Box 5, Folder 6, Document 38

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Box 5, Folder 6, Document 38

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ee ee eS ee ee 22S SS ee ee ee ee ee ee ea ee

Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal
May $6, 1968

Dr. John W. Letson, Superintendent
Atlanta Public Schools E

Me, Bill Cc. Wainwright, President
Atlanta Board of Education


Enclosed is an information bulletin concerning the New York City Edu-
cational Construction Fund.

As you know the Housing Resources Committee, through its Legal Panel,
has been seeking means to construct schecls under e lease arrangement
simultaneously with the construcitonm of housing. Mr. Archer D. Smith,
Chairman of that panel, has been asked to consult with you concerning

two alternate legislative routes to make this possible. The enclosed
bulletin is still another approach to the problem and appears to have
excellent possibilities in housing projects as well as other fields.

Among the Technical Consultants for the New York Fund is Mr. John Hi.
Muller, Real Estate Advisor, who is a personal friend and business
associate of wine. If you would care to discuss this Fund with hin,
I am sure he will meet with you.

Please give thie approach your consideration. Our Housing Resources
Committee will help in any way that it can.



ec: Me. Ivan Alien, Jr.
tie. Archer b. Snith
tr. Dan E. Sweat, Jv. ~~
Me. Maleole D. Jones



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