Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 5, Document 22
Text Item Type Metadata
July 17, 1969
The regular monthly meeting of the Housing Resources Committee
‘es held at 10:30 A,M., Thursday, July 17, 1969, in the main
auditorium of the John 0. Chiles Home at 435 Ashby Street, 5.W.
Invitational notice, list of those invited, with attendance
of members and guests indicated, and other related documents are
attached to the file copy only of these minutes,
Chairman Alexander opened the meeting by greeting and thank-
ing all the members for attending the meeting.
The Chairman then asked if the members would rather meet
at different places such as Public Housing Projects, etc., than
to meet at the same place every month. He explained that if
meetings were held at other places, the meetings could be
sGucational. There was general concurrence for holding some
neetings at other places than the City Hall.
The Chairman then called on some of the Chairmen of the
(“afferent Panels for reports on the activities of their Panels.
ie called first on Mrs. Dorothy Gibson, Chairman of the Social
Aspects Panel,
Mrs. Gibson stated that she made a telephone survey of five
oifferent organizations to find out their reaction as to the need
“cr emergency housing. She called the Butler Street YMCA, Urban
“ague, Atlanta Police Department and the Community Council.
“xa. Gibson also stated that she then called the Salvation Army
v2 eet their reaction. The Salvation Army stated that they do not
“31 that there is much need for emergency housing; and that most
vz the Salvation Army Shelters are inadequately staffed and cannot
provide any more Shelters for cmergency cases.
Mrs. Gibson stated that the Community Council recommended to
its Executive Committee for emergency assistance on all needs.
She then stated that the Salvation Army has an apartment
type hotel, (four units) to rent at 44 Delta Place, N.E., near
Euclid Ay J, and Edgewood Avenue, but that the Salvation Army
will not rent it out unless they have more staff and that they
will not rent to just anybody.
Tom Gibson, son of Mrs. Dorothy Gibson, was then called
on by Mrs. Gibson to make a report in conjunction with Mrs,
Cibson report.
Page 2
Mr. Gibson made a report of a survey he had conducted of part
of the personnel cf the J, PB. Stevens and Company. He reported
that there were 269 houses and out of the total number there were
169 vacant and 100 still occupied.
He stated that he visited 62 houses for questioning and that
33 of these were vacant. Eleven were occupied but heads of house-
holds were not available; that he questioned 18 heads cf households,
As a result of the questioning, 45% did at that time have
definite plans for new housing before the deadline of September
1, 1969; 37% had looked for new housing without success; 18% had
not sought new housing; and that 0% were moving to public housing
(only one man had even applied and said he received no answer).
As for findiny jobs, 100% of the people in this area stated
that J. P. Stevens had helped them to find new jobs and 11% said
that Stevens had helped in finding new housing,
There waS an average number of 2 children per house. The
average rent for the houses in the J. P. Stevens property was
$25.00, which had been taken directly from the individuals'
The Chairman then pointed out that the Veterans Administration
48 Hospital is vacant and the houses around the hospital that
were the staff quarters are also vacant. He stated that a meeting
was held July 16 with Mr. William Allison, Executive Administrator
of ZOA, and Col. Malcolm D, Jones regarding this location, There
is open land for play area that would make this place ideal for
emergency housing. General Services Administration (GSA) and
EOA are working together to find some way to fund this project
so that it may be used as temporary emergency housing.
Mr, Jones then commented on a telephone conversation he
had received that day from Mr. Golden, Plant Manager of the J. P.
Stevens and Company. Mr. Golden stated that the majority of
people were simply staying and taking advantage of the free rent
and utilities until the first of September, Mr. Golden did state
that some of the Elderly and familics with many children are having
a hard time finding apartments that will take them, Mr. Golden
Suggested that a Housing Assistance Office be set up to help these
families in finding other places to live. He also stated that he
would send notices around to thesepeople indicating place and
location of this office. He would have a representative of the
J, P. Stevens and Company to work with the City, EOA (presumably
Mr. Hess's Office) and a representative of the Housing Authority;
that he would like for this office to be set up on the 28th of
July or no later than the first Monday in August,
Page 3
The Chairman then called on Mix. Robert Watkins, Executive
Director of the Greater “tlanta Housing Development Corporation,
a nonprefit housing sponsor, to see if his Corporation can do any-
thing about this situation. Mr. Watkins stated that the Junior
Chamber of Commerce is working with him on this project and that
they are trying to buy these homes, relocate them and rehabilitate
The Chairman then asked Mr. Watkins if there is any practical
way the houses could be moved to ancther site? Mr. Watkins stated
he believed so.
