Box 1, Folder 3, Document 41

Dublin Core


Box 1, Folder 3, Document 41

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April 7, 1969

Mr. W. R. Wofford
Inspector of Buildings
800 City Hall

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Re: Harry Seitz
361 Magnolia St. N. W.
R=-361 Magnolia St. #1
R-361 Magnolia St. #2
R-359 Magnolia St. #1
R-359 Magnolia St. #2
365 Magnolia St. N. W.

Dear Mr. Wofford:

I am in receipt of your letter dated April 2, 1969 in
which reference is made to the above described properties.

On Pebruary 6, 1969 the defendant, Harry Seitz, was
tried in my Court and was ordered to cause the above properties
to be repaired or vacate and demolish on or before 60 days.

There was a discussion in Court to the effect that mr.
Seitz would like to remove the tenants from said properties
and Mr. B. Le. Lowery at this time stated he would help the
tenants relocate and assist them in finding other places to

On March 27, 1969 Mr. Seitz called and wanted me to meet
him at his office, which adjoins the above described properties.
At this time he stated that he wanted to demolish the houses
and that this was the reason he bought these properties because
it joined his company property and that he wished to demolish
the houses and clear the land, but that the tenants were still
in some of the houses. I told him at this time that I remembered
Mr. Lowery stating he would help the tenants relocate and that
I would ask Mrs. Dusthimer to contact Mr. Lowery and have him
contact the tenants in regards to relocating, and Mr. Seitz
said if he could get the tenants out he would demolish the
houses immediately, but that he did not wish to arouse the ire
o£ the tenants to the detriment of his properties and adjoining
property and if the City would just help him in relocating them
he would be very appreciative.

It appears maybe Mr. Seitz thought that the City was going
to help the tenants relocate and that the City thought Mr. Seitz
was going to give the tenants notice and relocate them, but ap-
parently, neither has been done.

I am aware that slum conditions exist at these properties,
but I did not know that many property owners of the area were
keenly watching the outcome of these properties.

In reviewing some of the file in this particular case, I
notice that Mr. Seitz purchased these properties on April 2,
1968, recorded in Court House April 10, 1968, and that ten
months expired before the Building Department took any action
to bring this man into Court on Pebruary 6, 1969.

In view of the fact that so much time elapsed without the
City taking any action, I feel that it would be only just and
fair to help the tenants relocate, or give them reasonable time,
which they have under the Law to relocate because the properties
could not be demolished until the tenants are relocated.

If you have any further questions regarding these properties,
Please do not hesitate to call me at any time.

With kindest personal regards,
Yours very truly
TCL:eb T. Cc. Little
ec: Mrs. Colette Dusthimer

Prosecuting Attorney JS
cet Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.



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