Box 5, Folder 3, Document 5

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Box 5, Folder 3, Document 5

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ee er . 7

July 23, 1969

Malcolm D. Jones
W. R. Wofford


RE : Suggestions from Construction and Design Panel
Housing Resources Committee
William Beers, Chairman, Subcommittee of Panel

I have studied the comments of your Construction and Design Panel relative
to the proposed revision of the City of Atlanta Building Code and furnish the
following information:

Sec. 101. The term ‘building official' is used in accordance with the National

Buiiding Code. It must be remembered that the City of Atlanta Building Code

sets out regulations for construction of structures. Each of the codes
governing other phases of construction clearly define the building official's
responsibility in that phase. The Building Code has no authority to designate
responsibility for other activities; i.e., electrical, plumbing and heating
and ventilating.

Sec. 107.2 Ali innovations of materials and methods of assembly, when approved
by a nationally recognized testing laboratory, are immediately accepted by the
Building Department.

The Building Code Advisory Board is not authorized as an approval agency
for each innovation. It does, however, have authority to hear appeals for use
of such approved innovation. If evidence is furnished to insure that a new,
approved material and/or method of assembly gives equal safety to meet code
requirements, the Board may recommend to the Building Official that the proposal
be accepted.

In addition to those at the Building Code Advisory Board hearing only the
building inspector who will inspect the construction (authorized representative
of the building official) is concerned with recommendations of the Board. He
— of the recommendations in order that he can efficiently perform


It must be pointed out that each request ies considered on its own merit;
decisions of the Building Code Advisory Board are not to be deemed as establishing
precedents or new regulations for building construction, therefore, issuing
numbered certificates would be of no purpose or value.

General ~ A major complaint of the architects, engineers and builders has been



Malcolm DB. Jones
July 23, 1969
Page Zs

the need to refer to a group of regulations - a single volume code is considered
most practical. The City Clerk also wants e one-volume code in order that he
can certify same for court use; therefore, the Building Code Advisory Board and
the Building Department recommend one volume.

Appendices ~ The City of Atlanta follows the National Building Code. The
National Building Code is based on national standards such as Underwriters‘
Laboratories, Inc., American Society for Testing and Matertals (ASTM), American
Standards Association and all nationally recognized testing laboratories.

The Southern Standard Building Code has ite own technical code and is, in
essence, ita own engineering advisory board and the requirements are written
generally by industry iteelf.

Clerical - Any comments will be considered.


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