Mr. fugustus Sterne, Co-Chairman of the Housing Locations
Panel, stated that the Committce should taik to Mr. Hd Harrison,
Mr. Alexander then called on Mr. Les Persells, Executive
Director of the Housing Authority and asked him if he could provide
a representative from the Housing futhority to work with the J. P.
Stevens project.
Mr. Perselis stated that he could provide 2 or 3 people but it
would be on a part-time basis because of a shortage in personnel,
He then stated that he could provide a full-time employee for about
$30.00 a day.
The Chairman then called on Mr, Ed Benson to make a report
for the Construction and Design Panel.
Mr. Benson stated that Mx. Jim Wright and Mr. A. T. Connell
made a presentation to his Panel for a proposal for an Urban Design
Study within the Model Citics area, The Construction and Design
Panel was asked to endorse their request to the Model Cities
Executive Board for funding of the proposed study.
The Panel did not feel that the proposal as presented was
specific enough to warrant endorsement. Mr. Benson stated that he
and Mz, Frank Clarke, Gcorgia Tech, were requested te check further
with Mr. Wright and Mr, Connell concerning the proposal, He stated
that now they arc satisficd that this is a worthwhile proposal and
it is therefore the recommendation of the Construction and Design
Panel that the Housing Resources Exccutive Committee cither endorse
the proposal themselves or permit the Construction and Design Panel
to endorse this proposal to the iicdel Cities “xecutive Board.
A motion was made, seconded and adopted that the Housing
Resources Committee as a whole endorse the proposal by Mr, Wright
and Mr. Conneli.
The Chairman then called on Ml. ‘rcher Smith, Chairman of the
L-gal Panel, to make a report for his Panel,
Page 4
Wx. Archer Smith reported that the Legal Panel is working
on a proposal which they intend to make as a recommendation to the
cntire Housing Resources Committec for cstablishment of 4 new
City Housing Uzpartment to keep all detailed information on housing
and to have sufficicnt employees to be able to keep ail records
current and to go all research and statistical work that needs to
be done.
The Chairman then called on if. ..ichard Harvey, Chairman of
the Public Iiclations Panel.
Mx. Harvey stated that the Public Relations Panel would like
ror cach Panel to make recommendations to the Committee on the
goals of the Committee as a whole and any other ideas on which the
Public Kielations Panel could set up some type of Publicity Campaign
to get across to the citizens, business, ogencies, ctc. the
necessity for having Public Hcusing and Low-income HeusSing.
liz. Harvey also stated the Public Relations Panel is charged
With setting up mectitgs with the candidates for Mayor, to have
each one of the candidates to come before the Cormittee as a whole
at one of our meetings. {it was suggested that the mectings be set
up with the candidates the week of September Ist. f/f motion was
made, seconded and adopted that the Public livlations Panel would
sect up meeting with the candidates for the week of weptember lst.
Chairman flexander then called on Col. Jones to comment on
the Public Hcaring on revision of the Building Code,
Col. Jones stated that at the first Public Hearing by the
Building Committee July 15, as result of request by three
organizations, one of which was the HRC, that action on the Code
was deferred until after another Public Hearing scheduled for
16:90 "*.M. July 29.
Col. Jones stated that there are only 40 copies of the
proposed revision of the Building Code in existence. Col. Jnenes
stated that he had sent a letter to the Chairmen who were involved
an this projcct. One copy of the code was sent to Mr. Elliott
for the Construction and D-sign Pancl; one was turned over to
M . Freeman Hutton for the L.gal Panel and one is in the Office
of the Housing R-sources Tonmnittee for review by any of the menbers,
Col. Jones said he would Like constructive comments to be sent to
hin no later than 5:00 P.M. on Monday, July 21, and be would
endeavor to consolidate and to gct these cornments to the Building
Official in tine for the 10:00 “4.M,. Public Haring by the Building
Code *dvisory Board set for July 22. ‘This Committec will need
12 copics of the comments (nine for the Advisory Beard and 3 for
the staff).
