capable
of accelerating the plann i n g and ·execution o f .
renewal activity to accomplish community goals •
. That b e c a use of thes e cha n g es, thi s is a good time to re~ d e fine
the mis s i on o f the cit ize ns ' or ga niza t i on, de termine th e me mb ers h ip
compos it i on n e c essar y to a ccomplis h s uch mission, and o rga n i z e the
committee to move for ward in facing the new cha llenges a head.
Mr . Bi vens a lso s t a ted th a t the Committ ee is not being approached
f o r ad v ice , b ut ra t her is beng informe d af t er p l ans ha v e alrea d y been
dev eloped and v ital d ecisions and c ommitment s made, and that in fact
t he Citizens Advis o r y Committee has become lar ge ly a "rubber stamp"
organization , in wh i c h t he i nte n t of Fed e ral req uirements i s not only
aborted, but al s o in wh i ch t he valuable res o urce of talent and mature
adyice is not brought _t o b ear on v ital renewal programs.
If the Committee is to serve in the more constructive role,
then the following suggestions are recommended, and membership
c·onstituted accordingly:
1. That all plans by the Housing Authority, Model Cities
Group, Planning Department and others related to rehabilitation and
renewal be presented to the Citizens Advisory Committee or its
Executive Committee during the development and before approva l so
that the Committee may per f orm its functions of review and be ' in
position to advise, and so tha t t he Commi ttee can help sell the
programs through a real unders \a nding of the plans and their importance
to the City.
2. That the b usiness community continue its active
financial participation in the staff cos t s of this program, perhaps
to the extent of 1/3 of staff cos ts, with the City paying 2/3 of
such cost.
3. That the staff offices be housed in City Hall as close
to the Mayor and Assistant hlayor as possible.
4. For retirement purposes and o t her City benefits, that
the Executive Director be an employee of the City of Atlanta.
That duti e s o f the Ex ecutive Director include t h e
Primarily serving the Chairma n of the Citizens
Advisory Committee on Urban Renewal,
Provide lia ison between the Ma yor's Off ice and
CACUR throug h continuous communication with the
Keep well - informed on various activities related
to urban r e newa l by cont inuous communic a tion with
the City Pl a nning Dep a r t me nt, Atlant a Hous ing
Author ity, Mod e l Ci t ies St aff and others work i ng
on r e ne wal r e late d a c t ivi t i es,
Throug h newslette r s a nd other communications,
keep Executive Commi ttee a nd f ull Commit tee
well - inf ormed on renewa l ma tt e r s ,
Su gges t p ertine nt age nd a it e ms a nd rev iew wi t h
t he Chairma n f or Execu ti ve and f ull Commi tt e e
meetings; make all ar r a n g ements ,
Preparation o f the ne c essary re p or t s and documenta t ion
for certification of the Workable Program
insofar as applicable to citizens participation,
That he const antly seek ways to strengthen
renewal activity and citizens understanding
of and participation therein,
Preparation of frequent news releases aimed
at building public understanding and support,
Maintain good lines of communications with
othe r or ga nizations such as the Community
Relations Commission, Atlanta Youth Council,
and others.
6. That a c arefully picked cross - section of established
and rising community leaders be developed, reviewed by the Chairman,
and appointed by the Ma yor.
( A sub-committee exists on inactive
status at the pleasure of the Chairman , ready to propose a list
of nominees as soon as the mission of the Committee i s agreed upon.
This sub-committee cons ist s of R. W. Bivens, Doris Lockerman and
W. L. Calloway . )
7. That an Executive Committee be appointed, such Executive
Committee to consist o f 8 to 12 persons.
8. The Executive Committee shall meet monthly; and the
full Committee shall meet quarterly.
9. That special sub-committees shall be appointed as
necessary by the Chainnan to accomplish specific purposes.
In summary, that the Citizen Advis ory Committee for
Urban Renewal aspire toward achieving a higher standard of excellence
in the building and renewal -o f our great City to serve better our
present and future generations.
Because of the time element involved Mr. Bivens stated that the
Executive Committee should study the revised list of members (the
names that were passed out to each member of the Executive Committee),
so that names could be taken off or others added.
The Chairman agreed. to discuss this at the next Executive Comm'ittee
Meeting next month.
The Chairman stated that by 1972 all the money will be used up
out of the City funds to build housing (matching funds for NDP areas)
that the plan now used is that you must pay as you go.
Mr. Richard Rich stated that therefore money is ne eded before any
action can be taken. Discussion ensued between the Chairman and Mr.
Rich on clarification of the matter.
Mr. Edgar sc'hukra ft stated that he has been working on the West
End project for about 18 months with the Park Street Methodist Church
about building a shopping center. He stated that he wrote the Housing
Authority but as yet has not heard from them.
The Chai r man then a s k ed if there any objections to having an
analysis of the West End Project first on the agenda for the next
meeting. There were no objections.
The Chairman then stated that the agenda for the next meeting
would be:
Analysis of the West End Project
Bivens Report
New Budget
New Members
Sta gg ered Terms
Sub-Comm ittees
Financial Si t uation of U.R. Program (status of
matching funds)
Mr. Padgett stated that it should be re commended to the Mayor
that all members have sta gg ered t~rms.
Dr. Langdale then aske d if 2:00 P.M. was a better time for having
the meetings? Everyone agr eed.
Col. Jones then presented Dr. Langdale with the Financial Report
and a draft of the CAC UR 's Proposed Budget.
