Box 5, Folder 4, Document 21

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Box 5, Folder 4, Document 21

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August 5, 1969

Mr. George Sibley Hart
15 Joy Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02114

Dear Mr. Hart:

Your letter of July 23 to Mayor Allen, requesting information on
public developments and land development activities, including Public Housing,
has been referred to me for reply.

Your scope of proposed operation is too broad to encompass the
answers in a single letter such as this.

However, Iam enclosing a Summary (May 15) of the status of our
low-income housing program. This summary contains a page giving the
Public Housing picture of our current accelerated program.

Also enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the Second Annual Meeting
of the Housing Resources Committee.

Information on Atlanta's current and rather extensive Urban Renewal
Program may be obtained from the City's Redevelopment Agent, the Housing
Authority of the City of Atlanta, 824 Hurt Building.

Perhaps you should contact the City Planning Department for general
infosmation on shopping centers, apartment complexes, industrial Parks and
annexations; and the Building Department for information on Office Buildings.

Also I would suggest you contact Model Cities, J. C. Johnson, Director,
679 Capital Avenue, S.W., for material pertaining to Atlanta's current 3, 000
acre Model Cities project.

Hoping that the above information may be of help to you.


Malcolm D, Jones
Housing Coordinator

Encls; As Listed on
ce: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.


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