Page §&
Ccl. Jones then commented on the requirements for admission
to Dublic Seusing, recently given to him by the Housing Authority.
Col. Jones stated that the first basic requirement for
eligibility is that a family must be residents of Atlanta when
making application. Families just moving to the City are cligible,
but they come way down the list of priorities. By the way of
priority, urban renewal familics are housed first, then in follow-
ing order - code enforcerient, families without housing, families
about to be without housing and familics in substandard hcusing.
Col. Jones said the following are net income limits for
admission to Public fiousing:
Ne, of Porsons Income Limits
1 $3,200
2 3,900
3 4,100
4 4,300
5 4,500
6 4,800
7 4,900
3 5,000
9 5,100
10 or more 5,200
Col. Jones also stated that as of July 1, 1969, applicants
for public housing may apply at any public housing development
or the Central Office in the Hurt Building.
The Chairman then introduced Mr. Frank Sheetz,.Sheetz and
Bradfield, frchitects, to show a sound and slido presentation
on What is Public Housing?
Mr. Sheetz gave 2 presentation on Public Housing and the
basic requirements for Public Housing. Aliso stated in the
presentation was the number of Housing Authorities as of March
31, 1969, in the Southern part of the United States, which
consist of:
Georgia 192
Florida 63
south Carolina 19
North Carolina 72
Kentucky 99
Tennessee 7&8
Alabana 137
Mississippi 40
nee OS AD IE, AB ian
Page 6
This presentation was concerned mainly with small
communities rather than larger cities, but illustrated the need
for lcw-income housing in small towns, thereby easing the
pressures on large cities such as ftlanta.
The Chairman then stated that anyone who would like, could
take a tour of the John 0. Chiles high rise building for the
HZlderly. The tour consisted of visiting the craftsrcom, the
library and a tour of an apartment.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
ha . yf ea \
P viele ok ins Nenaga,
ifalcoim D. Jonegp
Housing Coordinator
Enels: As stated (with file copy)
July 17, 1969
The regular monthly meeting of the Housing Resources Committee
‘es held at 10:30 A,M., Thursday, July 17, 1969, in the main
auditorium of the John 0. Chiles Home at 435 Ashby Street, 5.W.
Invitational notice, list of those invited, with attendance
of members and guests indicated, and other related documents are
attached to the file copy only of these minutes,
Chairman Alexander opened the meeting by greeting and thank-
ing all the members for attending the meeting.
The Chairman then asked if the members would rather meet
at different places such as Public Housing Projects, etc., than
to meet at the same place every month. He explained that if
meetings were held at other places, the meetings could be
sGucational. There was general concurrence for holding some
neetings at other places than the City Hall.
The Chairman then called on some of the Chairmen of the
(“afferent Panels for reports on the activities of their Panels.
ie called first on Mrs. Dorothy Gibson, Chairman of the Social
Aspects Panel,
Mrs. Gibson stated that she made a telephone survey of five
oifferent organizations to find out their reaction as to the need
“cr emergency housing. She called the Butler Street YMCA, Urban
“ague, Atlanta Police Department and the Community Council.
“xa. Gibson also stated that she then called the Salvation Army
v2 eet their reaction. The Salvation Army stated that they do not
“31 that there is much need for emergency housing; and that most
vz the Salvation Army Shelters are inadequately staffed and cannot
provide any more Shelters for cmergency cases.
Mrs. Gibson stated that the Community Council recommended to
its Executive Committee for emergency assistance on all needs.
She then stated that the Salvation Army has an apartment
type hotel, (four units) to rent at 44 Delta Place, N.E., near
Euclid Ay J, and Edgewood Avenue, but that the Salvation Army
will not rent it out unless they have more staff and that they
will not rent to just anybody.
Tom Gibson, son of Mrs. Dorothy Gibson, was then called
on by Mrs. Gibson to make a report in conjunction with Mrs,
Cibson report.
Page 2
Mr. Gibson made a report of a survey he had conducted of part
of the personnel cf the J, PB. Stevens and Company. He reported
that there were 269 houses and out of the total number there were
169 vacant and 100 still occupied.
