Box 5, Folder 5, Document 59

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Box 5, Folder 5, Document 59

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Office of the Mayor

PHONE 522- 4463

April 2, 1969

From Malcolm D. sf
Housing Coordina

To: Mayor ivan Allen, Jr.
Mr. R. Eari Landers
ix, Dan E, Sweat, Jr.

Three staff members of the National Acadeny
of Public Administration Mr. Dominic DelGuidice,
Project Director, and Mr. Elias B. Silverman and
Mr. Charles R. Warren are in Atlanta now conduct-
ing a study under contract with HUD on four
HUD-assisted urban prograws: Turnkey, inner-city
open space, basic sever and water facilities
grants and 221 d(3) (see attached letter).

These gontlemen have requested that £
arrange an interview with you at your convenience
on either Thursday or Friday of this week or
Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of noxt week to
discuss Atlianta‘s role in the four

They are also conducting interviews with uualfzous
other City, County, State and Federal Officials.

Atlanta is the piict City fox this study.
There will be six other Cities,

Joint interview with the three of you is
/xreterred, but will mske separetely if necessary.

a ee ae ee ae Senor ee eee

Enel: Copy, letter dated March 27, 1969

FORM 25-15


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