Box 4, Folder 15, Document 1

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Box 4, Folder 15, Document 1

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DECEMBER 19, 1969


The City of Atlanta Grant Review Board met in the office of the Chief
Administrative Officer at 9:00 AM on December 19, 1969. The follow-
ing were in attendance:

Dan E. Sweat, Jr. - Chief Administrative Officer
Collier Gladin - Planning Department

George Berry - Deputy Chief Administrative Officer
Johnny Robinson - Community Development Coordinator
John Matthews - Planning Department

Linda Anderson - Finance Department

The Grant Review Board met to discuss a proposal of the City of Atlanta
Planning Department for an Interim Assistance Program under the U. S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Mr. John Matthews, City Planner explained that the Interim Assistance
Program was a new HUD Program developed in July, 1969, in order to
provide for "holding action" in the areas of Human Renewal before Urban
Renewal Programs are under taken in urban renewal neighborhoods,

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a copy of which is attached. He explained that because of the cutbacks

by HUD in Atlanta's Neighborhood Development Program and HUD's policy
that no new areas could be placed under NDP, Plunkettown had to be

eliminated from the City's 1970 NDP Program,

Mr. Matthews submitted and explained a proposed Budget totaling

$67, 250.45 with a 2/3 Federal Grant to be requested of $45,057.80. He
also submitted a list of tentative Interim Projects developed by the mem-
bers of the Plunkettown Planning Committee. <A copy of this schedule is

Mr. Gladin suggested that the Budget be amended to include relocation
assistance for those families who would be relocated from the Plunkettown
Community during the Interim Assistance Project.

Mr. Sweat suggested that every effort should be made to relocate each
family or individual who wished and could qualify into the new Gilbert
Road Public Housing Project ona priority basis.
Discussion took place as to whom would administer the IAP on financing
and on other matters.

The Grant Review Board strongly recommends the Interim Assistance
Program be submitted to HUD with the following conditions.

l. That 1963 Urban Renewal Bond funds be used to finance the City's
local share.

2. That the Program be administered by the Atlanta Housing Authority
with the understanding that the City Planning Department Staff will aid
the Atlanta Housing Authority in the planning and evaluation of the project.

3. That the Budget be amended to contain money for relocation expenses.

4. That a definite attempt be made to relocate all eligible and willing
residents into the Gilbert Road Public Housing Project as a top priority.

Project Intercept

The City of Atlanta with the support and backing of the Business Community
and the Atlanta Transit System have been working with the Department of
Transportation Center City Consultant's team in the development of a
shuttle bus system known as Project Intercept. Due to the presence of

the Christmas Holidays the decision was made to hegin Project Intercept
the day after Thanksgiving. The advantage to be gained by introducing the
public during the shopping season to the park - shuttle service was thought
to be significant. The business community has donated $30, 000 to under-
write the initial cost of this program. An additional $30,000 is needed in
the form of a demonstration grant to assist in the marketing effort. The
Planning Department had prepared a Demonstration Grant application and
requested the Grant Review Board's approval.

e Board moved to support the filing of this application and a joint resolution

Re spectfully submitted,

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Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
Chief Administrative Officer



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