He stated that he visited 62 houses for questioning and that
33 of these were vacant. Eleven were occupied but heads of house-
holds were not available; that he questioned 18 heads cf households,
As a result of the questioning, 45% did at that time have
definite plans for new housing before the deadline of September
1, 1969; 37% had looked for new housing without success; 18% had
not sought new housing; and that 0% were moving to public housing
(only one man had even applied and said he received no answer).
As for findiny jobs, 100% of the people in this area stated
that J. P. Stevens had helped them to find new jobs and 11% said
that Stevens had helped in finding new housing,
There waS an average number of 2 children per house. The
average rent for the houses in the J. P. Stevens property was
$25.00, which had been taken directly from the individuals'
The Chairman then pointed out that the Veterans Administration
48 Hospital is vacant and the houses around the hospital that
were the staff quarters are also vacant. He stated that a meeting
was held July 16 with Mr. William Allison, Executive Administrator
of ZOA, and Col. Malcolm D, Jones regarding this location, There
is open land for play area that would make this place ideal for
emergency housing. General Services Administration (GSA) and
EOA are working together to find some way to fund this project
so that it may be used as temporary emergency housing.
Mr, Jones then commented on a telephone conversation he
had received that day from Mr. Golden, Plant Manager of the J. P.
Stevens and Company. Mr. Golden stated that the majority of
people were simply staying and taking advantage of the free rent
and utilities until the first of September, Mr. Golden did state
that some of the Elderly and familics with many children are having
a hard time finding apartments that will take them, Mr. Golden
Suggested that a Housing Assistance Office be set up to help these
families in finding other places to live. He also stated that he
would send notices around to thesepeople indicating place and
location of this office. He would have a representative of the
J, P. Stevens and Company to work with the City, EOA (presumably
Mr. Hess's Office) and a representative of the Housing Authority;
that he would like for this office to be set up on the 28th of
July or no later than the first Monday in August,
Page 3
The Chairman then called on Mix. Robert Watkins, Executive
Director of the Greater “tlanta Housing Development Corporation,
a nonprefit housing sponsor, to see if his Corporation can do any-
thing about this situation. Mr. Watkins stated that the Junior
Chamber of Commerce is working with him on this project and that
they are trying to buy these homes, relocate them and rehabilitate
The Chairman then asked Mr. Watkins if there is any practical
way the houses could be moved to ancther site? Mr. Watkins stated
he believed so.
Mr. fugustus Sterne, Co-Chairman of the Housing Locations
Panel, stated that the Committce should taik to Mr. Hd Harrison,
Mr. Alexander then called on Mr. Les Persells, Executive
Director of the Housing Authority and asked him if he could provide
a representative from the Housing futhority to work with the J. P.
Stevens project.
Mr. Perselis stated that he could provide 2 or 3 people but it
would be on a part-time basis because of a shortage in personnel,
He then stated that he could provide a full-time employee for about
$30.00 a day.
The Chairman then called on Mr, Ed Benson to make a report
for the Construction and Design Panel.
Mr. Benson stated that Mx. Jim Wright and Mr. A. T. Connell
made a presentation to his Panel for a proposal for an Urban Design
Study within the Model Citics area, The Construction and Design
Panel was asked to endorse their request to the Model Cities
Executive Board for funding of the proposed study.
The Panel did not feel that the proposal as presented was
specific enough to warrant endorsement. Mr. Benson stated that he
and Mz, Frank Clarke, Gcorgia Tech, were requested te check further
with Mr. Wright and Mr, Connell concerning the proposal, He stated
that now they arc satisficd that this is a worthwhile proposal and
it is therefore the recommendation of the Construction and Design
Panel that the Housing Resources Exccutive Committee cither endorse
the proposal themselves or permit the Construction and Design Panel
to endorse this proposal to the iicdel Cities “xecutive Board.
A motion was made, seconded and adopted that the Housing
Resources Committee as a whole endorse the proposal by Mr, Wright
and Mr. Conneli.
