Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 2, Document 29
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B THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Friday, December 13, 1968
Mayor Ivan Allen Jr.’s five-
year low-cost housing goals ap-
‘pear sure of being met, the
mayor’s Housing Resources
Committee heard Thursday.
And the committee voted
unanimously at its second an-
nual meeting to push again the
so-called “package plan,’ which
|means zoning for low-cost hous-
ling throughout all sections of
the city simultaneously.
Two aldermanic committees
ment to study the matter last
August, but indirectly seemed to
hope the matter would be for-
since August.
tare under construction and 7.337
Allen at that time had sel a
by 1971.
Jones said that some of {he
7,337 in planning stages may fall
by the wayside, but 6,215 units
being considered will more than
compensate for any losses.
Jones said that the program is
4,100 behind in the public hous-
ing category, but 4,068 in the
Planning department:
director Collier Gladin Thursday:
reported no substantial progress |
had been made on the matter:
Malcolm Jones, staff!
man for the HRC, said 3,217)
hunits have been completed, 6,278 -
are in the planning stage—a!
total of 16,382 since November, |
goal of 16,800 replacement units
Allen’s Hlousing Goal Seems Sure;
Panel Pushes Zone “Pac
slightly more costly 22i(d) (3)
Although Jones’ report was
the most optimistic news by far
relating to the goals, attorney
Archer D. Smith III issued a
pessimistic warning.
“We're deluding ourselves,”
he said, “if we take these fig-
ures and quit working... We've
got to be realistic and get be-
hind the package zoning plan.”
Barlier in the meeting, Ald.
George Cotsakis took exception
asked the City Planning depart- | ——
% +
cage Plan’
to remarks made al this week's
annual Chamber of Commerce
meeting that the city’s building
codes are antiquated.
Cotsakis, chairman of the
Building Committee, asked that
the HRC and the chamber show
him specifically where changes
would help the low-cost housing
program without jeopardizing
health and = safely. If such
changes are shown, Cotsakis
said, “I assure you you'll get.
100 per cent cooperation.”
B THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Friday, December 13, 1968
Mayor Ivan Allen Jr.’s five-
year low-cost housing goals ap-
‘pear sure of being met, the
mayor’s Housing Resources
Committee heard Thursday.
And the committee voted
unanimously at its second an-
nual meeting to push again the
so-called “package plan,’ which
|means zoning for low-cost hous-
ling throughout all sections of
the city simultaneously.
Two aldermanic committees
ment to study the matter last
August, but indirectly seemed to
hope the matter would be for-
since August.
tare under construction and 7.337
Allen at that time had sel a
by 1971.
Jones said that some of {he
7,337 in planning stages may fall
by the wayside, but 6,215 units
being considered will more than
compensate for any losses.
Jones said that the program is
4,100 behind in the public hous-
ing category, but 4,068 in the
Planning department:
director Collier Gladin Thursday:
reported no substantial progress |
had been made on the matter:
Malcolm Jones, staff!
man for the HRC, said 3,217)
hunits have been completed, 6,278 -
are in the planning stage—a!
total of 16,382 since November, |
goal of 16,800 replacement units
Allen’s Hlousing Goal Seems Sure;
Panel Pushes Zone “Pac
slightly more costly 22i(d) (3)
Although Jones’ report was
the most optimistic news by far
relating to the goals, attorney
Archer D. Smith III issued a
pessimistic warning.
“We're deluding ourselves,”
he said, “if we take these fig-
ures and quit working... We've
got to be realistic and get be-
hind the package zoning plan.”
Barlier in the meeting, Ald.
George Cotsakis took exception
asked the City Planning depart- | ——
% +
cage Plan’
to remarks made al this week's
annual Chamber of Commerce
meeting that the city’s building
codes are antiquated.
Cotsakis, chairman of the
Building Committee, asked that
the HRC and the chamber show
him specifically where changes
would help the low-cost housing
program without jeopardizing
health and = safely. If such
changes are shown, Cotsakis
said, “I assure you you'll get.
100 per cent cooperation.”