Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 2, Document 16
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Syy eed we) es
c hae = SS ‘+ * s
a _ 7 "1
> bee = ee eee ence ae te SAE tei, Lee
“TFebuazy ty 1969 3 Pk iby STE Got ONG
a . o% wow ® UE at : 2»? “a . "t $i ;
Sal wa? CREA ae ? ie
BHEMORANDUM.. of CM UEam OL ts Wetim. Te cies ep dong
yo Besa Pe yee oP BSS ese ES me EM OF ae et
4 . RT<+ ™ Cie seat, iv i& a eat see og tae ph at Oy Rat ae 2 he
TO: Fil’. Dan aoe wut ia oa 2 oe Bes it . fi) ee
Director of Govormontal Liaison ~« * .72 octane
Action on Souewene potitions recently, § such as Sowell Road,
Kimberly Road, Brounlee Kond and Brownstown oad (still pending)
Ror lovy-ineene me jing projects has been mos t SES GOMEBEANS 5 but
is understandable Pe hah EE Ds Pg,
fnis has donb ed ne that wo are not going to got needed
sites approved in the Zorsceadlo future unless we resort to
Gifferent procedures. f gv esa s> toh as
flso, I smn convinced that 20 is not gacd Zor the City to
repeatedly create such extensive hostility ia substantial
residonptial neischborhoods by continuing to attempt rezoning
of erens for aparinents when the cards ave clearly stacked to
loose. There must be move practical wethods that could be
enployed, I Sucgests Le Bat as Y PARR SF oa SD
i. Utilization of exis a
NDP, for new dovelorr of loyeincone
housing, particularly Public Housing. This
would create little or no oppositicn fron
3 fo ues wesldontial nelighborhe OuS, ox othervise, except
wtds .¥ ... perhaps the Plannars, who consistentiy oppose .
eet era ‘vad « Logalizing housing in many such ereas thru 7 -
Slun aren 3, Shrouck
ci ees
ge Deets of ORRNeS s in actual or planned sonins. I refer
angel tick ly to portions of Lightning, Ruri
Road, a substantial area off old Harictts
Ros¢g in the viesnity of Spring Avenud,
Piunkettesn ond others. fe nust be practical
and adjust some previous theertical concepts
to nécot tho oxisencios of the sctual situations
in which we currently fing or Taeaaves, =
? = aentb-w 2 ar es %
a + 3 = . Cha Fe '
Lend 2
Hz. Dan FE. Sveat, Ji.
Yebruorvy 7, 3035!
Page 3
2. Utilization of certain City-owned prop
net now being profitably utilized,
portions of Lalrowo ed Parl property,
Prison Farin oe cortain othor sr
ts within the City.
Suitable trac
Several not now boing pre
sree star Be. Adoption of an all cut campaign to ence
‘ and pursuade County Cormissioners
such as
aaller, but
There are
fitably utilised,
An acjoining
AO: ie, De: ‘wnbncorporated areas to agree to comstzuction
fries acy Bnd supporé of Public iiousd Ww
oOo ee
nd or othor
lovieincens housing projects within their
Respective jurisdictions, close to PLES 2 wel
Zgy Levees “Gptain authontie statistical data as to” Me tegh
ive oe (a) Hoy lonz cecupants of Public Housing have
residod within the Ci avy Lindits of Atlanta;
rks . Cb) Where they cane from to Atlanta; (c) Why .
Cis hs unde Gig they cono to Atlanta; (3) How lenag have |
GoD égereed: oy. they been in Public Lousing?
Sinn,.B. -Selection by the Planning Depaytnent of ample
rayaeteliy s-.areas for Public Vousing and provide for.
wevarotiie’ rc appropriate ete thereofk, in counection -..
wi siuta ety with ea Cityeyvide veeanalysis of Zoning. Since
Rutty, Thsve we hava 9 vee ties tions of Residential -
Erie Tg SSK ZOULRS , which Goefinitely stratify construction
7 econonically; end 5 classizications of Comnoretal,
ere 3, Z.can see no Iegical reason uhy we should not |
ea Lusther stratify Anavtnuent Zoning and pernaps
have a special aategory Ror Public Housing.
&£s I see 3%, the above ste ops ave cisen atiol 6 successful
pursukt of tho lsveincome housing program in Atlanta. I would
welccue your opinion on the above and ov other don $ fox practical
Slution of the d3 CREA e : g% san Litas Et es
ache boas titi fre: Bincorely, *
a, 3? : = ei nat 4 ' 2 ste
Bah SE ea atte 8 ae ” Ss ot bees d
Spey s 28s Siti tL Maléolnm p. Jones“
oa : bie hoses eg at Housings Coordinator —
ces Mayor ivan Alien, Jr.
ir, Cociil &A. Alexander