The Chairman then called on Ml. ‘rcher Smith, Chairman of the
L-gal Panel, to make a report for his Panel,
Page 4
Wx. Archer Smith reported that the Legal Panel is working
on a proposal which they intend to make as a recommendation to the
cntire Housing Resources Committec for cstablishment of 4 new
City Housing Uzpartment to keep all detailed information on housing
and to have sufficicnt employees to be able to keep ail records
current and to go all research and statistical work that needs to
be done.
The Chairman then called on if. ..ichard Harvey, Chairman of
the Public Iiclations Panel.
Mx. Harvey stated that the Public Relations Panel would like
ror cach Panel to make recommendations to the Committee on the
goals of the Committee as a whole and any other ideas on which the
Public Kielations Panel could set up some type of Publicity Campaign
to get across to the citizens, business, ogencies, ctc. the
necessity for having Public Hcusing and Low-income HeusSing.
liz. Harvey also stated the Public Relations Panel is charged
With setting up mectitgs with the candidates for Mayor, to have
each one of the candidates to come before the Cormittee as a whole
at one of our meetings. {it was suggested that the mectings be set
up with the candidates the week of September Ist. f/f motion was
made, seconded and adopted that the Public livlations Panel would
sect up meeting with the candidates for the week of weptember lst.
Chairman flexander then called on Col. Jones to comment on
the Public Hcaring on revision of the Building Code,
Col. Jones stated that at the first Public Hearing by the
Building Committee July 15, as result of request by three
organizations, one of which was the HRC, that action on the Code
was deferred until after another Public Hearing scheduled for
16:90 "*.M. July 29.
Col. Jones stated that there are only 40 copies of the
proposed revision of the Building Code in existence. Col. Jnenes
stated that he had sent a letter to the Chairmen who were involved
an this projcct. One copy of the code was sent to Mr. Elliott
for the Construction and D-sign Pancl; one was turned over to
M . Freeman Hutton for the L.gal Panel and one is in the Office
of the Housing R-sources Tonmnittee for review by any of the menbers,
Col. Jones said he would Like constructive comments to be sent to
hin no later than 5:00 P.M. on Monday, July 21, and be would
endeavor to consolidate and to gct these cornments to the Building
Official in tine for the 10:00 “4.M,. Public Haring by the Building
Code *dvisory Board set for July 22. ‘This Committec will need
12 copics of the comments (nine for the Advisory Beard and 3 for
the staff).
Page §&
Ccl. Jones then commented on the requirements for admission
to Dublic Seusing, recently given to him by the Housing Authority.
Col. Jones stated that the first basic requirement for
eligibility is that a family must be residents of Atlanta when
making application. Families just moving to the City are cligible,
but they come way down the list of priorities. By the way of
priority, urban renewal familics are housed first, then in follow-
ing order - code enforcerient, families without housing, families
about to be without housing and familics in substandard hcusing.
Col. Jones said the following are net income limits for
admission to Public fiousing:
Ne, of Porsons Income Limits
1 $3,200
2 3,900
3 4,100
4 4,300
5 4,500
6 4,800
7 4,900
3 5,000
9 5,100
10 or more 5,200
Col. Jones also stated that as of July 1, 1969, applicants
for public housing may apply at any public housing development
or the Central Office in the Hurt Building.
The Chairman then introduced Mr. Frank Sheetz,.Sheetz and
Bradfield, frchitects, to show a sound and slido presentation
on What is Public Housing?
Mr. Sheetz gave 2 presentation on Public Housing and the
basic requirements for Public Housing. Aliso stated in the
presentation was the number of Housing Authorities as of March
31, 1969, in the Southern part of the United States, which
consist of:
Georgia 192
Florida 63
south Carolina 19
North Carolina 72
Kentucky 99
Tennessee 7&8
Alabana 137
Mississippi 40
nee OS AD IE, AB ian
Page 6
This presentation was concerned mainly with small
communities rather than larger cities, but illustrated the need
for lcw-income housing in small towns, thereby easing the
pressures on large cities such as ftlanta.
The Chairman then stated that anyone who would like, could
take a tour of the John 0. Chiles high rise building for the
HZlderly. The tour consisted of visiting the craftsrcom, the
library and a tour of an apartment.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
ha . yf ea \
P viele ok ins Nenaga,
ifalcoim D. Jonegp
Housing Coordinator
Enels: As stated (with file copy)