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Box 4, Folder 14, Document 106
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Vol. VII, No. 10 Atlanta, Georgia December 1959
NO DECEMBER MEETING OF CACUR. It was the concensus of opinion of
members of the Executive Committee that due to impending change of administration
in the City and the holiday season that no CACUR meeting be held in December 1969.
Executive Committee members were notified of this on December 16, 1969.
NEXT MEETING OF CACUR will be a full membership meeting on FRIDAY,
JANUARY 16, 1970, at 2:00 P. M., in Committee Room No, 2, Second Floor, City
Hall, 68 Mitchell Street, S. W. This will serve as the official and only notice of that
meeting. Let's start the new year off with a good attendance, We hope that all
members will attend. Any member of the Executive Committee who cannot attend
this meeting is requested to have a representative.
THE EXECUTIV Javember was held November
21, 1969, in the Directors Room, New Trust Company of Georgia Building. All
Executive Committee members attended or had representatives at the meeting.
Minutes of the meeting were distributed to all members of the Executive Committee.
MAYOR ELECT, Sam Massell, and Vice-Mayor Elect, Maynard Jackson,
were personally invited by the Chairman to the November meeting of the Executive
Committee, but were unable to attend,
URBAN RENEWAL AND NDP (Neighborhood Development Program) and
their dependance on the Workable Program were explained briefly by the Executive
Director for the benefit of new representatives,
NEW HUD POLICY on NDP Projects was explained by Mr. John Matthews
of the City's Planning Department, He explained that the 1970 projected Federal
Budget for Region III NDP activities had been announced as only $24, 000, 000 and
that Miami-Dade is scheduled to get about half of that, leaving only $12, 000, 000
for the sernainine five cities in Region tite Neigbhorhood Development Program,
thus requiring drastic reduction in Atlanta's proposed 1970 NDP,
Page Two
NO NEW NDP areas was also explained by Mr. Matthews, as part of the
new HUD policy announced a Region III in November. Copy of HUD letter is
attached (Encl, 1), This means elimination of Plunkettown and Lightning as NDP
areas during 1970.
AN INTERIM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM was explained by Mr. Matthews as
a new program of HUD which permits Federal assistance in several broad types
of activities designed as 2 "holding action" until an area can be reached by NDP
treatment and that the Planning Department was encouraged by Region III HUD
officials to develop such a program in Plunkettown; that the Planning Department
has developed such a program for Plunkettown for next year and that a similar
program for Lightning is being phased about four months behind Plunkettown.
FEDERAL GRANT approval of $22,000 for Plunkettown under the Interim
Assistance Program was announced by HUD December 19,
THE HOUSING AUTHORITY has been requested by the City to administer
implementation of the Interim Assistance Program for Plunkettown,
iy/0 was discussed at the November Zi meeting by Mr. Howard Openshaw. Me.
Openshaw stated that Atlanta is scheduled to receive only about $7, 500, 000 for
NDP during 1970; that Atlanta had asked for $20, 7 million,
~ Mr. Openshaw stated that there are 26 scattered sites in Bedford-Pine which
the City is to acquire in 1970 and 50 properties to rehabilitate in 1970. He also
stated that Georgia Tech II area has to be cleared for extension of Georgia Tech
during 1970. There are 15 vacant parcels to be bought in the Model Cities area, but
that in only 4 out of the 6 areas could the City currently buy the vacant land. (This
is because of protest by the Model Cities Housing Committee.) The completion of
Ralph McGill Elementary School and the Martin Luther King Middle School are
included in the Model Cities program for 1970. He continued that acquisition in the
Georgia State area has to be cut back to only three properties of the eight originally
requested and that one of these is in connection with construction of a viaduct by the
City; that Vine City cannot acquire nearly all the properties desired by its PAC
Committee; very little activity in Bdgewood: and that eae an Interim Assistance
Program would be undertaken in Plunkettown and Lightning.
Page Three
A RESOLUTION proposed by Vice-Chairman Padgett pertaining to the NDP
cutback and its disturbing effect on Atlanta was adopted unaminously by the Executive
Committee at the November 21 meeting. Copy is attached (Encl. 2).
PROPOSED BUDGET for 1970 was adopted by the Executive Committee at
the November 21 meeting.
REORGANIZATION OF HUD is currently under way. sate officials were
invited to explain the principal features at the November 21 meeting, but declined
in view of the details still being worked on. However, they offered to appear and
make presentation later. We expect to invite them to our January 1970 meeting.
HUD IMPRESSION OF CACUR has been expressed very favorably to your
Executive Director by a HUD Official. He stated that HUD is well pleased with the
Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal in its participation in Urban Renewal
and NDP; that its activities and recommendations have favorably influenced major
decisions in Atlanta's participation in HUD assisted programs. He suggested that
the Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal have a name change, in order
to get away from the out dated limited Urban Renewal concept and so that the
Committee could broaden its scope to include the entire spectrum of Community
Improvement and suggested that consideration be given to changing the name to
"Citizens Advisory Committee for Community Improvement"! or perhaps simply
NCitizens Advisory Committee", Chairman Langdale appointed Executive Committee
member, W. L. Calloway, as Chairman of an Ad Hoc Committee (additional members
to be added) to consider and report upon a name change for CACUR,
CITIZEN PARTICIPATION has been stressed by a local HUD official ais an
over riding policy in its Federal assisted ula aaa. that HUD insists that machinery
be set up so that minority group views can be heard and are considered, but that such
views are not to be considered or used as a veto.
presented at the November 21 meeting by Father Walter Denero, a graduate of the
University of Georgia, who has spent several months working in the Model Cities area,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND THANKS to CACUR have been received from
the family of late CACUR member, Marcus Martin, for Resolution of condolence and
sympathy adopted by CACUR at its October meeting.
Page Four
Breakthrough", HUD notified Mayor Allen December 15 that Atlanta was not chosen
as one of the eight prototype housing sites selected by HUD from 218 proposals in
141 locatities in 37 States. On December 16 HUD announced that Macon and Memphis
had been selected in the Southeastern region. Other cities selected were Sacramento,
California; Indianapolis, Indiana; New Castle, Delaware; St. Louis, Missouri; Jersey
City, New Jersey; and Kalamazoo, Michigan,
by the Planning and Development Committee December 19, 1969, on Amendment No. 3
to the Urban Renewal Plan and Loan and Grant Contract,
The amendment increased the allocation of Federal Grant funds by $1, 069, 355
(to a total of $9,837, 005) to acquire 28 properties infeasible of rehabilitation and to
meet increased costs of site improvements, public facilities and administrative costs.
The Board of Aldermen will consider the amendment at its meeting, January 5.
HUD has advised that it has no intention of approving any subsequent increases
in capital grants for the West End Project from the amount now approved, except
for increases which might arise pursuant to future Federal legislation, This means
that any local funds used beyond the budgeted activity period will not constitute a
local grant-in-aid. The Housing Authority has already taken steps to complete all
remaining activites within the budgeted period,
The former Executive Director, CACUR, W. S, ''Bill'' Howland was in town
December 18-19 and looked fine, His winter address is 5243 S. W. 63rd Court, South
Miami, Florida 33155.
The CACUR staff wishes all members of CACURa Happy and Prosperous
New Year,
Encls: 1. Copy of HUD letter, dated Nov, 6, 1969
2. Resolution by Executive Committee, CACUR