Box 5, Folder 6, Document 23

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Box 5, Folder 6, Document 23

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Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal
March 22, 1968

The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor
City of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia

Tear Iven:

In Gonnection with the implementation of the housing phase of the
Riot Keport, we sugzest the following:

1. #4 personal letter from you to all developers who have net
broken ground urging them to get moving. Colonel Jones can
supply you with the nanes.

2. Cail on the Alcernanic Eoard to revise the City Building

al Code to conform with the Kational Fuilding Code, thus c1abliig
‘ less expensive deca benct $n.
3. Ask the Atlanta Eousing Authority to take 1,000 of the
&p mike now to he develoned by the turniey process and revert
to the old method of building them using the Authorit
“ It is in the arsa of public housing units that we are sehind

your schedule.

. #4, Peview the new master lend use nlen to include sone nore
“A and strateric areas for housing. nen call on the Aldermanic
J Board to adont the first phase of the master plan as a new

zoning ordinances.

f 85, Appoint @ coxmittee cf the Aldermanic Board to deal with
| housing.

#I have discussed these last two items with Rodney Cook.

wy “ 6. Ask Lee Burge to announce the formation of the non-profit
re housing Eunety I understand this is pretty well lined up.
; Cex.

— Jr ajo 4 Jette der SVoaxeS erp * Fare

Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal

March 22, 12693
Page 2 ~ The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. -

If you want to discuss any of these suggestions call on me,


or Cecil A. Alexander
ce! Hr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
Kr. Halcolm D. Jones ae



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