Box 5, Folder 3, Document 10

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Box 5, Folder 3, Document 10

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ry -
July 22, 1969


Mir. William W. Allison
Executive Administrator
Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street Building
4th Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Bill:

In accordance with request from Mr. Bill Golden, Plant Manager,
J. P. Stevens and Company, effective July 28, a small Relocation
Assistance Office is to be set up on the company premises for the
purpose of providing relocation assistance to the former company
employees who need it. Mr. Golden has agreed to provide space,
telephone and one person to assist and has also agreed to get out
and distribute, in advance, a bulletin informing the company
personnel of this service, when it will be available and the
specific lecation.

The plan approved by the City provides for your organization
(previously concurred in) to provide a person (perhaps from Mr.
Hess’ office) for this activity. Your representative is to be in
charge of the activity, and will be assisted by a relocation worker
frou the Housing Authority. It has also been suggested that your
office request a part-time representative of FHA.

It is anticipated that through the help of this Relocation
Assistance Office, all remaining former employees of the company
will, get relocated by September 1.

The approved plan for functions of this Relocation Assistance
Office include:

a. Informing all remaining families of the existance of this
Relocation Assistance Office, and encourage those who need assistame
to register their family composition, ages and sexes, amount the
family is able or willing to pay for housing, whether rental or
sales housing is desired and preference as to location.

Mr. William W. Allison
July 22, 1969
Page 2

b. The staff to record this information and then actively
attempt to relocate those families in whatever type of housing for
which they may be elligible, or that which may be available,
particularly private developments.

c. If some families are unable to pay advance rents, makeo
required utility deposits and or hire drayage for moving, the staff
should attempt to get necessary assistance through any source that
may be available, including Welfare. and charitable organizations;
also that, if necessary, consideration be given to the moving of
household goods locally, on an emergency basis, with Ciy owned
trucks and Prison labor details.

If further clarification or assistance is needed, please
contact this office.

Request that a weekly progress report be submitted to this
office each Monday, through August.


Malcolm D. Jones
Housing Coordinator

cc: Mr. R. Earl Bo


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