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Box 5, Folder 7, Document 1
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1:43 May 6, 1968
8 (pd cree Cyr SODAS RE sey aig. Qle¢ceasr
v Ch at VECTOR, S bP ok an Wasy FTPs eee 4S ES
Honorable H. Ralph Taylor
Assistant Secretary = ..-- irigead of 2 4 gece OF Lobe Lstiaing
Department of Housing and Urban Ds velapnesies ioats and willingaess
Washington, D. C. 204/10 .
Dear Secretary Taylor: Magee your
Your letter of April 22 informing us of the proposed low-cost
housing experiment by HUD in perhaps 20 cities having Model
Cities grants is most intriguing. We definitely want you to include
Atlanta on your list as one of the cities willing to cooperate in the
development of innovative techniques, particularly in our extensive
Model Cities area, in interest of generating increased levels and
reducing construction costs of dwelling units for low-income
On May 2 our Housing Resources Committee adopted a Resolution
recommending early selection and development for low-income
housing, as soon as possible, of approximately a ten acre
portion of the worst residential section of our Model Cities ~
area, through "advance land acquisition" procedure.
We have also been approached by an Engineer, reputable local
Contractor and Architect team which is anxious to obtain a site
in our Model Cities area for construction of several hundred units
of high density (40 units per acre) low-income housing, using a
"patent applied for'' concept of precast concrete general purpose
angle slabs that can be cast on-site and installed with a minimum
of equipment and using primarily untrained local labor.
The principal in this team, Mr. John McNamara, Engineer of
Savannah, Georgia, I understand has already contacted a couple
of your people in Washington about his concept - Mr. Porter Driscoll,
Secretary Taylor
Page Two
May 6, 1968
Director, Architectural Division, FHA in HUD, and Mr. Deman,
Assistant Commissioner for Technical Standards in HUD.
We hope that you will keep us advised of the progress of this housing
experiment and assure you of our desire to participate and willingness
to cooperate in this venture,
Sate mata ty E 7 ink: Sincerely yours ;
a i wn # ia ose tn pes : r ‘ " Ivan Allen, Tee, F ni
ae 6 . rt Mayor
‘IASrify : bean oe
8 (pd cree Cyr SODAS RE sey aig. Qle¢ceasr
v Ch at VECTOR, S bP ok an Wasy FTPs eee 4S ES
Honorable H. Ralph Taylor
Assistant Secretary = ..-- irigead of 2 4 gece OF Lobe Lstiaing
Department of Housing and Urban Ds velapnesies ioats and willingaess
Washington, D. C. 204/10 .
Dear Secretary Taylor: Magee your
Your letter of April 22 informing us of the proposed low-cost
housing experiment by HUD in perhaps 20 cities having Model
Cities grants is most intriguing. We definitely want you to include
Atlanta on your list as one of the cities willing to cooperate in the
development of innovative techniques, particularly in our extensive
Model Cities area, in interest of generating increased levels and
reducing construction costs of dwelling units for low-income
On May 2 our Housing Resources Committee adopted a Resolution
recommending early selection and development for low-income
housing, as soon as possible, of approximately a ten acre
portion of the worst residential section of our Model Cities ~
area, through "advance land acquisition" procedure.
We have also been approached by an Engineer, reputable local
Contractor and Architect team which is anxious to obtain a site
in our Model Cities area for construction of several hundred units
of high density (40 units per acre) low-income housing, using a
"patent applied for'' concept of precast concrete general purpose
angle slabs that can be cast on-site and installed with a minimum
of equipment and using primarily untrained local labor.
The principal in this team, Mr. John McNamara, Engineer of
Savannah, Georgia, I understand has already contacted a couple
of your people in Washington about his concept - Mr. Porter Driscoll,
Secretary Taylor
Page Two
May 6, 1968
Director, Architectural Division, FHA in HUD, and Mr. Deman,
Assistant Commissioner for Technical Standards in HUD.
We hope that you will keep us advised of the progress of this housing
experiment and assure you of our desire to participate and willingness
to cooperate in this venture,
Sate mata ty E 7 ink: Sincerely yours ;
a i wn # ia ose tn pes : r ‘ " Ivan Allen, Tee, F ni
ae 6 . rt Mayor
‘IASrify : bean oe