Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 6, Document 20
Text Item Type Metadata
June 3, 1968
Several weeks ago Mrs. Charles W. Heeden of Lithonia
(telephone 482-6149) called me concerning her property at 512-14
Decatur St., S. E. This property was under Housing Code
proceedings several years ago, together with other properties in
the same block on either side of the Heeden property.
As a result of the Housing Code procedures and my personal
efforts at that time to enforce the Code, the Heeden's removed
the top floor (residential) of the building at 512-14 Decatur
St., S. E. and remodeled the ground floor for business at a
cost of approximately $12,000,
I informed Mrs. Heeden that I was no longer directly
involved in Code Enforcement and referred her to Mr. James A.
Smith, Chief of the Housing Code Division.
This date, Mrs. Heeden called me again and read to me a
recent Court Order (copy attached) pertaining to the properties
adjacent to hers and informed me that her Insurance Company has
cancelled her insurance on the property at 512-14 Decatur St. and
that she cannot get insurance with any other company because of
the fire hazard caused by the adjacent properties.
Mrs. Heeden specifically requested that I bring this matter
to the attention of the Mayor; that she complied with the City's
request to improve the property at 512-14 Decatur St. and that the
owners of the adjacent properties (which were in worse condition
than hers) have done nothing and that she is now the victim of
circumstances by damage being caused by these adjacent properties.
This is a case of long standing. Housing Code violations
on these properties were reported and corrective action initialed
in 1961, ‘63 and ‘64. The attached Court Order pertains to the
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June 3, 1968
Memorandum For Record
following properties:
609 Memorial Drive, 8.E.
615 Memorial Drive, 8S. E.
510 Decatur Street, S. E.
516 Decatur Street, 8. E.
530 Decatur Street, S. E.
This case is making a mockery of the Housing Code and
"In Rem" Ordinance of the City of Atlanta. I was personally
involved in enforcement procedures against these properties,
as Director of Urban Rewewal, during the period of 1961-64.
Subsequently, as Supervisor of Inspection Services in the
Bullding Department, I discussed this case at length personally
with Judge Whitman of the Fulton County Superior Court and with
Mr. Robert H. Cleveland, receiver for the executors of the
Estate of Mrs. E. C. Johnson, deceased.
I recommend that these properties be personally inspected
by any one involved with this case and that the best legal
talent available be utilized in an all out effort to resolve
this case in behalf of the City.
Malcolm D. Jones
Housing Coordinator
Encl; Copy of Court Order dated May 23, 1968.
i a a
Several weeks ago Mrs. Charles W. Heeden of Lithonia
(telephone 482-6149) called me concerning her property at 512-14
Decatur St., S. E. This property was under Housing Code
proceedings several years ago, together with other properties in
the same block on either side of the Heeden property.
As a result of the Housing Code procedures and my personal
efforts at that time to enforce the Code, the Heeden's removed
the top floor (residential) of the building at 512-14 Decatur
St., S. E. and remodeled the ground floor for business at a
cost of approximately $12,000,
I informed Mrs. Heeden that I was no longer directly
involved in Code Enforcement and referred her to Mr. James A.
Smith, Chief of the Housing Code Division.
This date, Mrs. Heeden called me again and read to me a
recent Court Order (copy attached) pertaining to the properties
adjacent to hers and informed me that her Insurance Company has
cancelled her insurance on the property at 512-14 Decatur St. and
that she cannot get insurance with any other company because of
the fire hazard caused by the adjacent properties.
Mrs. Heeden specifically requested that I bring this matter
to the attention of the Mayor; that she complied with the City's
request to improve the property at 512-14 Decatur St. and that the
owners of the adjacent properties (which were in worse condition
than hers) have done nothing and that she is now the victim of
circumstances by damage being caused by these adjacent properties.
This is a case of long standing. Housing Code violations
on these properties were reported and corrective action initialed
in 1961, ‘63 and ‘64. The attached Court Order pertains to the
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June 3, 1968
Memorandum For Record
following properties:
609 Memorial Drive, 8.E.
615 Memorial Drive, 8S. E.
510 Decatur Street, S. E.
516 Decatur Street, 8. E.
530 Decatur Street, S. E.
This case is making a mockery of the Housing Code and
"In Rem" Ordinance of the City of Atlanta. I was personally
involved in enforcement procedures against these properties,
as Director of Urban Rewewal, during the period of 1961-64.
Subsequently, as Supervisor of Inspection Services in the
Bullding Department, I discussed this case at length personally
with Judge Whitman of the Fulton County Superior Court and with
Mr. Robert H. Cleveland, receiver for the executors of the
Estate of Mrs. E. C. Johnson, deceased.
I recommend that these properties be personally inspected
by any one involved with this case and that the best legal
talent available be utilized in an all out effort to resolve
this case in behalf of the City.
Malcolm D. Jones
Housing Coordinator
Encl; Copy of Court Order dated May 23, 1968.
i a a