Box 4, Folder 15, Document 60

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Box 4, Folder 15, Document 60

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THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this

day of , 1969, by and between the City of Atlanta, Georgia

(hereinafter called the City) and Central Atlanta Progress, Inc. (hereinafter

called the C,A,P,).


WHEREAS, detailed Central Atlanta planning as called for in the

City's Approved Land Use Plan, is needed on a continuing basis; and

WHEREAS, the Central Area Planning Policy Committee was
established to guide development of this continuing planning process, said
committee consisting of: the Mayor of Atlanta, Chairman of the Aldermanic
Finance Committee, Chairman of the Aldermanic Planning and Development
Committee, Chairman of C,A,P. Executive Committee, and the President of

C.A.P.; and

WHEREAS, the City Planning Department and the Director of
Planning for C,A,P, have developed a study design, entitled ''Central Area
Planning Program", which outlines organization, working arrangement, work

program and financing for the planning process; and

WHEREAS, the U. S. Department of Transportation, U. S. Depart-

ment of Housing and Urban Development, andxwarieus-tocel-eseneies have matching
funds and/or services available to finance Central Area studies; and

WHEREAS, a Sub-Area Transportation Study, for which C,A.P.
has pledged substantial financial and personal support, is a pre-requisite for

receiving the maximum amount of such funds;

NOW, THEREFORE, oe - pal -
Section 1
| ees
The City and the C,.A.P. agree to jundertake a Central Atlanta
Planning Program as outlined in the Study Design for the Central Atlanta Planning

Ehb. bt “A *
Process which is included as a+eferercee.

Section 2

and the C,A,P, may make any chan deemed desirable

ed to carry out the Central

in the study design's work program, which will be

Atlanta Planning Program,

Section 3

The CcA, P, agrees to commit $25,000 cash*and $43, 000 in-kind

funds with the City's share of $15,000 cash and $29, 000 in-kind ds to help

finance the Planning Program,
Section 3

The City Agrees to exercise all possible diligent efforts to
obtain any and all financial assistance that might be available
from the Federal Government for the purpose of financing the

Central Atlanta Planning Program.


In the event federal financial assistance is made available,
CAP, 4m. does hereby agree to pool its financial resources
available for the Central Atlanta Planning Program with the
resources of the City for the financings of the program.
Specifically, CAPS. agrees, in the event federal assistance
is available, to pay over to the city $25,000 in cash and
further to provide staff and other support of the program,
the full cost of which shall not be less than $H3,000. CGAP, Be,
agrees to document said staff and support costs in the manner
acceptable to the granting agency and to vrovide the City
the full documentation of such costs when requested to do so
by the City. Upsnxkka The City agrees to assume the full

financial administration of the erant project.
Section 4

oO _
The City-agr to proceed immediately in-applying to the U. S.


Department of Transportation;-the U. S. Departmen


Development; and various local agencies for any available matching funds,


sing and Urban

Witnesses: City of Atlanta



Central Atlanta Progress, Inc.




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