Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 1, Document 33
Text Item Type Metadata
Total No. Families Interviewed _ ),130_
: . NAME Projects "
Less Than | .- Over
lyr. * 1-2 yrs. | 2-3 yrs. | 3-h yrs. | 4-5 yrs.| 5 yrs.
1. How long living in city 13 = ie 9 82 We
- limits? 13 Fo 3. 2 3.2% 2.0% 28% 3.773 z
2. How tong living in public 767 hhh “6 eh
housing? 0 0 17 1,502
oe 78.3 2% S4.EF, 73.25; /3.d3; 3 7740 1902 9 OF
In Metro*Area Georgia, Outside... . Other |
(Outside City) Metro Area State
3. What place did tenant 1,017 1.930 62
come from? 2% x , 296 2 293 $6.7 Fo 3 Ls /%,
*Metro area - Fulton, DeKalb, Cobb, Clayton, Gwinnett
xXx (7 ° efzle Cr% ) Gatenen = = FEO. 1
; Number
lh. Reason for coming to Atlanta? 1. To get altura asbhebarice
¢C “Fy egored lass od pe mevy reesen, 3. To
2. To
get better housing
get better job
bese aff weaned we tea fBbMe h. ae live with relatives
Heerseng ) 5. To get off farm
? ee 6. Ghee reasons (specify)
— (below) 3708
(Show number of tenants in each category in appropriate space.)
Other princinal reasons: Born in Atlanta
Health reasons
- Married and moved here .
x m —,; & = oe 3 ff de f 30) f of! 40 ghux bs st
frees Ce ay fea) Genie padiedas the fa reynrcin oy Ce: a 5% oF fet Jeri oy ie ; ee
f - * ot A - if a *.
SEOs Pree EW re t+ a Cos wy Bp intinte at A dew ds C4363 34)-
gs i - ' i as =
a aK TPES ceeslef 4 velue.- Joke Fiebre = —e -
Total No. Families Interviewed _ ),130_
: . NAME Projects "
Less Than | .- Over
lyr. * 1-2 yrs. | 2-3 yrs. | 3-h yrs. | 4-5 yrs.| 5 yrs.
1. How long living in city 13 = ie 9 82 We
- limits? 13 Fo 3. 2 3.2% 2.0% 28% 3.773 z
2. How tong living in public 767 hhh “6 eh
housing? 0 0 17 1,502
oe 78.3 2% S4.EF, 73.25; /3.d3; 3 7740 1902 9 OF
In Metro*Area Georgia, Outside... . Other |
(Outside City) Metro Area State
3. What place did tenant 1,017 1.930 62
come from? 2% x , 296 2 293 $6.7 Fo 3 Ls /%,
*Metro area - Fulton, DeKalb, Cobb, Clayton, Gwinnett
xXx (7 ° efzle Cr% ) Gatenen = = FEO. 1
; Number
lh. Reason for coming to Atlanta? 1. To get altura asbhebarice
¢C “Fy egored lass od pe mevy reesen, 3. To
2. To
get better housing
get better job
bese aff weaned we tea fBbMe h. ae live with relatives
Heerseng ) 5. To get off farm
? ee 6. Ghee reasons (specify)
— (below) 3708
(Show number of tenants in each category in appropriate space.)
Other princinal reasons: Born in Atlanta
Health reasons
- Married and moved here .
x m —,; & = oe 3 ff de f 30) f of! 40 ghux bs st
frees Ce ay fea) Genie padiedas the fa reynrcin oy Ce: a 5% oF fet Jeri oy ie ; ee
f - * ot A - if a *.
SEOs Pree EW re t+ a Cos wy Bp intinte at A dew ds C4363 34)-
gs i - ' i as =
a aK TPES ceeslef 4 velue.- Joke Fiebre = —e -