The meeting was adjourned at 4 :35 P. Mo
Respectfully submi tted,
/J../} _-_e
' i

..c-1::\-- '-" --V~.. \., ~

_,,- 1
Malcolm D. Jones
Executive Director
As stated
-·· -
The Executive Committee Meeting of the CACUR was called to order
promptly at 2:45 P.M. by the Cha irman, Dr. Noah N. Langdale, Jr •
Those attending were: Mr. Bob Bivet.s; Mrs. Leonard Haas; Mrs. Grace
Hamilton; Mr. George Kennedy; hlr. Charle~ C. Mathias; Mr. A. B.
Padgett; Mr. Richard H. Rich; Mr . Edgar E. Schukraft; Mr. Clayton
R. Yates. Committee member in attendance was: 1irs. Adah Toombs;
for the Planning Dep a rtment of the City of Atlanta: Mr. W. F.
Kennedy; and for the Atlanta Co nstitution: Mr. Alex Coffin.
Invitational Notice, Agenda and other related Documents for the
meeting are attached to the file copy of these minutes.
Chairman Langdale opened the meeting by welcoming those present.
The Chairman went to the second item on the agenda because Mr.
Bob Bivens was late to the meeting.
Second on the program agenda was
a presentation by Mr. Frank Sheetz of Sheetz and Bradfield, Architects,
on "What is Public Housing?"
The presentation dealt mainly with small towns rather than large
cities, about the requirements that are set up that make a town or
city elligible for public housing.
The presentation also gave the
number of Housing Authorities that are located in the southern part
of the United States~ which are:
South Carolina
North Carolina
The Chairman thanked Mr. Sheetz for his pre~entation · to the · Com~ittee
and asked him about an example of Public Housing he used in his
Mr. Sheetz stated that that particular project was the Bankhead
Project. This project has 500 units, including 4, 5 and 6 bedrooms
and cost from $16,800 to $18,000 per unit.
Mr. Edgar Schukraft congratulated Mr. Sheetz on his presentation and
stated that was the best presentation on Public Housing he had ever
seen and the best understood.
The Ch airma n then asked Mr. Sheetz if Atlanta is behind in Public
Hou si n g ?
Mr. Sheetz commented that this is really a policy matter, but
Atlanta is behind in Public Housing because of the many slum areas
that have not been cleared away.
The Chairman then called on Mr. Bob Bivens to make his report
to the Committee.
Mr. _Bivens reported that he, Doris Lockerman and Mr. W. L.
Calloway had made a list of suggest ed candidates for membership
of the Citizens Advisory Committee. for Urban Renewal. He further
stated that this list is not to be interpreted as final or complete,
but rather as a work list to include both additions and deletions.
Mr. Bivens made a recommendation that the Chairman review the entire
list of Committee appointees in li ght of newly defined Committee
purposes and functions and appoint an 8-12 member Executive Committee
for assisting him in carrying out the mission of the Committee.
Mr. Bivens then stated that CACUR needs a re-definition of purpose.
This Sub-Committee consists of hlr . Bivens, Dean Alex Lacy and Mr.
A. B. Padgett. hlr. Bivens stated that much of the success of
Atlanta's urban renewal activity is directly attributable to the
fine, active participation of a representative cross-section of
citizens who have helped guide the program, as k questions and provide
liaison with various sectors of the entire community.
He co~tinued that over the past several years, the approach of
urban renewal has changed in many wa ys, both nationally and locally:
Greater emphasis is now being placed on citizen
participation in the planning process,
Rehabilitation and upgrading are superseding
bulldozing and clearance,
The new "Model Cities" program introduces a
bold new approach,
The Neighborhood Development Program (NDP)
represents a new, fast-moving approach capable
of accelerating the planning and ~xecution of .
renewal activity to accomplish community goals.
That because of these changes, this is a good time to re~define
the mission of the citizens' organization, determine the membership
composition necessary to accomplish such mission, and organize the
committee to move forward in facing the new challenges ahead.
Mr. Bivens also stated that the Committee is not being approached
for advice, but rather is behg informed after plans have already been
developed and vital decisions and commitments made, and that in fact
the Citizens Advisory Committee has become largely a "rubber stamp"
organization, in which the intent of Federal requirements is not only
aborted, but also in which the valuable resource of talent and mature
advice is not brought _to bear on vital renewal programs.
If the Committee is to serve in the more constructive role,
then the following suggestion~ are recommended, and membership
constituted accordingly:
1. That all plans by the Housing Authority, Model Cities
Group, Planning Depa r tment and others related to rehabilitation and
renewal be present ed to the Citizens Advisory Committee or its
Executive Committee during the development and before approval so ·
that the Committee may per for m its functions of review and be in
position to advise, and so that the Committee can help sell the
programs through a real understantiing of the plans and their importance
to the City.
2. That the business community continue its active
financial participa tion in the staff costs of this program, perhaps
to the extent of 1/3 of staff costs, with the City paying 2/3 of
such cost .
3. That the staff offices be housed in City Hall as close
to the Mayor and Assistant Mayor as possible.
4. For retirement purposes and other City benefits, that
the Executive Director be an employee of the City of ~tlanta.
That duties of the Executive Director include the
Primari ly serving the Chairman of the Citizens
Advisory Commit tee on Urb a n Renewal,
Provide liais on between the Ma yor's Office and
CACUR through continuous communic ati on with the
Keep well-informed on various activities related
to u r b a n renewa l by continuous communication with
the City Planning Department, Atlanta Housing
Authorit y, Model Cities Staff and others working
on renewal rel ate d activities,
Through newsletters and other communic a tions,
keep Exec utive Committee a nd full Committee
well -informed on renewal matters,
Suggest pertinent age nd a items and review with
the Chairman for Exec u tive and full Committee
meetings; make all arrangements ,
Preparation of the necessary reports and documentation
for certification of the Workable Program
insofar as applicable to citizens participation,
That he constantly seek ways to strengthen
renewal activity and citizens understanding
of and participation therein,
Preparation of frequent news releases aimed
at building public understanding and support,
Maintain good lines of communications with
other organiz at ions such as the Community
Relations Commission, Atlanta Youth Council,
and others.
