Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 2, Document 18
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. _ 2 Rf Odgers
——— Ree ae PVE Fhe i
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February 11, 1959
TO: “Ur. Me B,. Satterficld, eee Director
Rowe Tne Author aN a: eRe a DSS are hag
Re our ‘yedent Wivossstons about obtaining certain information
_ Zrom tonants of Public Nousing projects, for the Mayor, this is “
to confirn that the timing you suggested, 1*5 March, will be
Reet es aevorys Se Lae Skee ide ANE baisy ay Byer 3
woe wae J. ras gis, Fes ht nts
cs - ra ee bee ae
retin obtaining this indrmation, we agreed, I believe on the
fot toving tuo questions:
mie o “4d, How oue hata thoy 3 ses 4ded aphiee the. gitar? &
aiva ia .City Limits of Atlanta? .:- t.téie fy2 Bitar coe.
Be ‘Where did suey ecue from to Atlanta? - Par eet
‘In addition to the above, At would be helpful ‘if ‘90
additional questions could also be asked at the same time:
3. Why did they come to Atlanta? sai"y
4. How long have they lived in Public
' Housing? a:
Sincerely, 0 es
Halcolm D. Jones
Housing Coordinator
LD /nc fee chen TL - . AD DAML whatho..
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