Box 5, Folder 5, Document 55

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Box 5, Folder 5, Document 55

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Office of the’ Mayor

PHONE 522- 4463

May 14, 1969

From Malcolm D. Jones,
Housing Coordinator

To: Mr. George L. Aldridge, Jr.

Re your memorandum of May 8, 1969,. Subject:
Tentative Schedule for Assembling 1970 Neighbor-
heod Development Program Application, as you
probably know Mayor Allen has iustructed the
Housing Resources Committee to “Support the
need to inciude highly critical sreas, such as
Plunkettown and Lightning in the 1970 NDP
application fer execution purposes",

Therefore, as ropresentative of the Housing
Resources Committee and the Mayor's Office, I
would like te be infermed of any anticipated or
scheduled meetings or discussions on the 1970
NDP application and have the opportunity to
participate therein.


ec: Mr. Cecil A. Alexander
Mr. Dan E. Svest, Jr.

FORM 25-15


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