That a carefully picked cross-section of established
and rising community le ader s be developed, reviewed by the Chairman,
and appointed by the Mayor.
(A sub-committee exists on inactive
status at the pleasure of the Chairman, ready to propose a list
of nominees as soon as the mission of the Committee is agreed upon.
This sub-committee consists of R. W. Bivens, Doris Lockerman and
W. L. Calloway.)
7. That an Executive Committee be appointed, such Executive
Committee to consist of 8 to 12 persons.
8. The Executive Committee shall meet monthly; and the
full Committee shall meet quarterly.
9. That special sub-committees shall be appointed as
necessary by the Chairman to accomplish specific purposes.
In summary, that the Citizen Advisory Committee for
Urban Renewal aspire toward achieving a higher standard of excellence
in the building and rene wa l of our great City to serve better our
present and future generations.
Because of the time element involved Mr. Bivens stated that the
Executive Committee should study the revised list of members (the
names that were passed out to each member of the Executive Committee),
so that names could be taken off or others added.
The Chairman agreed to discuss . this at the next Executive Committee
Meeting next month.
The Chairman stated that by 1972 all the money will be used up
out of the City funds to build housing (matching funds for NDP areas)
that the plan now used is that you must pay as you go.
Mr. Richard Ri ch stated that therefore money is needed before any
action can be taken.
Discussion ensued between the Chairman and Mr.
Rich on clarification of the matter.
Mr. Edgar Schukraft stated that he has been working on the West
End project for about 18 months with the Park Street Methodist Church
about building a shopping center.
He stated that he wrote the Housing
Authority but as yet has not heard from them.
The Chairman then asked if there any objections to having an
analysis of the West End Project first on the agenda for the next
meeting. There were no objections.
The Chairman then stated that the agenda for the next meeting
would be:
Analysis of the West End Project
Bivens Report
New Bud g et
New Members
Staggered Terms
Financial Situation of U.R. Program (status of
matching funds)
Mr. Padgett stated that it should be recommended to the Mayor
that all members have staggered terms.
Dr. Langdale then asked if 2:00 P. M. was a better time for having
the meetings? Everyone a g reed.
Col. Jones then presented Dr. Langdale with the Financial Report
and a draft of the CACUR's Proposed Budget.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 P.Mo
Respectfully submitted,
,/J _;._e_
CC' -c-'~ -:----.j,,:,: i., .__;:
Malcolm D. Jones
Executive Director
As stated
TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1969
The ful 1 Committee meeting of the CACUR was called to order promptly at 2:30 P. M. by the Chairman, Dr. Noah N. Langdale, Jr. Those attending
from the Executive Committee were: Mr. T. M. Alexander, Sr. ; Mr. William ·
L. Calloway; Mr. Percy Hearle; Dean Alex B. Lacy, Jr; Dr . Benjamin E. Mays;
Mr. A. B. Padgett; Mr. Richard H. Rich ; Mr. Edgar E. Schukraft. Other Commitee members in attendance were: Mr. F'red Burns, Jr.; The Reverend L. M.
Terrill; Mr. William A. Toms; for the Board of Aldermen : Mr. JohnM. Flanigan;
for the Finance Department of the City of Atlanta: Mr. Charles L. Davis, Director;
Mr. James R. Fountain, Jr. ; Mrs. Linda Anderson; Mr. David Harvey; Mr.
Michael T. Troncalli; for the Housing Authority: Mr. Thomas D. Eskew and
Mr. James W. Henley, Jr.; for the West End Urban Renewal Project: Mr. W.
Wilson McClure and Mrs. Barbara J. Ray, an academic intern working for the
Housing Authority; for the Model Cities Program: Mr. Johnny C. Johnson,
Director and Mr. James L. Wright, Physical Planner; the Urban Design Consultant
Mr. Arnall T. 11 Pat 11 Connell of Georgia Tech; and for the Atlanta Constitution:
Mr. Alex Coffin.
Invitational Notice and Agenda for the meeting are attached to the file copy
of these minutes.
Chairman Langdale opened the meeting by welcoming those present and
introducing Mr. Malcolm D. Jones, the new Executive Director, to the Committee.
First on the program agenda was the announcement by the Chairman of the
meeting of the Executive Committee on June 12, 1969.
The Chairman stated that on June 12th there had been a meeting of the
Executive Committee; that some members were concerned about progress of some
phases of the Urban Renewal Program and wanted to have certain matters taken
up with the Housing Authority and/or other governmental agencies, as appropriate .
The Chairman announced that any recommendations of this nature by members
should be submitted, in writing, to the Executive Director and consolidated for
presentation to the Chairman for action. (He later explained that the names of
those making such recommendations would not be revealed).
The Chairman then announced that the 2nd item on the ~riginal agenda (special
Committee Report by Mr. Bob Bivens) had been struck because of unavoidable
abs_ence from the City of Mr . Bivens. However, the Chairman called on Mr. A. B'.
Padgett, member of the Committee and Vice-Chairman, CACUR to give a resume of
the Committee's work to-date.
