Box 5, Folder 3, Document 42

Dublin Core


Box 5, Folder 3, Document 42

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All paints snail ré a good prai: sade by a nationally advertised manufacturer
and shail meet Federal speci?. a‘ i mt.
Colors snall be ze:eeted ty HS
surfaces shai] t* prepared fur pairing by scraping, wire brushing to remove
teriais, grease, dit", iit, mildew, etc. Caulking material
ahd fatty shall te applied wher- o.-ded kefore final coats of paint.

Al) exte rir painting sralt : ett applaed:

Floor TeLincSaing Email ine: . » ting, fillicg and applying 1 coat primer
ahd i ovat varnasn or 2@ ¢cat-. 3h.

Wails arn céi:lings shalt ke fir. + «i with a emcoth surface, plaster cracks

ana n’les properiy Pilied. sheet: ck 3:ints taped and cement applied 3 times,

Re paiting windiws shall i: tude 1 yj tacing ail decayed or broken components,

ihtlecding panes and replaci«ée +t arplyang potty, according to the marutacturers

re afr? Wat tor
Repairing porcnes and finer. enous shalt include replacing all deteriorated

frarang and ficoring., Porch repaty incindes replacing deteriorated ceilings,

Repairirg @XLEting Biumbing or rf taacipg one or more plumbing Fixtures shall

re carsteed 19 Inelude anys aiticatvigns, additions or repiacemernts to the


plumcing system, wnich shal. r+ corisred ty the plumbing inspector of the City

nf Atlanta, at ne increase i: ire eontract price.

Repsiring of replacing elect:. .xtures or providing additionai wall
recepticies snail te construe: + include any modification, replacement of

rewiring. which shal: be order: vy the electrical inspector of the City of


Atlanta, at ne inerease in the cart price, 1

Any deviation from the contract :: materials or methods shall. te approved

by the atlanta Hoising Actnorit, «. 1 the property ouner.

Any additioral improvements wrici: wee not covered by the mntract, and are

tu ke para for by the property .1-37, must be in writing and approved by the
Atlarta Huasirg Authority.

Treat fer termites, rodents anda ! <ther vermin infestation and furnish rerewatle

termite certificate from state apy coved extermination service without clause

Wswmer agrees to pay for initial triatment".
12.1 Tais centract-is subject te items 5, 62, 8, 9, 19 & 1 ef the Terme ona

Cam@itiess Federal Rehabilitation Loan under section 312 ef the Yousiag

Act of 1964, as amended.

* l3e _The contract consists of the bid and proposal, the gerceral conditions, the
. ia - fF 7 »



apecifications, the work write-up, incorporated therein by reference and
identified by name and address of owner, and the drawings (if ny) identified
by property location and name of proparty owner or owners.

For the considerations named therein, the contractor proposes to furnish -

all the material and co ali of the work dsscribed in, and in eédondaaee
witn, the cortract -dentitied above in Item 13 of the general cenditions

for the lump-sum price of ¢


Contractor Acce ine by curer
eg eee

ern aene rte girienta aniseed Ht ar een en


Name of cornuracter ae Name of owner's}
Signature of cortractor Signazure of cwnerts)
Addrass o1 contractor Address of owreris)


Date of propesai ard bid SeDLAnce

Notorizaticn of ackrowlcogement Notvorization cf acknowledgement




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