Mr. Padgett reported that the Committee had met and considered a restatement
of purpose of CACUR, overall operational polic y , structured reorganiza,tion and
revision of the membership list ; and that the committee is w orking on a report
dealing with these matters for submission to t he entire membership of CACUR at
an early date.
Mr. Padgett mentioned briefly some of the thinking of the Committee on
reorganization and possibly recommendation for formation of some sub-committees ,
relating to special activitie s whi ch are being init ially considered. (Attached to
file copy of these minute s).
Mr. Padgett stated that tI:e Committee felt there should be no meeting during
July and August of the full membership and that by the September meeting the
Committee would have its full report in final form to submit to the overall Committee.
Mr. Rich poi nte d out that ther e app e ar e d to b e ov e r_laping r e spons ibilities
and some duplication of effort.
Mr. Padgett concurred and stated that of course ther e could, and probably
would, be some consolidati on ; that principal a c t ivities p e rtaining t o the ove rall
Urban Renewal P r o gram had b een i n itially lis t e d s o as n ot to overlook a ny i m portant
The Chairman obtained agreement from the members not to meet in July and
August, but to hold E xe cutive Comm ittee m eeting s on ly during those mon t h s and
called upon the m emb e rshi p to subm it to the E xe cutive Dir ector recommendation s
f or i n clusion in the rev i s e d membe rshi p iis t.
M r. Schukraf t s t ate d that he would like to advi se on the reorganiz ati on of
CACUR . The Chairm_a n suggested that he meet w ith Mr . Bob Biv_ens _and M r . A . B.
Padge tt p rivatel y fo r this purpo s e . Mr. Padg ett a gr eed .
Mr. Jim W right , P hysic a l Pla n ner of M ode l C ities , was t hen called u p o n to
present his proposed M odel Cities Urban Design Plan. . He explained his proposal,
in which he was as s i s t e d b y Pr o fes so r " P at" C onnell of Ge o rg ia Te ch . The presentation was e s sentially a rather int ricate a nd vague p r op o s a l f o r d evelopment of
a design plan, rather t h an pre s entat i o n of plan itself, which has not yet been
initiated. (Note: After the meeting Mr. Wright then requested of Dean Lacy endorse ment of the proposal by CACUR.)
Mr. Schukraft stated that he was puzzled; that he wants to see action; that
if we are not careful, all the monies will be eaten up in planning and administration
before the action starts. He then inquired about the special buses now being
provided for the Model Cities area which go into West End with nobody riding th~m?
Mr. Johnny C. Johnson, Director of Model Cities, supplemented the explanation given by Mr. Wright, and explained quite effectively the purpose of the bus
route and the theory of othe r sociological problems which Model Cities is trying
to solve.
The Chairman stated that as he understands this, the proposal appears to be
one for developing a means for regulating and coordinating services and developments in the Model Cities area and an appeal for monies with which to provide
these functions; that much of the monies would apparently be provide d by suppl e mented funds of the Model Cities Program.
Mr. Charles Davis, Finance Director, was then called upon to rediscus s
his earlier report of April 22nd to the Committee pretaining to the cost and financial
problems of the Urban Renewal Program.
Mr . Davis reviewed the history of the Urban Renewal Program in Atlanta,
starting with the McDaniel Street Project, initiated in 1954, which was declared
unconstitutional, and the necessity to then obtain special enabling legislation to
make Urban Renewal constitutional in Georgia.
He then discussed the initial 3 Urban Renewal Projects adopted in 1955 and
B_o nd Issues floated with which to .pay the City's share (other than the sizable credits
for improvements in kind). He mentioned that the program has now expanded
to 10-12 projects, all of which have been slow to get into execution, usually about
5 years to get off the g round and anothe~ 5-10 years to exe cute.
He then explained the N eighborhood D evelopment Program (NDP) a pay -as you - go program in yearly increments (plan 1 year and execute the 2nd year, or
plan and execute the same year); that this ·~ecessltates ~maller projects and
requires good planning a·n d adequate funding.
Mr. Davis pointed out that by 1973 the City of Atlanta will require $7,000,000
to maintain present servic e l evels of the exis ting Url:>an Renewal Projects; that
new source of revenue will be required.
Mr. Davis then turned the presentation over to Mr . Fountain of his office,
who reviewed the financial report of his department, presented initially to
CACUR on April 22nd',portions of which have since been updated and revised. Copy
of Mr. Fountain's .report is atta~hed to the file copy of these minutes. · Following
are high lights of that report:
For the 8 Urban Renew al Proj ects in E x ecuti on:
Net Project Costs
Local Non-Cash Grants -in-aid
Local Cash and Real Estate Credits
Long delayed closin g out of these projects, has cost in interest charges alone
(include·d in the Net Project costs) $4. 5 million or 7 1/2 %.
Cash funds to defray local share c·osts came from 1957 and 1963 General
Obligation Bond Is sue totaling 3. 2 million of which currently $2 .1 million are
unincumb er ed.
Of this amount $1. 7 is expected to be needed for the Bedford - Pine 1970 NDP
The $20,000,000 local grants -in - aid represent the eligible portion of
$29,000,000 local Capital Improvemen ts. 9 S. 2% of the City' s total share is
represented by non-cash contributions.
Problem Areas:
Butler Stre e t Project - Middle School costing $2 million has been delaying closing of this project (now scheduled for contract in August 1969).
a. Rawson-Washington Project - neighborhood Facilitie s Building costing
$1,000,000, only $150 , 000 of w hich will be an eligible credit.
Park costing $240,000 , $33 , 000 of which will be eligible.
Rockdale -
Elementary school to cost $1. 5 million
Park costing $126 , 000
Two primary schools to cost $1 million each .
"The advent of .the Neighborhood Development Pr9gram has brought to an
end the period du r ing which the City could pledge an improvement and then w ait
until funding became available before completin g it . Under the terms of an NDP
a g r eement , the City must have completed or have under contract all non-cash g r ants in-aid pledged fo r that particular year or contribute the requi r ed amount in cash".
The l ocal s ha r e of p r esent NDP proj e cts a r e f unded fo r 1969 w i t h e xi sting
Public Impr ovem e nts a m oun t i ng to $10 . 6 million (including G e o r g i a Tech II a nd
Bedford-Pine ) .
The 1970 N D P in B edfor d -Pine , M odel C i t i es , E dg ewoo d and Vine City i s
expected to require $2. 7 millio n c as h + $ 2.3 million n on-c as h, both of which are
funded . However the s e include very little activity i n Edgewood and Vine City .
If critical slum areas such as Plunkett Town and Lightening are included
in the 1970 NDP execution program, these areas will require a direct cash commitment on the part of the City, sirice no available non-cash credits are currently
planned for these areas. (Note : It is unfortunate that substantial potential credits
for the Techwood and Hunter Street viaducts were permitted to lapse).
The report continues:
"The City's problems in trying to develop a comprehensive Neighborhood
Development Program are basically caused by two factors :
1) The lack of current estimates of the cost to complete the total required
activities in each of the project areas.
The development of this information is presently being discussed by the
Planning Department, the Finance Department, the Atlanta Housing Authority and
Model Cities and hopefully the information can be developed before the end of this
2) The fact that the City of Atlanta is approaching the point where we will no
longer be able to finance our Neighborhood Development Program with non-cash
grants -in-aid without supplementing them with a significant amount of cash.
As an example the estimated cost -f or completion of the proposed 5-year
NDP activities in the Model Cities area is $91 million. We presently have
approximately $4 .1 million in eligible non-cash grants -in-aid with proposed (not
funded) improvements totaling approximately $14 million for the period through
1975. This means that if we are to complete a significant portion of the redevelopment and rehabitation of the Model Cities area by the end of 1975 the City will have
had to come forth with between 3 and 4 million dollars a year starting in 1971
either in the form of additional non-cash items such as sewer separations or as
actual cash contributions. This is only the requirement for one NDP area".
Possible sources for additional funds include :
General Funds - already under pres sure .
G e n e r a l Obligation Bonds - app r ov e d f or
i ssue of $4 million annually ,
NOP General Obligation Bond Issue (as a possibility).
New Revenue sources with State approval such as payroll
with certain portions ear marked for NDP.
tax or sal es tax ,
- The Chairman commented that this indicates. we should speed up the closing
out of exsisting projects and that new sources of revenue are needed.
Mr. Calloway put in a plea for additional parks in certain areas of the City.
The Executive Director read the financial statement, which was accepted
A preliminary draft budget was p.fesented by the Executive Director. The
Chairman announced the total which he said was quite modest and asked to have
the proposed budget reproduced for distribution at the next meeting.
The Chairman then reminded the members again to submit, in writing, any
suggestions they have for changes or improvements in the Urban Renewal Program,
to the Executive Director for consolidation and consideration at the next general
meeting in September. He stated that the originators of such comments would not
be revealed.
As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,


, · ~
Malcolm D. Jones
Executive Director
As stated (with file copy only).
Invitational Notice
Draft reorganization
Finance Department report
Preliminary proposal for budget .
OFF1c !
PHONE 524-2745
December 16, 1969
Dear Member,
Executive Committee:
This is to inform you that the concensu s of opinion amoung Executi v e
Committee Members is not to have a meeting of the Executive Committee during
Consequently, there will be no meeting of the Executive Committee ,
CACUR during De cember 1969.
We hope that by the January meeting of the Advisory Committee, we
will be in position to have guidance of the new City Administration to assist in
our deliberations.
Chairman Langdale, Vice-Chairman Padgett and I e x tend Seasons
Greetings and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a H a ppy N ew Year.
· ~~-f-
Malcolm D.
Executive Director
Vol. VII, No. 10
Atlanta, Georgia
D ecember 1969
It was lhe concensus of opinion of
members of the Executive Committee that due to impending change of administration
in the City and the holiday season that no CACUR meeting be h eld in D ecember 1969 .
Executive Committee m e mbers were notified of this on December 16 , 1969.
NE XT MEETING OF CACUR will be a full membership meeting on FRIDAY,
JANUARY 16, 1970, at 2: 00 P . M., in Committee Room No. 2 , Second F l oor, C ity
Hall, 68 Mitchell Str eet , S. W.
This will serve as the official a nd only notice of tha t
Let's start the n ew year off w i th a good attendance.
members w ill attend .
We hope tha t a ll
Any membe r· of the Executive Committee who cannot attend
this meeting is requested to have a representative.
21 , 1969, in the Directors Room, New Trust Comp any of Georgia Buil ding.
Executive Committee 1nembers attended or h a d representatives a t the meeting .
Minutes o-f the meeting were dis t ribu ted to a ll members of the Executive Committ ee .
MAYOR ELECT, Sam Mas sell, a nd Vice-Mayor Elect, M aynard Jackson,
were p ersonally invited by the Chairman to the No vembe r meeting of the Executive
Committee, but were unable to attend.
URBAN RENEWAL AND NDP (Neighborhood Development Program ) and
their d ependance on the Worka ble Program were expl ain e d briefly by the Executive
Director for the benefit of new repres entatives .
NEW HUD POLICY on NDP Projects was explained by Mr. John Matthews
of th e City ' s P l anning Department.
He expl ained that the 1970 projected F e deral
Budget for Region III NDP activi ties had been announced as only $24:, 000, 000 a.nd
that Mia mi-Dade i s schedul e d to get about h a lf of that, leaving o nly $12 , 000,000
• ....-.- ,,:
for the remaining five d.ties in R egion III' s N e i g bhorhood· D e v e l opment Program,
thu s r equiring dr as ti c r eduction in Atla nta I s propos e d 1970 NDP.
�Page Two
NO NEW NDP areas was a l s o explaine d b y Mr. Matthews , as part of the
new _HUD policy announ ced b y Region III in No vem b e r.
attached {En c l. 1).
Copy o f HUD l ette r is
Thi s means e lim ina tion of Plunk e ttown a nd Lightning as NDP
areas during 1970.
AN INTERIM ASSIS T A NCE PR OGRAM was explained by Mr, M a tthews as
a new pro g ram of HUD w hich pennits F e d e ral ass is ta nce in seve ral bro a d typ es
. o f acti v iti es designed as a "holding ac tion 11 unti l a n a re a can be reached by NDP
tr eatment and t h a t the Pla. nning D epartment was encouraged by Region III HUD
o fficia ls to d eve lop s uch a program in Plunkettown; that the Planning D epartment
has de ve lop e d such a pro g ram for Plunkettown for next ye a r a nd that a siinilar
pro gram for Li g htning is being pha se d abo ut four months behind Plunkettow n,
FEDERAL GR AN T approva l of $22 , 000 for Plunkettown under the Interim
Assi stance Pro g ram was a nnounced by HUD D ecember 19.
THE HOUSING AU THORIT Y h as been requested by the City to adm inist e r
impl e mentation of the Interim Assistance Pro g ra1n for Plunkettown.
i970 w as ciiscusseci at tne Novemuer 2.11nee~ing
Ivir. Opellt;Ild.W,

ivir ,

Op enshaw state d that Atla nta is scheduled to r e ceive only a bout $7, 500, 000 for
NDP during 1970; that Atl a nta had aske d for $20, 7 million.
- Mr. Op enshaw state d that there a re 26 scattered sites in Bedford-Pine whic h
the City is to acquire in 1970 and 50 properties to rehabilitate in 1970.
He also
stated that G e orgia Tech II area ha s to be cleared for extension of Georgia Tech
during 1970.
There are 15 vacant parcels to b e bought in the Model Cities area, but
that in only 4 out of the 6 a reas could the City cu rrently buy the vacant land.
is b e cause of protest by the Model Cities Hou sing Committee .) The completion of
Ralph McGill Elementa ry School and the Martin Luther King Middle School are
included in the Model Citi es progr a m for 1970.
He continued that acquisition in the
Georgia Sta t e area ha s to be cut back to only three properties of the eight origina lly
request e d a nd that one of these is in connection wi th construction of a viaduct by the
City; that Vine City c a nnot a cquire nearly all th e properti es desir e d by its PAC
- ,~
Committee ; v ery littl e 'act ivity in Edgewood.; and that onl),. a n Interi~ Assistance
Pro gram w o u ld be undertaken in Plunkettown and Lightning,
�P age Thr ee
A RESOLUTION propose d by Vi ce-Chairm an Padgett pertaining to the N DP
cutback and its disturbing effect on Atlanta was a dopt e d unaminous ly by th e Executive
Committee at the Nove mber 21 meeting.
C opy i s attached (E ncl. 2).
PR O POSED BUDGET for 19 70 was adopted by the E xec utive Committee a t
the No vembe r 21 m eeting .
REORGANIZAT IO N OF HUD 1s currently und er way.
HUD offici a ls were
invited to explain the prin~ipa l fe a tures at the N ovem b er 21 m eeting , but d ecl ined
in view of th e details still being w orked on.
n,ake pr esentation l ater.
Howev e r, they offe r e d to appe a r and
We expect to invite them to our January 1970 n,e e ting.
HUD IMPRE SS ION OF CACUR has been expressed very favorably to your
E xecutive Dir ector by a HUD Official.
He stated that HUD is well ple a sed with the
Citi zens Advisor y Committee for Urban R e n ewa l in it s particip a tion in Urb a n Renewal
and NDP; that its ac ti v iti es and recommenda tion s h ave favor a bly influenced major
decision s in Atlanta I s participation in HUD assisted pro g rams.
H e suggested that
the Citi zens Advisor y Committee for Urban Ren ewal ha ve a n a 1ne change, in order
to get away from the out d ate d limited Urb a n Renewal concept and so that the
Committee could broaden its s cope to include the e ntir e sp ec trum of Community
Improvem ent and suggested th a t consideration be given to changing the n a 1ne to
"Citizens Advisory Committee for Community Improvement" or perhaps s imply
"Citizens Advisory Committee".
Chairman Langdale appointed Executive Committee
member, W. L. Calloway, as Chairman of an Ad Hoc Com1nitte e (additional members
to be add e d) to consider and report upon a name change for CACUR.
CITIZEN PARTICIPATION has been stressed by a local HUD official as an
over ridin g policy in its Federal assisted programs; that HUD insists that machinery
be set up so that minority group views c a n be heard and are considered, but that such
views are not to b e considered or used as a veto.
pres ente d at the November 21 meeting by Father Walt e r Denero, a graduate of the
Unive rsity of G eorgia , who has spent_ several month s working in the Mode l Cities a rea.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND .THANKS to CACUR_ have been receive d from
the family of l a t e CACU.R m em ber, Mar cus Martin, for R eso lution of condolence and
sympa th y adopted by C A CUR at its O ctobe r meeting.
�Page Four
Breakthrough 11 •
HUD notified Mayor A lle n D ecemb e r 15 that Atlanta was not chosen
as one of the eight prototype hou s i ng s ites se l ecte d by HUD from 218 propo sal s in
141 locatities in 37 States .
On December 16 HUD announc ed that M ac on and Memphis
had been selected in the Southeastern region.
O ther citi es se l ected we r e S a cr a mento,
Californi a ; Indianapo li s , Indiana ; New Castle , D e l awa re; St. L ouis, Missouri; Jers ey
C ity, New J ersey; and Kal;maz oo, Nlichigan.
b y the Planning and D evelo pm e nt Committee D ec ember 19, 1969, on Arn.endment No. 3
to the Urban Renewal Plan and Lo a n a nd Gr a nt Contract.
The a m e ndment incr eas ed the allocation of Fede r a l Grant funds by $1,069, 355
(to a total of $9,8 37,00 5 ) to acquir e 28 prop e rties infeasible of re h abilitation a nd to
meet incr eased c o sts of s ite improvements , public facilities and administrative costs .
The Boa rd of A lde rm en w ill conside:r: the a m endment a t its meeting, January 5 .
HUD h a s advised that it h as no inte ntion of approving any s ub se qu ent increases
in capital g rant s for the West End Proj ect fr orn the amount now a p proved, except
for increases w hich might ar ise pur suant to future F e d e r a l legislation.
This m eans
that any lo cal fun d s used beyond the budgete d ac ti vity period will not constitute a
lo cal grant - in-aid.
The Housing Authority h as a l ready t aken steps t o com p l ete a ll
rem a ining acti v ite s within the budg e t e d period.
The former E xec utive Di recto r, CACUR, W. S.
Dec emb e r 18 -1 9 and loo ked fine .
Miami, Florida
Bill 11 Howland was in town
His winte r address i s 5243 S. W . 63rd Court , South
The C AC UR staff wishes a ll members of CACUR a Happy a nd Pro sper ous
N ew Year.
Encls: 1. Copy of HUD l e tter, d a ted Nov , 6 , 1969
2. Reso lution by Executive Committee, CACUR
t~~ Lo0 ter H. r cr coll~
Executi ve nir0c t or
l-.tla~. :.: n }! cu 3:i.n g /m l: hority
82h ilur t: tui.Lt:Ll!1
Atluut n. Gcor ii u
Subj act:
Nd 0 hbor.-hood )}ev<~loi:,nct1t Pro[?'.'.sm
Pr oj ect ~o. G~. ~-2
Second Year ~ctivity
He Rrc ,-1 rttin:: i.11 cornrnctton uith \'..'.J.d.ous conver s~t ione held bc t i;.,·ccn o\.rr
oHicc.u re;;nr.ding , At:l ~m t a t !l 19 70 l:~cigt!lxrrhooc. t<r.:'J(!l.ormcnt 1.\P:ilicat.lcn.
b. n cnplaincd :1.t1 our- l,:;tte:r o( Se:) tc<:,b t:r 2'.), 19·'.:::J, t!"c t ct..:1 F2<l.(!r;:1 l Ca:,J. t: d
Gr~l!tt [untlr; for t l: c r.ccond y e ,~:r 1 ::.; BC'.t :i.vit1-cs :l.n till s:r. :·:;U:;o-.::- i·,.-:;o ci l.: cvdop ..
r::cnt l-'ro2,1.·~:-:.!, in ;~cgion r:r. r lw!J b.-:cn c1r; t a l.lli3h2ll Lw i:,2i:;,Ct-;J;GGJ.

.1' '"'

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Thtt:3 you, or-..d wr, 9 ~r.c Cnccd 1' t!1 c-~1-~<. , 111·J·-·l-~,,l,·ln,..
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.... ......
t1. c!:!.'.. it) :t~1 ,\ tl.~.[~ t<l.
rt-;.c \.i ut:y u f ,- ;3 t. n:.~ 1i~~1in .~ l ~1c :;a pri.c,ri t iQr, rc~~t!-; pri.u
r,;£'. ri.l j ,;ili1 t: ·, c l:oord o[ Co~.~:;1i.G s ionc1,: s of r,;·,c AtJ. ,·.~ri:a ii,)ud. 117, /,ut;w~ i t y;
o ur :.-:0 11? L _; Laxcly to ::cc ti:;., ;; c e i.-Ulin n;-::t ic"rn l. objective:'.; t;i:e 1:1e t. \.;o
br~lJ.cvo ttu~t th e r: ·c i.orit::i_ cc !:',\)o i1Ld bo cn..- ~m g c:<.\ s1.1,;i\ t hl1 t tJ :,.; resu l ti n r;
NDP second Yc:.-: r (l) x.,nl b e " tron:-:J. y ,1rl0.nt:cd to·,_-;n:,:-d t h e " -:1t ~,_on:.1l r-.o =,l. s
of producin!~ 10;1~~ n11d r~~-)clcr.a tc 1.n c ui:ic hr.Jt: ni.n.~~ ~ncl c.r ~.:lt.i.:?~~ j Db up1)nr.t.,~ i) :Ltt(~s ;
(2) \: l.ll c:~ll. ;.\; -~ (~ ,:;.t i.\=-::. ty 0i ·1:..y· :t(i ~ ;:(·u!l \, ~~i..'-:i1 ,,: e~.: c .lacJ. l: c~ i.:::). i11 r.i1<: i_,L..i l· i~~s t.:
yc-:a i:; ~nd 0 ) will .::-.voiJ ::ictivi t :f. e3 ha ve nn e½ c cssi.v c nultipl:i. m: C![fc c t
cr~cl tLcr cforc ._,u1 crc·.:::t.c i or ncx1;. yef.r n tlcr.1a1:;.d .!::;1.· J:"ecJ. (;rul r.~on oy \.1l11.d1 c[,nnot
\ · t1
. . . ..J. • .
be net.
\Jc bclieva it n ec c s r,,'.lt'Y for tbe /\ t.l.:mt n Hou.dn~ l\utbority Board of Co,;:;,:1is si. r:r:1orn o
px:o hably•:1 t he n:1::;i:; of tho City Pl o.r;_n:f.n8; Dcp:n : tr.,cnt~ to 1~::, t,-:: a
- set of pi.·lo:ritic;:; for t h o m~b.:m rcnc\:nl a c tivi.ty 1.t°l t ~a CiL:y . \.hi 1.:iill be
glad to give y o u any tcchu:i.c a l. C.LJ ::.ti.r. tc.u.ce you 1:1D y r; eck .
Dcc,rnsc o f t h e interest ~-ih t h e CHy P:L m.min r; Dcpm: t r.1cnt has i.n thir. f:lilt ter
e copy of our letter is being sen t t o !k . Collier Gla<ldi u .
Si nc~r oly yours 0
· As ni~tnnt RcG ion ol AdQ1n1str ator
f m: l~ cnci1c1l Ar, 1:d.stsnc e
Collier G!.adcH.t1
l lr . 11o.,m1·d Opensn~w
E nc l. 1
WHER EAS , this Committee ha s been informed that onl y $24, 000 , 000
has be en establ ished as avail abl e fo r the sec o nd year 1 s acti vity of the six
Neighborhood D evelopment Program.s now u nde r way i n R egion III, which
amount equa ls only 4 5 . 9% of the a1nount allocated for the first y ear 1 s activity
for the s ix program s ; and
WHER EAS , we h ave also been informed tha t pri orities for t he local
Neighbo rhoo d D eveloprnent Progra1n should be a r r anged so a s t o call for acti vity
o n l y in areas _which were included in the NDP first · yea r; and
WHEREAS , neither of these f a ctors was m a de known l ocally until after
the City of Atlanta h a d prepa red its extensive propo se d Neighbor h ood lJeveiopmenL
P rogr am for 1970; and
WHEREAS , Atlanta h as esta bli s h e d a r .ep_uta tion for effectively t a king
advantage of, and participating i n , H U D assi sted p_r og_r a m s for C o1nmunity
Improvement; and
WHER EAS, thi s propo sed dra s tic cutba ck in Federal funding in the
N eighborhoo d Devel opment Pr o gram , w ilL seriousl y effect citi zen e nthusiastic
p ar ticipa tion and moral in the affected ar.eas=.
N OW, THEREFORE-, BE. IT RESOLVED .by the Citizens Advisory
Comm ittee for Urban Renewal of the City of _Atla nta, that thi s C omm i ttee is
v er y di sappointed ove r the propo se d di· as tic cutback-in ·the N e ighborhood
D e v e lopme nt Program ; wi s h es to so info.r m the D e p a rtrn.e nt of Housing and U r b a n
D evelopment; a nd urges that ·every possibl e cons ide ration b e given Atlanta i n
futur e funding for ~DP.
Enc l. 2
- ,~
�BE IT FU RTHE R R ES OLV E D b y the Citi ze n s Advis o r y Comrnittee for
Urban Renewal tha t copies o f t hi s Re s olu t i on b e fu r ni s h e d t h e Se c r e t a r y of t h e
Departm e n t of Hou s i ng a nd Ur b a n D e v e l opn1e nt of the Un i te d St a t es ; a nd the
R egiona l Adrn ini strator . Reg i on III, of H U D .
t~.__A'J ~
Jo:.-:?;;l ·
M a lcolm D.
E xe cuti v e D ire ctor
Citizens Ad vi s ory Committee for
Urban R e n e w a l
Thi s the 21 s t Da y of Nove mber 1969
~ -i.:.
PHONE 524-2745
December 16, 1969
Dear Member,
Executive Committee:
This is to inform you that the concensus of opinion amoung Executive
Committee Members is not to have a meeting of the Executive Committee during
Consequently, there will be no meeting of the Executive Committee,
CACUR during December 1969.
We hope that by the January meeting of the Advisory Committee, we
will be in position to have guidance of the new City Administration to assist in
our deliberations.
Chairman Langdale, Vice- Chairman Padgett and I e x tend Seasons
Greetings and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Malcolm ;
Executive Director
October 17, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
DAN E . SWEAT, JR ., Chief Administrative Officer
MRS. LINDA E. PRICE, Executive s·ecretary
Mayor Allen
George Berry
Attached Contracts
These agreements are in order and alright for you to sign.
They are agreements for the City to buy parcels of land in the
Raws on-Washington and in the B edford-Pine Urban Renewal Areas.
The three parcels in the Rawson-Washington area are for a park,
an extension to the Dunbar School, and a site for a Neighborhood
Facilities Building. The parcel in the Bedfor d -Pine Area is for a
Funds to acquir e these properties have been appropriated and the
decision to acquire them w as made some time ago in the Urban
Renewal plans for the various areas.


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